Monday, October 24, 2005

Meeting Vicka on early October morning

This morning we got up really early. I have said to my group of 35 that we are going to Podbrdo to meet Vicka, one of the Medjugorje visionaries, at her house.
Arriving at 8 o'clock in front of the house to meet hundreds, if not thousands of people from all over the world.

My colleagues have been searching the way to get us, guides and translators , through the crowds and on the famous stairs, since we needed to translate in different languages. Often is necessary that one guide (translator) speaks fluently two languages along with Croatian so that translations can be made for at least two different language group's.
People were trying to get better position, to see Vicka while she speaks. To see that wonderful smile of hers.
In one moment Vicka came ot of her room and started greeting everybody. After she spoke for Italian,Polish,French and German it was our turn. She spoke about main messages of Our Lady, about Our Lady and her appearances, then about how Gospa took her and Jakov to see heaven, hell and purgatory. Vicka also prayed in silence for all of us present. She promised to present all of us and our troubles and wishes before Our Lady this evening, during apparitions, and has asked from us that we do the same at 17h40 (time of apparition). She has asked that we open our hearts at this time and pour our hearts before Our Lady.

It was just great. Seeing her with that smile on her face and listening her repeating Gospa's words for all of us. I can only imagine how it is for the people who get that chance to see and here Vicka only once in their life, if I who have been there numerous times, still get the same thrill. Just knowing that you have someone in front of you so joyful, so full of life, so full of compasion, love and patiance for everybody, and to know that in the same time this person is suffering greatly, in silance.
This is all for now, I have to run to meet my pilgrims.
God bless you all

Friday, October 21, 2005

Program and Lecturers

The 6th International Meeting for Married Couples
The 6th International Meeting for Married Couples will take place in Medjugorje
from October 26 to 29, 2005.

The theme of the seminar is
“Dialog in the Family – How to Educate Children?”

Wednesday, October 26, 2005.
1 pm – Registration of the participants
4 pm – Introduction to the seminar
5 pm – Evening Prayer Program in the church (rosary, holy mass)
9 pm – Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Thursday, October 27, 2005.
9 am – Morning Prayer
9:30 am – Lecture, sharing (dr. Petar Krešimir Hodžić)
12 am - Silent adoration
3 pm – Lecture, sharing
5 pm – Evening Prayer Program in the church (Rosary, Holy Mass, Adoration)

Friday, October 28, 2005.
6.30 am – Prayer on Cross Mountain
9:30 am – Lecture, sharing (Croatian Community of Marriage Encounters - HZBS)
12 am - Silent adoration
2 pm – Lecture, sharing (Croatian Community of Marriage Encounters - HZBS)
4 pm – Preparation for confession
5 pm – Evening Prayer Program in the church (Rosary, Holy Mass, Veneration of the Cross)

Saturday, October 29, 2005.
7 am – Prayer on Apparition Hill
9 am – Morning prayer
9:30 am – Lecture, sharing (Croatian Community of Marriage Encounters - HZBS)
12 am – Holy Mass – end of the seminar

Bring with you: a small FM radio with headphones (for simultaneous translation) and a Bible.
The seminar will take place in Medjugorje in the New Hall. Participation per couple: 40 €.
You may make reservations by, or by fax +387-36-651-999 (for Marija Dugandzic).

The number of participants is limited because of the available space in the Hall, se we ask you to send your registration as soon as possible, latest by the end of September. All the participants are invited to individually provide their accommodation in Medjugorje.


Petar-Krešimir Hodžić doctor of medicine, CIMI, was born in 1974 in Trogir (Croatia). He completed his studies in medicine in Zagreb in 2001. During his studies, he was elected the first president of the Association of the students of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Zagreb. In this function, he was involved in the co-operation and the international exchange of students. He also was at the origin of two international projects within the framework of the World Federation of the associations of the medical students. With his wife Rafaela, engineer in biology and musician, he specialized in prenatal and perinatal psychology, education and health in the USA. In 2001, he also obtained the certificate of instructor in massage of the newborn babies. In February 2002, he was appointed advisor of the Association for prenatal and perinatal education and health in the USA. At the end of 2002, he is the founder and the first president of Croatian Association for prenatal and perinatal education and health. In 2003, in Zagreb, he started to give courses of prenatal communication according to the programs of the international project PROCREOS, and since September 2004, he is preparing his doctorate by correspondence in prenatal and perinatal psychology at Santa Barbara, CA, USA, the only institution in the world which proposes the masters programme and the doctorate in this field. Since December 2004, he is working for the Council for the family of the Croatian Episcopal Conference. He lives in Zagreb with his wife and their daughter. He is giving conferences and takes part in international conferences in Croatia and abroad. Together with a team of experts, which gathers around him, he is directing all his efforts towards the well being of children and the family.

