Monday, August 31, 2009

Messaggio della Madonna di Medjugorje "Regina della Pace" del 29 agosto 2009

«Stasera la Gospa è venuta gioiosa e felice. All'inizio, come sempre in ogni
incontro, ci ha salutato tutti col suo materno saluto: "Sia lodato Gesù,
cari figli miei, figlioli miei!". Dopo questo Lei ha pregato per un tempo su
di noi tutti con le mani distese e poi ha pregato in particolare sui malati
presenti. Poi ha benedetto tutti noi con la sua Benedizione materna e ha
benedetto tutti gli oggetti che abbiamo portato per la benedizione. Poi ha

"Cari figli, anche oggi vi invito in modo particolare: accogliete i miei
messaggi, rinnovate i miei messaggi. Cari figli, oggi più che mai ho bisogno
delle vostre opere e non delle parole. Perciò, cari figli, vivete i miei
messaggi perché la luce illumini i vostri cuori e riempia i vostri cuori.
Cari figli, sappiate che la Madre prega con voi. Grazie anche oggi, cari
figli, per aver accolto i miei messaggi e perché vivete i miei messaggi.
Siate il mio segno".

Poi Ivan ha pregato con la Madonna un Padre nostro e un Gloria al Padre e
poi ha raccomandato a Lei tutti noi, i nostri bisogni, le nostre intenzioni,
le nostre famiglie e in particolare i malati. Poi la Madonna se n'è andata
in preghiera nel segno della luce e della croce col saluto: ""Andate in
pace, cari figli miei!"»

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Latest message - 25. August 2009

Message du 25 aout 2009
« Chers enfants, aujourd'hui je vous invite à nouveau à la conversion. Petits enfants, vous n'ëtes pas assez saints et vous ne rayonnez pas la sainteté pour les autres ; c'est pourquoi, priez, priez, priez, et travaillez à votre conversion personnelle afin d'ëtre signes de l'amour de Dieu pour les autres. Je suis avec vous, et je vous guide vers l'éternité à laquelle chaque coeur doit aspirer. Merci d'avoir répondu à mon appel. »

Message of August 25, 2009
"Dear children! Today I call you anew to conversion. Little children, you are not holy enough and you do not radiate holiness to others, therefore pray, pray, pray and work on your personal conversion, so that you may be a sign of God's love to others. I am with you and am leading you towards eternity, for which every heart must yearn. Thank you for having responded to my call."

Botschaft vom 25. August 2009
„Liebe Kinder! Heute rufe ich euch von neuem zur Umkehr auf. Ihr seid nicht heilig genug meine lieben Kinder und ihr strahlt die Heiligkeit den Anderen gegenüber nicht aus, deshalb betet, betet, betet und arbeitet an der persönlichen Umkehr, damit ihr zum Zeichen der Liebe Gottes für die Anderen werdet. Ich bin mit euch und führe euch zur Ewigkeit nach der sich jedes Herz sehnen soll. Danke, dass ihr meinem Ruf gefolgt seid!"

Messaggio del 25 agosto 2009
"Cari figli, oggi vi invito di nuovo alla conversione. Figlioli, non siete abbastanza santi e non irradiate santità agli altri, perciò pregate, pregate, pregate e lavorate sulla conversione personale affinchè siate segno dell'amore di Dio per gli altri. Io sono con voi e vi guido verso l'eternità alla quale deve anelare ogni cuore. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata."

Orędzie, 25 sierpnia 2009 r.
„Drogie dzieci! Dzisiaj ponownie wzywam was do nawrócenia. Dziatki, nie jesteście wystarczająco święci i nie emanujecie świętością wobec innych, dlatego módlcie się, módlcie się, módlcie się i pracujcie nad osobistym nawróceniem, abyście byli znakiem miłości Bożej dla innych. Jestem z wami i prowadzę was ku wieczności, której powinno pragnąć każde serce. Dziękuję wam, że odpowiedzieliście na moje wezwanie."

