Anita Pehar
Your Medjugorje Conection
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Poruka preko vidioca Ivana Dragičevića od 25. lipnja 2010 ( 29 obljetnica ukazanja), na Podbrdu u 23:00 sata.
"Ja bi htio i veceras kao na svakom susretu s Gospom, opisati vam, pribliziti vam vecerasnji susret koji je bio poseban i toliko radostan, jer uistinu, kroz ovih 29. godina ukazanja, rekao bi da je Gospa dosla toliko radosna i vesela vise nego ikada. Dosla je u zlatnoj haljini i na pocetku nas sve pozdravila s pozdravom Hvaljen Isus draga djeco moja. Nakon toga Gospa kaze:
Draga djeco, i danas vas Majka s radoscu poziva budite draga djeco nositelji mojih poruka, sirite moje poruke u ovom umornom svijetu. Draga djeco, zelim da budete moj znak, moj zivi znak, zato vas i veceras pozivam, prihvatite moju poruku koju sam vam danas dala, zivite je. Znajte draga djeco da Majka uvijek moli s vama i moli za vas kod svog Sina.Hvala vam draga djeco i danas sto ste prihvatili moje poruke i sto zivite moje poruke.
Dear children,also today the Mother calls you with joy to be, dear children, the carriers of my messages, spread my messages in this tired world. Dear children, I desire for you to be my sign, my living sign. Therefore also tonight, I call you; accept my message which I gave you today, live it. Know, dear children that the Mother always prays with you and prays for you at Her Son. And also today I thank you dear children for accepting my messages and for living my messages.
Draga djeco, i danas vas Majka s radoscu poziva budite draga djeco nositelji mojih poruka, sirite moje poruke u ovom umornom svijetu. Draga djeco, zelim da budete moj znak, moj zivi znak, zato vas i veceras pozivam, prihvatite moju poruku koju sam vam danas dala, zivite je. Znajte draga djeco da Majka uvijek moli s vama i moli za vas kod svog Sina.Hvala vam draga djeco i danas sto ste prihvatili moje poruke i sto zivite moje poruke.
Dear children,also today the Mother calls you with joy to be, dear children, the carriers of my messages, spread my messages in this tired world. Dear children, I desire for you to be my sign, my living sign. Therefore also tonight, I call you; accept my message which I gave you today, live it. Know, dear children that the Mother always prays with you and prays for you at Her Son. And also today I thank you dear children for accepting my messages and for living my messages.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Annual apparition to the visionary Ivanka Ivankovic
La veggente Ivanka Ivanković Elez ha avuto la sua consueta apparizione annuale il 25 giugno 2010.
In occasione dell’ultima apparizione quotidiana del 7 maggio 1985 la Madonna, rivelandole il decimo ed ultimo segreto, disse a Ivanka che per tutto il resto della sua vita avrebbe avuto un’apparizione all’anno nel giorno dell’Anniversario delle apparizioni. Così è avvenuto anche quest’anno.
Ivanka ha avuto l’apparizione, durata 6 minuti, nella sua casa. All’apparizione era presente soltanto la famiglia di Ivanka.
Dopo l'apparizione la veggente Ivanka ha detto:
La Madonna mi ha parlato del quinto segreto ed alla fine ha detto: „Cari figli, ricevete la mia benedizione materna.“
In occasione dell’ultima apparizione quotidiana del 7 maggio 1985 la Madonna, rivelandole il decimo ed ultimo segreto, disse a Ivanka che per tutto il resto della sua vita avrebbe avuto un’apparizione all’anno nel giorno dell’Anniversario delle apparizioni. Così è avvenuto anche quest’anno.
Ivanka ha avuto l’apparizione, durata 6 minuti, nella sua casa. All’apparizione era presente soltanto la famiglia di Ivanka.
Dopo l'apparizione la veggente Ivanka ha detto:
La Madonna mi ha parlato del quinto segreto ed alla fine ha detto: „Cari figli, ricevete la mia benedizione materna.“

The visionary Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez had her regular annual apparition on June 25th 2010.
At Her last daily apparition on May 7, 1985, Our Lady confided to Ivanka the 10th secret and told her that she would have an apparition once a year on the anniversary of the apparitions. It was that way also this year.
The apparition, which lasted 6 minutes, took place at Ivanka’s family home. Only Ivanka’s family was present at the apparition. After the apparition, Ivanka said: “Our Lady spoke to me about the fifth secret and, at the end, said: ‘Dear children, receive my motherly blessing.’”
At Her last daily apparition on May 7, 1985, Our Lady confided to Ivanka the 10th secret and told her that she would have an apparition once a year on the anniversary of the apparitions. It was that way also this year.
The apparition, which lasted 6 minutes, took place at Ivanka’s family home. Only Ivanka’s family was present at the apparition. After the apparition, Ivanka said: “Our Lady spoke to me about the fifth secret and, at the end, said: ‘Dear children, receive my motherly blessing.’”
Message, 25. June 2010-Botschaft, 25. Juni 2010-Orędzie, 25. czerwca 2010
Poruka, 25. lipanj 2010
“Draga djeco! S radošću vas sve pozivam živite moje poruke s radošću, samo tako moći ćete dječice biti bliži mome Sinu. Ja vas želim sve voditi samo Njemu i u Njemu ćete naći pravi mir i radost vašega srca. Sve vas blagoslivljam i ljubim s neizmjernom ljubavlju. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.”