The principal goal of the “Croatian Community of Marriage Encounters” (HZBS) is the renewal of the sacrament of marriage and of priesthood. In its program, the HZBS supports the open communication between fiancées and in the marriage, as well as between the parents and the children. For this, it organizes monthly workshops of communication for couples, as well as meetings for couples. The entry in this movement (known in the world as “Marriage Encounters”) is a stage of communication for the couple, called the Marriage Weekend, led by three formed and experienced couples and a priest. The experience of the workshops for fiancées and for married couples, whatever their age, showed the efficacy and the need for such a form of renewal and strengthening of the family. Many married couples give witness to the improvement of the relations inside the couple, and a great number of them gave up the project of divorce after such a weekend.

Prof Dr. Sc Elza Jurun was born in 1958 in Split, where she completed her studies in economy. She obtained her Masters Degree in 1986, and her doctorate in 1993 at the faculty of economy in Zagreb. She is teaching the Quantitative Methods in economy at the faculty of economy in Split. She is author of several scientific texts and vice-president of the Croatian Pan European Union Split. As a member of the Council for the demographic development at the Ministry for the development and the renewal, she is one of the authors of the National Program of the demographic development of Croatia. For her merits in the demographic development and the promotion of moral and social values, she was honoured by the President of the Republic in 1996. She is active in the Association of the parents with four or more children “Club 4+”, of which she was also the president. She is member of the Episcopal Council for the Family and the Working group of the Episcopal Conference of Croatia. She is married and has six children.

Nikica Jurun was born in 1953 in Split. He is working at the engineering department of the Faculty of economy in Split. His greatest richness is his family - his wife Elza and their six children. Since 1998, with his wife, he is leading the Marriage Weekends in the HZBS. The couple taught at the Family Summer School in Zagreb and gave many testimonies during the seminars for married couples, round tables and retreats in all Croatia.

Andja Veža was born in 1955 in Imotski. In 1980, she obtained her Masters Degree in Economy of the Faculty of Split. She is working in the economy, and her greatest richness is her family - her husband and their four children. She is member of the “Club 4+”, she is implied in the HZBS with her husband Ivica since 1978. They led about thirty meetings in Split and in Dalmatia. With Father Josip Sremic, they were the national team of the HZBS during three years.

Prof Dr. Sc Ivica Veža was born in 1951 in Split. In 1975, he graduated in Construction of machines and ships in Split, in 1980 he got his Masters Degree, and in 1985 his doctorate. He completed his specialization in the Fraunhofer Institutes in Berlin and Stuttgart (Germany). Since 2000, he is a pro-dean for teaching at the Faculty of electrical engineering, of construction of machines and ships in Split. He is author of four books and more than 100 scientific texts published in local and international reviews, and Proceedings of symposiums. He is member of several associations of specialists in the country and abroad. He is member of the Council for the family of the Croatian Episcopal Conference. He is married and is father of four children.

News from Medjugorje parish

Mons. Michael Pearse Lacey, retired auxiliary bishop of Toronto (Canada) on his fourth private pilgrimage to Medjugorje

Mons. Michael Pearse Lacey, retired auxiliary bishop of Toronto, was on his fourth private pilgrimage in Medjugorje from October 9 to 17, 2005. He came with a group of pilgrims from Canada. He was following the usual program for pilgrims, and was hearing confessions. At the Parish office, Mons. Lacey met the Franciscans serving in Medjugorje.
Mons. Lacey was ordained a priest in 1943, and a bishop in 1979. He retired in 1993. He came for the first time to Medjugorje in 1987. He believes that Our Lady is appearing here.
Medjugorje informaiton centre"MIR"

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

News from Medjugorje

Good morning to you all!

It is cold but sunny day here in Medjugorje. We are working hard. Many pilgrims are still in village, daily program goes on and all seams well.