Mensaje del 25 de agosto de 2009
"¡Queridos hijos! Hoy los invito nuevamente a la conversión. Hijitos, ustedes no son suficientemente santos y no irradian santidad a los demás, por eso oren, oren, oren y trabajen en la conversión personal para que sean signos del amor de Dios para los demás. Yo estoy con ustedes y los guío hacia la eternidad, que cada corazón debe anhelar. ¡Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado!"

Poruka, 25. kolovoza 2009.
"Draga djeco! Danas vas pozivam iznova na obraćenje. Dječice, niste dovoljno sveti i ne zračite svetost drugima, zato molite, molite, molite i radite na osobnom obraćenju kako biste bili znak Božje ljubavi drugima. Ja sam s vama i vodim vas prema vječnosti za kojom treba žudjeti svako srce. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu."

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Ce site vous présente les ouvrages consacrés aux événements de Medjugorje par Daria Klanac. Cette auteure promeut une attitude paisible, rationnelle et fidèle au Magistère de l'Église concernant un sujet qui soulève parfois des élans passionnels (pour et contre). Dans le souci de rétablir la vérité sur certains faits, nous publions ici (page « livres ») les réponses à deux des objections les plus courantes.

Emanuel and Anita Pehar
88 266 Medjugorje
Bosnia and Herzegovina
"EMANUEL"-more than a gift shop

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Messaggio del 14 agosto 2009 ( Ivan )

"Cari figli, anche oggi, nella mia grande gioia, desidero invitarvi in
questo tempo: apritevi allo Spirito Santo. Apritevi, questo è un tempo di
grazia. Cari figli, che un fiume di amore scorra nei vostri cuori. Pregate,
pregate, cari figli, insieme con la Madre. Grazie, cari figli, per aver
anche oggi risposto alla mia chiamata."

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Visita de Sor Emmanuel a España (9 al 14 de septiembre)

9 Septiembre 2009 / 20.00 horas Eucaristía, 20:30 Conferencia
Parroquia de el Salvador Santo Domingo de Silos (la Compañia)
Plaza de la Compañía
T. 649 170 946 / 957 408812

10 Septiembre 2009 / 19.30 horas
Basílica de Nuestra Señora de la Merced
c/ General Moscardó, 23 esquina c/ Basílica (metro línea 6, Nuevos Ministerios)
19.30 h. Exposición del Santísimo, Rezo del Santo Rosario / 20.00 h. Eucaristía / 20.30 h. Conferencia
Presentación: Rafa Lozano, Vicepresidente del Foro de las Familias
T. 617 391 047 / 609 154 339


11 Septiembre 2009 / 18.30 horas
Monasterio de la Visitación de Santa María (Religiosas Salesas)
Paseo de la Universidad, 15 (con párquing)
T. 945 231 547

12 Septiembre 2009 / 11.00 horas
Parroquia de San Braulio
c/ Corona de Aragón, 37
T. 976 312 068


12 Septiembre 2009 / 19.00 horas
Hermanas de la Caridad de Santa Ana
c/ Madre Ráfols, 2
T. 629 792 849

13 Septiembre 2009 / 17.30 horas
Parroquia Santa María de Jesús de Gracia
c/ Gràcia, 5 (Perpendicular a Gran de Gràcia subiendo los jardinets de Paseo de Gracia pasado Diagonal)
Metro / línea verde: Diagonal / FFCC: Provenza
T. 676 059 594 / 629 792 849


14 Septiembre 2009 / 11.30 horas
Convento Carmelitas Misioneras Teresianas
Av. Estanislau Figueres, 31
T. 676 059 594

Sor Emmanuel Maillard nació en Francia en 1947.
Estudió teología con el Cardenal Danielou.
Se graduó en la Universidad de la Sorbona, París.
En 1976 entró en la Comunidad de las Bienaventuranzas.
Vive en Medjugorje desde 1989.