Message, 25. June 2010
“Dear children! With joy, I call you all to live my messages with joy; only in this way, little children, will you be able to be closer to my Son. I desire to lead you all only to Him, and in Him you will find true peace and the joy of your heart. I bless you all and love you with immeasurable love. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
"Cari figli, con gioia vi invito tutti a vivere i miei messaggi con gioia, soltanto così figlioli, potrete essere più vicini al mio Figlio. Io desidero guidarvi tutti soltanto a Lui e in Lui troverete la vera pace e la vera gioia del vostro cuore. Vi benedico tutti e vi amo con amore immenso. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata."
Message, 25. juin 2010
« Chers enfants, avec joie, je vous invite tous à vivre joyeusement mes messages ; seulement ainsi, petits enfants, pourrez-vous être plus près de mon Fils. Et moi, je désire vous conduire tous uniquement à Lui et, en Lui, vous trouverez la vraie paix et la joie de votre coeur. Je vous bénis tous et je vous aime d’un amour incommensurable. Merci d’avoir répondu à mon appel. »
Botschaft, 25. Juni 2010
Liebe Kinder! Mit Freude rufe ich euch alle auf, meine Botschaften mit Freude zu leben; nur so, meine lieben Kinder, werdet ihr meinem Sohn näher sein können. Ich möchte euch alle nur zu Ihm führen, und in Ihm werdet ihr den wahren Frieden und die Freude eures Herzens finden. Ich segne euch alle und liebe euch mit unermesslicher Liebe. Danke, dass ihr meinem Ruf gefolgt seid!“
Orędzie, 25. czerwca 2010
„Drogie dzieci! Z radością wzywam was wszystkich byście z radością żyli moimi orędziami, dziatki, jedynie w ten sposób będziecie mogli być bliżsi mojemu Synowi. Tylko do Niego pragnę was wszystkich prowadzić, bo w Nim znajdziecie prawdziwy pokój i radość swego serca. Wszystkich was błogosławię i kocham niezmierną miłością. Dziękuję wam, że odpowiedzieliście na moje wezwanie.”
Mensaje, 25. junio 2010
“Queridos hijos! Con alegría los invito a todos a vivir mis mensajes alegremente, sólo así, hijitos, podrán estar más cerca de mi Hijo. Yo deseo conducirlos a todos únicamente a El, y en El encontrarán la verdadera paz y la verdadera alegría del corazón. A todos los bendigo y los amo con inmenso amor. ¡Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado!”
“Draga djeco! S radošću vas sve pozivam živite moje poruke s radošću, samo tako moći ćete dječice biti bliži mome Sinu. Ja vas želim sve voditi samo Njemu i u Njemu ćete naći pravi mir i radost vašega srca. Sve vas blagoslivljam i ljubim s neizmjernom ljubavlju. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.”
Message, 25. June 2010
“Dear children! With joy, I call you all to live my messages with joy; only in this way, little children, will you be able to be closer to my Son. I desire to lead you all only to Him, and in Him you will find true peace and the joy of your heart. I bless you all and love you with immeasurable love. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
"Cari figli, con gioia vi invito tutti a vivere i miei messaggi con gioia, soltanto così figlioli, potrete essere più vicini al mio Figlio. Io desidero guidarvi tutti soltanto a Lui e in Lui troverete la vera pace e la vera gioia del vostro cuore. Vi benedico tutti e vi amo con amore immenso. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata."
Message, 25. juin 2010
« Chers enfants, avec joie, je vous invite tous à vivre joyeusement mes messages ; seulement ainsi, petits enfants, pourrez-vous être plus près de mon Fils. Et moi, je désire vous conduire tous uniquement à Lui et, en Lui, vous trouverez la vraie paix et la joie de votre coeur. Je vous bénis tous et je vous aime d’un amour incommensurable. Merci d’avoir répondu à mon appel. »
Botschaft, 25. Juni 2010
Liebe Kinder! Mit Freude rufe ich euch alle auf, meine Botschaften mit Freude zu leben; nur so, meine lieben Kinder, werdet ihr meinem Sohn näher sein können. Ich möchte euch alle nur zu Ihm führen, und in Ihm werdet ihr den wahren Frieden und die Freude eures Herzens finden. Ich segne euch alle und liebe euch mit unermesslicher Liebe. Danke, dass ihr meinem Ruf gefolgt seid!“
Orędzie, 25. czerwca 2010
„Drogie dzieci! Z radością wzywam was wszystkich byście z radością żyli moimi orędziami, dziatki, jedynie w ten sposób będziecie mogli być bliżsi mojemu Synowi. Tylko do Niego pragnę was wszystkich prowadzić, bo w Nim znajdziecie prawdziwy pokój i radość swego serca. Wszystkich was błogosławię i kocham niezmierną miłością. Dziękuję wam, że odpowiedzieliście na moje wezwanie.”
Mensaje, 25. junio 2010
“Queridos hijos! Con alegría los invito a todos a vivir mis mensajes alegremente, sólo así, hijitos, podrán estar más cerca de mi Hijo. Yo deseo conducirlos a todos únicamente a El, y en El encontrarán la verdadera paz y la verdadera alegría del corazón. A todos los bendigo y los amo con inmenso amor. ¡Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado!”
Friday, June 25, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Benedict XVI to the bishops
Vatican City, June 21, 2010.