Father Jozo has left for Italy where he will have numerous prayer meetings in different parishes. He is due back October 27th.
  • * Venerdì 21 ottobre – ore 16 TREVISO – Parrocchia S. MariaAusiliatrice Chiesa votiva – Via Sebastiano, 34
  • * Sabato 22 Ottobre ore 14,30 GARLASCO (PV) santuario "MADONNA dellaBOZZOLA"

Vicka is also leaving for Italy later this week. She will be having a prayer meeting together with sister Elvira from community Cenacolo.
  • * 30 OTTOBRE CATANIA incontro di preghiera e testimonianze con la veggenteVicka (salvo imprevisti di salute) e suor Elvira Petrozzi della comunitàCenacolo di Medjugorje. Al PalaCatania di Corso Indipendenza, dalle ore9.00.

God bless you !



VATICAN CITY, OCT 17, 2005 (VIS) - Following is the text of the interview granted by Benedict XVI to Polish State Television (TVP) for the occasion of the Day of the Pope, which has been celebrated in Poland on October 16 for the last five years.

The interview, with Fr. Andrzej Majewski, head of Catholic programming at TVP, was recorded in the Apostolic Palace of Castelgandolfo and transmitted in Poland on Sunday October 16. From 8.30 p.m. on that day, the text was made available on the Internet site of Vatican Radio in the original Italian, and with translations in English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish. The English-language translation of Vatican Radio is given below:

"Thank you, Holy Father, for granting us this brief interview on the occasion of the Pope's Day, which is being celebrated in Poland.

"On October 16th, 1978, Cardinal Karol Wojtyla became Pope, and from that day Pope John Paul II, for more than 26 years, as the Successor of St. Peter, as you are now, led the Church together with the bishops and cardinals. Among the cardinals, your Holiness was also present, enjoying the appreciation and esteem of your predecessor: a person about whom Pope John Paul wrote in his book 'Arise, and let's be on our way' - and here I quote 'I thank God for the presence and help of Cardinal Ratzinger. He is a proven friend,' John Paul II wrote.

"Holy Father how did this friendship begin and when did your Holiness meet Cardinal Karol Wojtyla?

"A. I him personally during the two pre-Conclaves and Conclaves of 1978. Naturally I had heard about Cardinal Wojtyla, especially in the context of correspondence between the Polish and German Bishops in 1965. The German Cardinals told me about the great merits and contribution of the Cardinal of Krakow and how he was the soul of this historic correspondence. I had also heard from university friends about his stature as a philosopher and thinker. But as I said, the first personal encounter took place during the Conclave of 1978. I liked him from the beginning and, thanks to God, without any merit on my part, the then Cardinal immediately made friends with me. I am grateful for this trust that he showed me. Above all, when I watched him pray, I saw and understood, that he was a man of God. This was my first impression: a man who lives with God and in God. I was also impressed by the unprejudiced cordiality with which he made my acquaintance. On various occasions he addressed these pre-conclave meetings of the cardinals, and it was here I had the opportunity to experience his stature as a thinker. Without using big words, he created a heartfelt relationship and immediately after his election as Pope he called me to Rome several times for talks and in the end he appointed me Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

"Q. So this appointment and convocation to Rome didn't come as a surprise?

"A. It was hard for me, because when I was made Bishop of Munich, with a solemn consecration in Munich cathedral, I felt I had an obligation towards this diocese, almost like a marriage. So I felt bound to this diocese. There were several difficult unresolved problems and I didn't want to leave the diocese that way. I discussed all of this with the Holy Father, with great frankness and he was very paternal towards me. He gave me time to reflect and said he also wanted to reflect. Finally he convinced me that this was the will of God. Thus I could accept this calling and this great responsibility, which wasn't easy and which was beyond my capacity. But trusting in the paternal benevolence of the Pope and in the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I could say yes.

"Q. This experience lasted for more than 20 years...

"A. Yes, I arrived in February 1982 and it lasted until the death of the Pope in 2005.

"Q. In your opinion, Holy Father, what are the most significant moments of the Pontificate of John Paul II?