Monday, August 17, 2009

Vicka's interview with Padre Livio Fanzaga broadcast live by Radio Maria Italia from Medjugorje on January 2nd, 2008

PADRE LIVIO I was really struck by what the Madonna said about the third secret, which concerns the sign on the mountain. You seers said that it will be a visible sign, an indestructable sign that comes from God. However, she also added, «Hurry and convert yourselves. When the promised sign on the hill will be given, it will be too late», (Sept. 2, 1982). Another time she also said, «And even after I've left this sign on the hill which I have promised to you, many will not believe. They will come to the hill, they will kneel, but they won't believe» (July 19, 1981). Why is it, in your opinion, that people will see the sign but they won't convert?

VICKA The third secret is about a sign that she will leave here [Medjugorje] on the mountain of the apparitions. This sign will remain forever. It is given above for all for those people who are still far away from God. The Madonna wishes to give these people who will see the sign a chance to believe in God. I was able to see this sign...

PADRE LIVIO You have already seen the sign?

VICKA Yes, I saw it in a vision.

PADRE LIVIO Jakov once said in an interview with Radio Maria that in order to see the sign it will be necessary to come here to Medjugorje, is that true?

VICKA Yes, it's true. The sign will remain on Podbrdo and one will have to come here to see it. This sign will be indestructable and will remain in that place forever. I want to say about those people who will see it and not believe, the Madonna leaves everyone free to believe or not but those are ones whose hearts are too closed. It's the same thing as the Madonna said to us, "if one wants to go to heaven, he will go to heaven, if one wants to go to hell he will go to hell". Those people who are far away from God and do not want to believe, these will not believe in the sign. For those who [do not know God] but have good intentions and a desire to love, these will be benefitted by the sign. But I think that those who do everything against God, they will run away from the sign, they will not believe.

PADRE LIVIO [...] So, this is a time of grace, this is the time of conversion, "don't wait for the sign in order to convert yourselves" the Madonna said. Well, so why leave a sign like some last extreme help: is it in order to move the Church to recognize the apparitions as authentic?

VICKA Yes, certainly it will be for the Church so that they will have no doubt that the Madonna had been among us and it is also for those who are still far away from God. So the Madonna is thinking about both groups of people, and then it is up to us how to be ready to respond to the sign. To respond to her call through the sign. Everyone who comes, who will see, you know, you can say "I don't believe it" and that is your personal idea, that's what you believe, but that the Madonna is here, that she is present, that she leaves this sign, a sign that no man can make; it is something only God can make and so nobody will be able to say that it is a small thing or something else. This arrives in such a way that they won't have words to say what it is.

About the promise one visionary will remain with apparitions:

PADRE LIVIO This means that when the time of the secrets comes, the fourth through the tenth secrets, secrets which are evidently rather arduous, it means that in any event, in the time of the secrets, we will always have the sign of the Madonna which will comfort us
But you also said the last time, last year, that during the time of the ten secrets one of the seers will still have the daily apparitions [of the Madonna].
VICKA Yes, it is certain, it is something I repeat now. We will see who it is, there is still me, Marija and Jakov afterwards we will see who the Madonna has chosen, who [of us three] remains with the apparitions. Or maybe it will be someone else that the Madonna has chosen.
PADRE LIVIO Well, you know me, I have no scruple about asking certain questions...
So, you, Marija and Ivan... one you three with Jakov. Someone said something to Mirjana like "Vicka said that during the time of the ten secrets there will be one seer who will continue to have the daily apparitions" but Mirjana said that she didn't know anything about this. What does that mean? That this was told to you personally by the Madonna?
VICKA Yes the Madonna told me personally. Afterwards we shall see, the Madonna didn't say, "Vicka, it will be you" [...]. Now we just wait to see who it will be. She said that when the time comes, to the person who will continue to have the apparitions, she will explain every 'how and what' to that person.


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