As teachers of the faith, bishops have the task of presenting the truth to the faithful, and of helping them to discover the joy of being loved by God, says Benedict XVI.
The Pope said this Saturday upon receiving in audience the bishops of Eastern Region II of the Brazilian episcopal conference, at the conclusion of their five-yearly "ad limina" visit.
"In as much as teachers and doctors of the faith," he said, "you have the mission to teach with audacity the truth that must be believed and lived, presenting it in an authentic way."
"Therefore, help the faithful entrusted to your pastoral care to discover the joy of the faith, the joy of being loved personally by God, who offered His Son for our salvation," the Pontiff added.
He continued: "To believe consists above all in abandoning oneself to this God who knows and loves us personally, accepting the truth that he revealed in Jesus Christ with the attitude that leads us to trust in grace.
"Be able to infuse this trust in your people, so that the faith is always protected, defended and transmitted in its purity and integrity."
Benedict XVI said that bishops are the "administrators of the supreme priesthood," and that they "must truly make the liturgy an epiphany of the mystery, that is, expression of the genuine nature of the Church, which actively offers worship to God through Christ in the Holy Spirit."
Additionally, the Pontiff noted the "responsibility of the celebration of the Eucharist," stressing the importance of providing it "so that the faithful can access the Lord's table, especially on Sunday," and the need to "be promoters and animators of prayer in the human city, often agitated, noisy and forgetful of God."
"You must create places and occasions where, in silence, in listening to God, in personal and community prayer, man can find and have a living experience of Jesus Christ who reveals the authentic face of the Father," he said. "It is necessary that parishes and shrines, realms of education and suffering, families, become places of communion with the Lord."
The Pope also asked the prelates "to promote the participation of all the faithful in the building of the Church, governing with the heart of a humble servant and affectionate pastors, looking to the glory of God and the salvation of souls."
In virtue of the task of governance, he said, the bishop is "also called to judge and discipline the life of the people of God entrusted to his pastoral care, through laws, directives and suggestions, as established in the universal discipline of the Church."
This "right and duty" is very important, he added, "so that the diocesan community will remain united in its interior and walk in sincere communion of faith, love and discipline with the Bishop of Rome and with the whole Church."
"Hence, do not tire of nourishing in the faithful the sense of belonging to the Church and the joy of fraternal communion," he exhorted.
The Holy Father added that the bishop's governance will be fruitful pastorally "only if it enjoys the support of good moral credibility, which stems from the holiness of his life."
"Moulded interiorly by the Holy Spirit, may each one of you come to be 'everything for everyone,' proposing the truth of the faith, celebrating the sacraments of our sanctification and giving witness of the Lord's charity," he added.
"Receive with open heart all those who call at your door," the Holy Father concluded. "Counsel them, comfort them and support them on the path of God, seeking to guide all of them to that unity in the faith and in love of which, by the will of the Lord, you must be visible principle and basis in your dioceses."
As teachers of the faith, bishops have the task of presenting the truth to the faithful, and of helping them to discover the joy of being loved by God, says Benedict XVI.
The Pope said this Saturday upon receiving in audience the bishops of Eastern Region II of the Brazilian episcopal conference, at the conclusion of their five-yearly "ad limina" visit.
"In as much as teachers and doctors of the faith," he said, "you have the mission to teach with audacity the truth that must be believed and lived, presenting it in an authentic way."
"Therefore, help the faithful entrusted to your pastoral care to discover the joy of the faith, the joy of being loved personally by God, who offered His Son for our salvation," the Pontiff added.
He continued: "To believe consists above all in abandoning oneself to this God who knows and loves us personally, accepting the truth that he revealed in Jesus Christ with the attitude that leads us to trust in grace.
"Be able to infuse this trust in your people, so that the faith is always protected, defended and transmitted in its purity and integrity."
Benedict XVI said that bishops are the "administrators of the supreme priesthood," and that they "must truly make the liturgy an epiphany of the mystery, that is, expression of the genuine nature of the Church, which actively offers worship to God through Christ in the Holy Spirit."
Additionally, the Pontiff noted the "responsibility of the celebration of the Eucharist," stressing the importance of providing it "so that the faithful can access the Lord's table, especially on Sunday," and the need to "be promoters and animators of prayer in the human city, often agitated, noisy and forgetful of God."
"You must create places and occasions where, in silence, in listening to God, in personal and community prayer, man can find and have a living experience of Jesus Christ who reveals the authentic face of the Father," he said. "It is necessary that parishes and shrines, realms of education and suffering, families, become places of communion with the Lord."
The Pope also asked the prelates "to promote the participation of all the faithful in the building of the Church, governing with the heart of a humble servant and affectionate pastors, looking to the glory of God and the salvation of souls."
In virtue of the task of governance, he said, the bishop is "also called to judge and discipline the life of the people of God entrusted to his pastoral care, through laws, directives and suggestions, as established in the universal discipline of the Church."
This "right and duty" is very important, he added, "so that the diocesan community will remain united in its interior and walk in sincere communion of faith, love and discipline with the Bishop of Rome and with the whole Church."
"Hence, do not tire of nourishing in the faithful the sense of belonging to the Church and the joy of fraternal communion," he exhorted.
The Holy Father added that the bishop's governance will be fruitful pastorally "only if it enjoys the support of good moral credibility, which stems from the holiness of his life."
"Moulded interiorly by the Holy Spirit, may each one of you come to be 'everything for everyone,' proposing the truth of the faith, celebrating the sacraments of our sanctification and giving witness of the Lord's charity," he added.