"A. We can see it (the Pontificate) from two perspectives: one 'ad extra' - toward the world - and the other 'ad intra' - toward the Church. With regard to the world, it seems to me that through his speeches, his person, his presence, his capacity to convince, the Holy Father created a new sensitivity for moral values, for the importance of religion in the world. This has created a new opening, a new sensitivity towards religion and the need for a religious dimension in man. Above all, the importance of the Bishop of Rome has increased immensely. Despite the differences and despite their non-recognition of the Successor of Peter, all Christians have recognized that he is the spokesman of Christianity. No one else in the world, on an international level can speak in the name of Christianity like this and give voice and strength to the Christian reality in the world today. He was the spokesman of the great values of humanity for non Christians and other religions too. He managed to create a climate of dialogue among the great religions and a sense of common responsibility that we all have for the world. He also stressed that violence and religion are incompatible and that we must search for the path to peace together, taking common responsibility for humanity. Regarding the situation of the Church, I would say that, first of all, he knew how to infuse enthusiasm for Christ in young people. This is something new, if we think of the youth of late sixties and seventies. That youth has become enthusiastic for Christ and for the Church and for difficult values. It was his personality and charisma that helped mobilize the youth of the world for the cause of God and for the love of Christ. In the Church, he created a new love for the Eucharist. We are still in the Year of the Eucharist, called by him with so much love. He created a new awareness of the greatness of Divine Mercy; and he deepened devotion to Our Lady. In this way he guided us toward an internalizing of the faith and, at the same time, toward a greater efficiency. Of course we have to mention his essential contribution to the great changes in the world in 1989, contributing to the collapse of socialism.

"Q. During the course of your personal encounters and your talks with John Paul II, what made the most impression on Your Holiness? Could you tell us about your last meetings, perhaps of this year, with John Paul II?

"A. Yes. I had two encounters with him at the end: one was at the Gemelli Hospital, around February 5 or 6; and the second was the day before his death, in his room. During the first encounter, the Pope was visibly suffering but was perfectly lucid and very aware. I had gone to see him about work because I needed him to make certain decisions. Though visibly suffering the Holy Father followed what I was saying with great attention. He communicated his decisions in a few words, and gave me his blessing. He greeted me in German and confirmed his trust and friendship. I was very moved to see how he suffered in union with the suffering Lord, and how he bore his suffering with the Lord and for the Lord. I also saw his inner serenity and how totally aware he was. The second encounter was the day before his death: he was visibly in great pain, and was surrounded by doctors and friends. He was still very lucid and he gave me his blessing. He could not talk much. The patience he showed at this time of suffering was a great lesson for me: to see how he believed he was in the hands of God and how he abandoned himself to the will of God. Despite his visible pain, he was serene, because he was in the hands of Divine Love.

"Q. Holy Father, often in your speeches you evoke the figure of John Paul II and of John Paul II you say he was a great Pope, a venerated late predecessor. We always remember the words you pronounced at the Mass last April 20, words dedicated precisely to John Paul II. It was you, Holy Father, who said - and here I quote - 'it seems as though he is tightly holding my hand, I see his laughing eyes and I hear his words, which at that moment he is directing to me in particular: 'do not be afraid!' Holy Father, finally a very personal question: do you continue to feel the presence of John Paul II, and if you do, in what way?

"A. Certainly. I'll begin by answering the first part of your question. Initially, in speaking of the Pope's legacy, I forgot to mention the many documents that he left us - 14 encyclicals, many Pastoral Letters, and others. All this is a rich patrimony that has not yet been assimilated by the Church. My personal mission is not to issue many new documents, but to ensure that his documents are assimilated, because they are a rich treasure, they are the authentic interpretation of Vatican II. We know that the Pope was a man of the Council, that he internalized the spirit and the word of the Council. Through these writings he helps us understand what the Council wanted and what it didn't. This helps us to be the Church of our times and of the future. Now for the second part of your question. The Pope is always close to me through his writings: I hear him and I see him speaking, so I can keep up a continuous dialogue with him. He is always speaking to me through his writings. I even know the origin of some of the texts. I can remember the discussions we had about some of them. So I can continue my conversations with the Holy Father. This nearness to him isn't limited to words and texts, because behind the texts I hear the Pope himself. A man who goes to the Lord doesn't disappear: I believe that someone who goes to the Lord comes even closer to us and I feel he is close to me and that I am close to the Lord. I am near the Pope and now he helps me to be near the Lord and I try to enter this atmosphere of prayer, of love for our Lord, for Our Lady and I entrust myself to his prayers. So there is a permanent dialogue and we're close to each other in a new way, in a very deep way.

"Q. Holy Father, now we are waiting for you in Poland. Many are asking when is the Pope coming to Poland?

"A. Yes, if God wills it, and if my schedule allows for it, I have every intention of coming to Poland. I have spoken to Msgr. Dziwisz about the date and I am told June would be the best time. Naturally everything still has to be organized with the various institutions. It's early yet, but perhaps next June, God-willing, I could come to Poland.

"Holy Father, in the name of all of our television viewers, thank you for this interview."