"Receive with open heart all those who call at your door," the Holy Father concluded. "Counsel them, comfort them and support them on the path of God, seeking to guide all of them to that unity in the faith and in love of which, by the will of the Lord, you must be visible principle and basis in your dioceses."
Monday, June 21, 2010
News from official Medjugorje site
Up to this point, parish of Medjugorje has been visited by increased number of pilgrims from all over the world. We have confirmation of that in the number of Holy Communions at the Holy Masses and in the number of priests as well. Number of pilgrims is especially increased in this time of Novena prior to the 29th Anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitons. Information Office notified us about groups that arrived from Germany, Poland, Italy, Belgium, Hungary, United States, Singapore, Czech Republic, Ireland, England, Canada, Korea, Mexico, Portugal and Brazil. Many foreign priests are confessing since early morning, and before noon they celebrate Holy Masses in their own language. Pathways on the Apparition Hill and Cross Mountain are too narrow for all of the groups that climb those hills since early hours every day.
On Tuesday, June 15th Novena began and we pray Rosary on the Apparition Hill at 4 p.m. in the afternoon. Evening prayer programme begins at 6 p.m. with Rosary and Holy Mass that is simultaneously translated in several languages is at 7 p.m.
Amongst many respectable people that are coming to Medjugorje lately were the members of the oldest Croatian cultural institution – Matica Hrvatska. After the Assembly that was held on June 19th, they came to parish church and participated in the evening prayer programme. Special reception was held for them in the parish office after evening prayer programme.
On Tuesday, June 15th Novena began and we pray Rosary on the Apparition Hill at 4 p.m. in the afternoon. Evening prayer programme begins at 6 p.m. with Rosary and Holy Mass that is simultaneously translated in several languages is at 7 p.m.
Amongst many respectable people that are coming to Medjugorje lately were the members of the oldest Croatian cultural institution – Matica Hrvatska. After the Assembly that was held on June 19th, they came to parish church and participated in the evening prayer programme. Special reception was held for them in the parish office after evening prayer programme.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Il messaggio del 18 Giugno 2010 - Ivan
“Cari figli, anche oggi desidero invitarvi: in questo tempo di grazia pregate. Rinnovate i miei messaggi, cari figli. Vivete i miei messaggi. Cari figli, questo tempo è un tempo di responsabilità, vivete i miei messaggi con responsabilità. Cari figli, cerco le vostre opere e non le parole. La Madre prega per voi e intercede davanti a Suo Figlio per tutti voi. Grazie, cari figli, perché anche oggi mi avete accolto, per aver accettato i miei messaggi e perché vivete i miei messaggi”.
Dopo questo Ivan ha raccomandato alla Gospa tutti noi, i nostri bisogni, le nostre intenzioni, le nostre famiglie e, in particolare, i malati. Abbiamo pregato con la Gospa un Padre nostro e un Gloria al Padre e poi la Gospa se n'è andata nel segno della luce e della croce col saluto: “Andate in pace, cari figli miei!”.
Dopo questo Ivan ha raccomandato alla Gospa tutti noi, i nostri bisogni, le nostre intenzioni, le nostre famiglie e, in particolare, i malati. Abbiamo pregato con la Gospa un Padre nostro e un Gloria al Padre e poi la Gospa se n'è andata nel segno della luce e della croce col saluto: “Andate in pace, cari figli miei!”.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Herzegovina Culture Summer- not to miss if in Medjugorje

Starting the June 18th "HERCEG Etno Selo Medjugorje" and Matica Hrvatska offers you the unique opportunity to learn more of our culture heritage.
A Hollywood wedding in Medjugorje

Famous film producer Stephen "Steve" McEveety and his family along with Jim Cavizel and his wife Kerry in Medjugorje for a wedding of Steve's daughter.
Andrea Bocelli thanks his mother
Rome, Italy, Jun 6, 2010 / 06:35 pm (CNA/EWTN News).-
Italian singer Andrea Bocelli has told the story of his mother’s pregnancy, during which doctors suggested that she abort him because he would be born with a disability. In a new video he praises his mother for making “the right choice,” saying other mothers should take encouragement from the story.
In a YouTube video titled “Andrea Bocelli tells a ‘little story’ about abortion,” the singer sits at a piano and tells his audience a story about a young pregnant wife hospitalized for “a simple attack of appendicitis.”
“The doctors had to apply some ice on her stomach and when the treatments ended the doctors suggested that she abort the child. They told her it was the best solution because the baby would be born with some disability.
“But the young brave wife decided not to abort, and the child was born,” he continued.
“That woman was my mother, and I was the child. Maybe I'm partisan, but I can say that it was the right choice.”
He said he hoped the story could encourage many mothers in “difficult situations” but who want to save the life of their baby.
Bocelli has congenital glaucoma and lost his vision completely at age 12 after getting hit in the head during a soccer game.
The video itself is produced by, an initiative of the Human Rights, Education and Relief Organization (HERO). HERO is a partner of the pro-life movie star Eduardo Verastegui.
Italian singer Andrea Bocelli has told the story of his mother’s pregnancy, during which doctors suggested that she abort him because he would be born with a disability. In a new video he praises his mother for making “the right choice,” saying other mothers should take encouragement from the story.
In a YouTube video titled “Andrea Bocelli tells a ‘little story’ about abortion,” the singer sits at a piano and tells his audience a story about a young pregnant wife hospitalized for “a simple attack of appendicitis.”