Saturday, October 15, 2005

The days of the bread in Medjugorje

Once again Medjugorje elementary school children and their teacher celebrated "the days of the bread" feast , but this time it was held in front of the church instead in the school.
The meaning is to give thanks for our daily bread and for life that is coming from God, and to learn how to make use of the bread and of all the gifts of God.
Children, their teachers and parents brought the fruits of the earth, as well as bread, bakery and different cakes, which they prepared at home. All the profit of the manifestation and all donations will be used for the construction of a school sports hall, which has never been built in this school.
Emanuel and I were so sorry for not having camera with us but thanks to parish office we have at least one photo to show.
God bless you

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Divine Mercy devotion

As it is well known among our friends and visitiors Emanuel and I have a great devotion to Divine Mercy. We just recently found out how our shop got a new name among pilgrims, it is called Divine Mercy Shop. How lovely!
We love Divine Mercy! We even put the image on our wedding invitations :-) What a way to spred this wonderful devotion. We have had few strange looks from some friends and family members, but all in all was well accepted. We do hope it will have some permanent positive impact on them all.

We had a pleasure to meet wonderful Mrs Brennan from Scotland who just recently lost her son due tragic accident. Here in the arms of Our Beloved MOther she is on a way of healing and peace. She also has a devotion to Divine Mercy and is even a memeber of Divine Mercy prayer group. Mrs Brennan shared one very interesting info with us, speaking about her prayer group. She said: "We had have a visiting preast from Africa to stay with us for a while and he was so surprised our group is so small while he in Africa has 200 members in his Divine Mercy prayer group"

Makes one think, doesn't it.

Well , to those of you who are new in this devotion , here is the image ,
here is the prayer

The chaplet is to be recited on ordinary Rosary beads.
Begin the Chaplet by reciting the Our Father, Hail Mary and the Apostles Creed.

Before each decade on the Our Father beads the following prayer is recited:
Eternal Father I offer Thee the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Thy Most Beloved Son, and Our Lord Jesus Christ in atonement for our sins and the sins of the whole world.

On the Hail Mary beads we say: Through the most sorrowful passion of Jesus have mercy on us and on the whole world.

In conclusion after saying the 5 decades, say 3 times:
Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world.

Start today!

God bless you all !

Official info from the parish of St. James

St. Francis’ “Transitus” 03/10/2005

With a special liturgy, which is celebrated on October 3rd, the vigil of St. Francis’ feast, the worldwide Franciscan family is celebrating the “Transitus” – the moment of saint Francis’ passing into eternity.

In St. James’ parish in Medjugorje, this rite was celebrated immediately after the evening Mass. Medjugorje Friars, Franciscan sisters, Franciscan Youth Fraternity (Frama) and members of the Franciscan Third Order took part in this celebration.

Together with many parishioners and pilgrims, with participation of the choir of the Franciscan Youth Fraternity and the children’s choir “Little Doves of Peace”, this year’s liturgy of the Transitus was presided by the pastor, Dr. Fr. Ivan Sesar.
A reminder for the organisers of pilgrimages and those who accompany the pilgrims

Once again, we remind organisers of pilgrimages and those who accompany the pilgrims, that without the permission of the Parish Office nobody is allowed to lead groups to the prayer places in Medjugorje (Parish church and the space around it, prayer area around the statue of the Risen Saviour, Apparition Hill, Cross Mountain, Blue Cross, cemetery etc.).

We also remind that prayer areas are spaces of silence and recollection. Those who are authorised to lead and accompany the groups are obliged to preserve the prayer atmosphere, and to respect other faithful and other groups present at the same place. Let them avoid monopolizing prayer areas (time span and volume of loudspeakers).
Informaiton centre MIR

Monday, October 03, 2005

Message to Mirjana on October the 2nd 2005

This is the message from Our Lady to Mirjana and the people who were gathered at the apparition in Cenacolo community , Sunday morning , October the 2nd.

As I have not heard the message in Croatian I can only tell you what the translation is. If I hear the Croatian version nd should feel that this one needs changes I will get back to this post later during week.

As I have already written here on this blog, this is my personal web log and messages from extraordinary apparitions (Blue Cross, Podbrdo and Cencolo) that I write here are in 99% my translations and not the official from Mejdugorje Parish, as they do not translate this one. Medjugorje parish office (information centre) makes translation on message from 25th each month and messages given during yearly apparition to three of the Medjugorje visionaries.

Dear children I come to you as a Mother
I bring you my Son, peace and love.
Purify your hearts and take my Son with you.
Give to others a true peace and joy.