“The doctors had to apply some ice on her stomach and when the treatments ended the doctors suggested that she abort the child. They told her it was the best solution because the baby would be born with some disability.
“But the young brave wife decided not to abort, and the child was born,” he continued.
“That woman was my mother, and I was the child. Maybe I'm partisan, but I can say that it was the right choice.”
He said he hoped the story could encourage many mothers in “difficult situations” but who want to save the life of their baby.
Bocelli has congenital glaucoma and lost his vision completely at age 12 after getting hit in the head during a soccer game.
The video itself is produced by, an initiative of the Human Rights, Education and Relief Organization (HERO). HERO is a partner of the pro-life movie star Eduardo Verastegui.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Franciscan convent, just 15 min from Medjugorje, the oldest Museum in BiH
I have decided to profit from my illness and ofter you some of the history sites in Herzegovina and in Bosnia. It may help you understand our history better. Understand us better :-) Unfortunately we still have pilgrims coming with this idea of the poor, illiterate, savage people who eat raw meet and have no facilities in the house (or the house for that matter).
Here is a bit on Humac, which is very near to Medjugorje. It is also our famous sanctuary of Saint Anthony of Padova. With your private guide it becomes a spiritual journey- uplifting the Mind, Body and Soul.
God bless you all
Here is a bit on Humac, which is very near to Medjugorje. It is also our famous sanctuary of Saint Anthony of Padova. With your private guide it becomes a spiritual journey- uplifting the Mind, Body and Soul.
God bless you all
Holy Father as the King of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Today I saw some photos of Kraljeva Sutjeska which reminded me Katarina, our last Bosnian Queen.Her story is very sad. Lost her husband very young, with two little children and a baby. Soon she lost her children too, they have been stolen from her and she could never ever get them back nor see them. It is bleaved that only her son survived a long trip from Bosnia to Istambul and that he was raised a Muslim. On the end of her laife she made her Will that the unless her children are brought back to Christian faith the Crown goes to Holy Father, thus He became our King :-)
I have posted the history on separate page so please read and get to know some of our history.
God bless you all!
I have posted the history on separate page so please read and get to know some of our history.
God bless you all!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
The Feast of St. Anthony in Medjugorje

On Sunday, June 13th, Feast of St. Anthony, immediately after evening Holy Mass, there was a concert held in Medjugorje church of St. James, in the honour of the Saint of the Whole World, St. Anthony of Padua. Choir “St. Euphemia” performed, and they came especially for this occasion from parish of Padua, Abbazia di Pisano, where St. Anthony lived and spent part of his life. This choir wanted to come to Medjugorje especially on this Feast, and to give this concert as a gift to Medjugorje, its parishioners and all of the pilgrims. They performed beautiful sacral songs devoted to St. Euphemia, St. Anthony and Our Lady, Queen of Peace. Amongst the others, we could hear: Ave Maria, Salve Regina, Magnificat, Regina Coeli, Alleluia, and others. This choir was founded in 1930, in parish of Padua, Abbazia di Pisano and is devoted to St. Euphemia, Virgin and Martyr. There are around 50 members, guided by maestro Giovanni Fraccaro, and ever since they were founded they are participating in most of the parish celebrations throughout the liturgical year.
One day prior to the Feast of St. Anthony, on Saturday June 12th, the Association of Professors of the Physical Education from Ljubuski and the Association “the Alphabet of Sports” from Citluk organised bicycle tournament in the honour of St. Anthony. Bicyclists began their journey in Ciltuk, after having received special blessing from Fr. Robert Jolic, and through Medjugorje and Ljubuski they came to Humac, where they participated in the celebration of theVigil Mass of St. Anthony. (photo on official site
Domenica 13 Giugno, nella Festa di Sant’Antonio, dopo la Santa Messa serale, nella Chiesa Parrocchiale di Medjugorje si è tenuto un concerto in onore del Santo di tutto il mondo, Sant’Antonio di Padova. Il concerto è stato tenuto dal coro polifonico “Santa Eufemia”, che è giunto proprio dalla parrocchia padovana di Abbazia di Pisano, luogo in cui Sant'Antonio ha vissuto una parte della sua vita. Il coro, con questo pellegrinaggio alla Regina della Pace proprio nella Festa del Santo, ha voluto donare ai parrocchiani e ai pellegrini di Medjugorje bellissime esecuzioni sacre dedicandole a Santa Eufemia, a Sant'Antonio e alla Madonna Regina della Pace. Hanno eseguito, tra l'altro: la Salve Regina, l'Ave Maria, il Magnificat, il Regina Coeli, l'Alleluia ecc. Il coro „Santa Eufemia“ si è formato nel 1930 nella parrocchia padovana di Abbazia di Pisano ed è consacrato a Santa Eufemia, Vergine e Martire. Il coro, con i suoi 50 membri, sotto la direzione del maestro Giovanni Fraccara, dalla sua fondazione anima le più importanti celebrazioni parrocchiali dell'anno liturgico.