God bless you all!


abortion andrea bocelli Anita.guides anniversary aparitione aparizion apparition apparizione apparizione croce azzurra apparizione della Madonna Regina della Pace di Medjugorje archbishop art artisti convertiti Benedict XVI benedizione via web bijakovici birthday bishop bishop Franjo Komarica Blagaj blessing via internet blue cross books canada candlemas.blessing cardinal Puljic cardinal Ruini Cardinal Schonborn cardinal von Balthasar Caritas in Veritate catholics celi centro maria charity charity events charity promotions child church cilic Claudia Koll commento al messaggio commento di Padre Livio al messaggio del 2 novembre 2011 commision commission como comunione negata concert conference confirmation talk convent conversion converssione corpus Domini credo Croatian naive art cross mountain D'errico danko perutina digiuno Divina Misericordia Divine Mercy Divine Mercy Novena Divine Mercy Sunday dolina piramida domus pacis don Gabriel Amorth Draga Ivankovic. medjugorje duhovne vježbe easter egg ecclesia Dei ero gay exame exorcist Extraordinary Form FAMOUS CROATIAN fasting fasting bread father Donald Calloway father of the year father slavko feast day festival festival dei giovani festival mladih figli del divino amore flights florida Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa franciscan monastery francscan monastery and church in mostar free masons free medjugorje application freedom g gebets Gesu Misericordioso gifts and souvenirs Giovanni Paoli II gloria polo grosseto gruppo di preghiera gruppo lot guarda con me guida locale guide guides.father Slavko guiding Hagioterapija hand carved handmade healing guarigione Hilarius Datus Lega history Holy Father hotel medjugorje Humac hystory il messaggio della madonna di medjugorje il vescovo imotski incontri incontri con veggente indulgences information international commission interview intervista INVENTOR investigation iphone medjugorje app ireland italia ivan dragicevic Ivanka ivo scepanovic jakov jeune et silance jim caviezel jmj madrid 2011 Joelle kibeho knjiga Kraljeva Sutjeska krizevci l'apparizione l'indulgenza plenaria la festa last bosnian queen Laus le novita di medjugorje lent Leonid libro live livio fanzaga locutions lola falana Luka Sulic madonna maldifest manchester city football marija pavlovic marijan sivirić marijana marin marin čilić massoneria maurice Caillet meditatione medjguorje medjugorje medjugorje 30 aniversario medjugorje apps medjugorje commission medjugorje easter medjugorje encounters medjugorje guide medjugorje investigations medjugorje message medjugorje news medjugorje official tour guide medjugorje youth festival Medjugorje Youth Prayer Group međugorje meetings mel gibson messa message messaggio messagio michel o'brien milano milka pavlovic miracoli mirjana Mirjana Dragicevic mirjana soldo mladifest molitva mostar mostar walking tour museum music Napoli Nelson Mandela new diocese news normes noticie Notre Dame novena obamacare official site ofmcap old video olive wood online ora et laborat orio ordiantione original Medjugorje souvenirs and art Our Lady Our Lady's Message from Medjugorje padre Livio Fanzaga painting pala-desio Palavela di Torino palm sunday paolo brosio Paolo brosio Roberto Bignoli papa paradiso parent parenthood Parma passion pastoral letter pellegrinaggi pellegrinaggi in aereo personal petar ljubicic petar rajic petar rajić photo pilgrimage piramida mjeseca piramida sunca polski poruka post post i molitva prayer prayers pregate pregare pregate preghiera priest pro-life prof.dr.Franjo Topić professor program programma programme pyramid of the moon pyramid of the sun pyramides Queen Katarina radio Mir Ralph McInerny ravenna redemptoris rene laurentin retreats Riccardo Scamarcio ringraziamento roberto mancini rosario rosary Saint Anthony Saint Peter and Paul church in Mostar santo spirito satan schweige secrets seminar for the married couples seminari seminars shop Shroud of T silencio snow souvenirs spiritual excercises spiritual renwal st. james St.Gianna Molla statistics statues Stjepan Hauser storia Summorum Pontificum suor emmanuel Surmanci Šurmanci talk tennis testimonianza testimonies the visionary speaks Tomislav Ivancic traffic in medjugorje ukazanje Ukraine unborn USA Valeria Golino varie various vatican veggente Marija Pavlovic veggente Mirjana veggente Mirjana Dragicevic veggenti viaggio vicenza vicka video visionaries Visionary Ivan Dragicevic visoko vocations walter nudo wayne weible wedding world marriage day woytyla WYD youth festival Zlatko Sudac