Il giorno precedente la Festa di Sant’Antonio, Sabato 12 Giugno, organizzata dall’Associazione dei pedagoghi della cultura del corpo e della salute di Ljubuški e dall'Associazione „Alfabeto dello sport“ di Čitluk si è tenuta una marcia in bicicletta in onore di Sant'Antonio. I ciclisti sono partiti da Čitluk, dopo la benedizione impartita loro da fra Robert Jolić e, attraverso Medjugorje e Ljubuški, sono giunti a Humac. I partecipanti all'arrivo hanno preso parte al Programma di preghiera serale e alla celebrazione della Santa Messa della vigilia di Sant'Antonio a Humac. (foto)
One day prior to the Feast of St. Anthony, on Saturday June 12th, the Association of Professors of the Physical Education from Ljubuski and the Association “the Alphabet of Sports” from Citluk organised bicycle tournament in the honour of St. Anthony. Bicyclists began their journey in Ciltuk, after having received special blessing from Fr. Robert Jolic, and through Medjugorje and Ljubuski they came to Humac, where they participated in the celebration of theVigil Mass of St. Anthony. (photo on official site
Domenica 13 Giugno, nella Festa di Sant’Antonio, dopo la Santa Messa serale, nella Chiesa Parrocchiale di Medjugorje si è tenuto un concerto in onore del Santo di tutto il mondo, Sant’Antonio di Padova. Il concerto è stato tenuto dal coro polifonico “Santa Eufemia”, che è giunto proprio dalla parrocchia padovana di Abbazia di Pisano, luogo in cui Sant'Antonio ha vissuto una parte della sua vita. Il coro, con questo pellegrinaggio alla Regina della Pace proprio nella Festa del Santo, ha voluto donare ai parrocchiani e ai pellegrini di Medjugorje bellissime esecuzioni sacre dedicandole a Santa Eufemia, a Sant'Antonio e alla Madonna Regina della Pace. Hanno eseguito, tra l'altro: la Salve Regina, l'Ave Maria, il Magnificat, il Regina Coeli, l'Alleluia ecc. Il coro „Santa Eufemia“ si è formato nel 1930 nella parrocchia padovana di Abbazia di Pisano ed è consacrato a Santa Eufemia, Vergine e Martire. Il coro, con i suoi 50 membri, sotto la direzione del maestro Giovanni Fraccara, dalla sua fondazione anima le più importanti celebrazioni parrocchiali dell'anno liturgico.
Il giorno precedente la Festa di Sant’Antonio, Sabato 12 Giugno, organizzata dall’Associazione dei pedagoghi della cultura del corpo e della salute di Ljubuški e dall'Associazione „Alfabeto dello sport“ di Čitluk si è tenuta una marcia in bicicletta in onore di Sant'Antonio. I ciclisti sono partiti da Čitluk, dopo la benedizione impartita loro da fra Robert Jolić e, attraverso Medjugorje e Ljubuški, sono giunti a Humac. I partecipanti all'arrivo hanno preso parte al Programma di preghiera serale e alla celebrazione della Santa Messa della vigilia di Sant'Antonio a Humac. (foto)
Anita goes silent ! - UPDATE
Praised be Jesus and Mary!
I wish to thank all of you who have prayed for me, and still are praying. It has been hard days and nights and the recovery is slower than I thought will be. However, I am where I am .. New medicine is working and I can breath again, talking is easier and my stomach has started to function again. I see myself on the hills over the weekend, God willing.
As you know the Novena is started here in Medjugorje so plase join in from your homes or wherever you are. Twenty nine years!!! Thank you dear God. You love us so much!!
God bless you All!!!
This morning I am home, I have a serious laryngitis and doctor says I must take my medicine and be quiet or else ... ! Well, good thing I have a computer so I can talk via keyboard :-) As you know I have been very busy guiding numerous groups of pilgrims, mostly Italian. I must say I was surprised at such a demand for a local guide but I guess our quality has been discovered and now more and more group leaders and agencies require the service of the local professional guide for pilgrims. Thank you Jesus and Mary!!!And thank you father Slavko!! Did you know that it was father Slavko's idea to have a good local guide who will be at the same time a practicing catholic knowlagable in the metters of church as well as professional guide?! If you are interested to learn more about us you can go to the official website and learn more.
Anyways, it has been so interesting! From a group of 160 pax to a group of 3 pax. Our walks and talks have included much prayer and I have always included all of you who read (sometimes or regularly) in my prayers. Since it was several times on Cross mountain and several times on Podbrdo I'd say you got a quite a bit of prayers, you know!
Children have been having great time in Mother's village with their friends, but poor Emanuel again stricken with infection was to spend a week in bed. And yes, he is much better now, thank you!
The priest is my groups were phenomenal, one more spiritual then the other. God bless them and keep them forever!!! One of them was even don Silvano from Rimini cathedral, an exorcist for over 42 years now. It was so interesting to be around him, and a good confirmation there is nothing wrong with my self, what a relief you say ha! Father so kindly shared with us about his time spent with padre Pio. Oh, what a great saint! So all in all, lot's of work, very little sleep but enormous amounts of joy. I wish you the same, well maybe little more sleep would be better :-) Love you all!
God bless you !
Ps. Any news on your side of the world???
I wish to thank all of you who have prayed for me, and still are praying. It has been hard days and nights and the recovery is slower than I thought will be. However, I am where I am .. New medicine is working and I can breath again, talking is easier and my stomach has started to function again. I see myself on the hills over the weekend, God willing.
As you know the Novena is started here in Medjugorje so plase join in from your homes or wherever you are. Twenty nine years!!! Thank you dear God. You love us so much!!
God bless you All!!!
This morning I am home, I have a serious laryngitis and doctor says I must take my medicine and be quiet or else ... ! Well, good thing I have a computer so I can talk via keyboard :-) As you know I have been very busy guiding numerous groups of pilgrims, mostly Italian. I must say I was surprised at such a demand for a local guide but I guess our quality has been discovered and now more and more group leaders and agencies require the service of the local professional guide for pilgrims. Thank you Jesus and Mary!!!And thank you father Slavko!! Did you know that it was father Slavko's idea to have a good local guide who will be at the same time a practicing catholic knowlagable in the metters of church as well as professional guide?! If you are interested to learn more about us you can go to the official website and learn more.
Anyways, it has been so interesting! From a group of 160 pax to a group of 3 pax. Our walks and talks have included much prayer and I have always included all of you who read (sometimes or regularly) in my prayers. Since it was several times on Cross mountain and several times on Podbrdo I'd say you got a quite a bit of prayers, you know!
Children have been having great time in Mother's village with their friends, but poor Emanuel again stricken with infection was to spend a week in bed. And yes, he is much better now, thank you!
The priest is my groups were phenomenal, one more spiritual then the other. God bless them and keep them forever!!! One of them was even don Silvano from Rimini cathedral, an exorcist for over 42 years now. It was so interesting to be around him, and a good confirmation there is nothing wrong with my self, what a relief you say ha! Father so kindly shared with us about his time spent with padre Pio. Oh, what a great saint! So all in all, lot's of work, very little sleep but enormous amounts of joy. I wish you the same, well maybe little more sleep would be better :-) Love you all!
God bless you !
Ps. Any news on your side of the world???
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Il 18 luglio Vieni allo Stadio Arechi di Salerno
Carissima Anita Pehar con questa E-Mail vorremmo metterti al corrente di un evento meraviglioso. Leggila attentamente, aprendola in tutte le sue parti. Non te l'abbiamo mandata per estesa perchè sarebbe troppo lunga. Quest'anno è anche l'11 anno della salita al cielo di P. Emiliano e noi siamo sicuri che lui continua a intercedere per noi presso il Signore Gesù. Se pensi che quest'evento non ti interessa, considera questo messaggio come un saluto ed un gesto d'affetto. P. Michele Vassallo
Se alla precedente E-Mail tu mi hai scritto ed io non ti ho risposto, chiedo scusa, non è stoto per cattiva volontà ma per mancanza di tempo
Anita Pehar Il 18 luglio Vieni allo Stadio Arechi di Salerno, lavVergine Santissima ti attende per prendere
le tue ansie, le tue malattie, le tue pene e presentarle al suo Gesù, affinchè ti conceda pace e salute. Non deluderla.
7:00 - 8:00 Ingresso
Se alla precedente E-Mail tu mi hai scritto ed io non ti ho risposto, chiedo scusa, non è stoto per cattiva volontà ma per mancanza di tempo
Anita Pehar Il 18 luglio Vieni allo Stadio Arechi di Salerno, lavVergine Santissima ti attende per prendere
le tue ansie, le tue malattie, le tue pene e presentarle al suo Gesù, affinchè ti conceda pace e salute. Non deluderla.
7:00 - 8:00 Ingresso
8:00 - 9:00 Canti e preghiere
9:00 - 9:15 Ingresso nel campo sportivo dell’effige della Madonna di Pompei
9:15 - 9:25 Saluto alla vergine e all’assemblea S.E. Mons. Carlo Liberati
9:25 - 9:35 Intervento
P. Ludovico Caputo
9:35 - 9:45 Pensiero
Mons. Gianfranco Gallone
9:45 - 10:45
S.E. Mons. Romulo Emiliani
10:45 - 12:00 Meditazione e Preghiera di liberazione P. Gabriele Amorth e S.E. Mons. Andrea Gemma
12:00 - 13:00 Processione Eucaristica Preghiera di intercessione per gli ammalati P. Michele Vassallo P. Dario Betancourt
13:00 - 15:00 Intervallo per il pranzo
9:25 - 9:35 Intervento
P. Ludovico Caputo
9:35 - 9:45 Pensiero
Mons. Gianfranco Gallone
9:45 - 10:45
S.E. Mons. Romulo Emiliani
10:45 - 12:00 Meditazione e Preghiera di liberazione P. Gabriele Amorth e S.E. Mons. Andrea Gemma
12:00 - 13:00 Processione Eucaristica Preghiera di intercessione per gli ammalati P. Michele Vassallo P. Dario Betancourt
13:00 - 15:00 Intervallo per il pranzo
15:00 - 15:30 Recita del Santo Rosario e coroncina della Divina Misericordia
15:30 - 16:00 Mons. Nicola Giampietro 16:00 - 16:45 Quarta Conferenza
P. Elias Vella O.F.M.
16:45 - 17:30 Intervallo 17:30 Santa Messa concelebrata S. Ecc. Mons. Gerardo Pierro
Per qualunque informazione,
Tel: 0828601317
Fax: 0828601317
15:30 - 16:00 Mons. Nicola Giampietro 16:00 - 16:45 Quarta Conferenza
P. Elias Vella O.F.M.
16:45 - 17:30 Intervallo 17:30 Santa Messa concelebrata S. Ecc. Mons. Gerardo Pierro
Per qualunque informazione,
Tel: 0828601317
Fax: 0828601317
Thursday, June 10, 2010

1. Come Rappresentante Pontificio, sono davvero molto lieto di aver potuto partecipare a questa solenne Liturgia Eucaristica, che vede qui convenuti i Cardinali, gli Arcivescovi e i Vescovi della Regione Croata.
Ad essi, e in particolare al Vescovo Perić - che ospita questo Incontro con la consueta efficienza e fraternità - porto la benedizione del Santo Padre: segno della Sua vicinanza spirituale e del Suo sostegno nella testimonianza di fedeltà a Dio e alla Chiesa che il popolo croato cattolico rende anche oggi - come ha fatto in passato - in condizioni non sempre facili.
2. Sono lieto di vedere qui riuniti non soltanto il Card. Puljić, i Vescovi di Bosnia ed Erzegovina e il Vescovo Komarica, Presidente della Conferenza Episcopale di Bosnia ed Erzegovina; ma anche il Card. Bozanić, l’Arcivescovo Srakić e tutti i Vescovi della Conferenza Episcopale Croata.
E’ un segno ulteriore dell’unità della Chiesa croata. E’ una unità solida, fatta di “affectio collegialis” e di comune visione del ruolo, della responsabilità, della presenza e delle attività della Chiesa. E’ una unità che si esprime non solo in frequenti incontri, in occasione di grandi eventi di Chiesa; ma si alimenta con la medesima filiale devozione al Santo Padre, con il comune impegno ecclesiale dinanzi alle sfide che questo popolo si trova ad affrontare nella regione, ed anche con esemplari interventi di solidarietà verso le fasce sociali più povere e più bisognose.
Nei mesi scorsi, abbiamo notato con gioia che – sulla scia dei ripetuti interventi dei Vescovi – anche le Autorità della Repubblica di Croazia hanno confermato alla Santa Sede il loro sostegno in favore del popolo croato in Bosnia ed Erzegovina. Il Santo Padre è fiducioso che si vorrà continuare nel cammino intrapreso. Il nostro augurio, che si fa preghiera oggi, è che – con senso di civile e cristiana responsabilità – si possano trovare presto soluzioni adeguate per i problemi più urgenti e per le questioni che sono allo studio, per far sì che anche in Bosnia ed Erzegovina il popolo croato possa continuare a dare il suo prezioso contributo, con pari dignità degli altri popoli costitutivi, per il presente e il futuro del Paese.
3. Miei cari fratelli e sorelle, consentitemi di aggiungere un’altra breve riflessione. Questa Riunione Congiunta delle Conferenze Episcopali di Bosnia ed Erzegovina e di Croazia, per singolare disegno provvidenziale ha luogo a Mostar, che per molti aspetti è un importante punto di riferimento per il popolo croato in Bosnia ed Erzegovina.
Personalmente sono impressionato dai molteplici eventi ecclesiali che si stanno susseguendo qui, da alcuni mesi: la recente elezione di due Arcivescovi, figli di questa terra (Mons. Petar Rajič e Mons. Želimir Puljić); l’ambita Visita del Cardinale Segretario di Stato; l’annuncio di una Commissione Internazionale sul fenomeno di Međugorje, che ha riportato questa terra al centro dell’attenzione pubblica mondiale. Ma anche a livello civile la città di Mostar sta registrando notevoli progressi. Ricorderete che proprio questo ha detto qui (il 26 febbraio) con molta chiarezza l’Alto Rappresentante, che conosce l’Erzegovina non da ieri. Questo è stato confermato pure dalla recente decisione della Comunità Internazionale di chiudere l’Ufficio locale dell’Alto Rappresentante.
Per quanto riguarda la Santa Sede, è nota la particolare attenzione con cui essa guarda all’Erzegovina: perché qui la percentuale dei cattolici e più alta, e anzi in alcune aree i cattolici sono in maggioranza. Per questo motivo il Santo Padre ha voluto che il Card. Bertone (quest’anno) e l’Arcivescovo Mamberti (nel 2008) venissero in visita a Mostar. Ed è per la medesima ragione che il Santo Padre continua a seguire personalmente alcune questioni che riguardano il futuro della Chiesa in Erzegovina, com’è testimoniato anche dalla sua importante decisione circa la Commissione Internazionale sul fenomeno di Međugorje.
Ebbene, ricorderete che, nella sua Visita del 2008, l’Arcivescovo Mamberti, Capo della Diplomazia Vaticana, fece qui un vibrante appello all’unità del popolo croato, nelle sue diverse componenti civili ed ecclesiali, perché – egli disse – “è l’unità che fa la forza”, specialmente nei momenti di prova. Lo stesso Arcivescovo Mamberti ha fatto un altro appello quest’anno, sempre da Mostar, invitando il popolo croato cattolico a restare in Bosnia ed Erzegovina, e a non scoraggiarsi dinanzi alle difficoltà che rendono la vita quotidiana talvolta faticosa. “In una prospettiva cristiana – egli ha affermato – la vostra presenza in Bosnia ed Erzegovina ha un senso, e dovete viverla come una missione affidatavi del Signore; dovete cioè favorire l’armonia tra le varie componenti del Paese, e costruire insieme un futuro di pace”.
Personalmente mi convinco ogni giorno di più del ruolo che l’Erzegovina può e deve avere, nel Paese e nella costruzione del futuro del popolo croato e della Chiesa in Bosnia ed Erzegovina: per le sue potenzialità, per i mezzi e il personale di cui dispone, per l’intraprendenza e la creatività dei suoi cittadini e delle sue istituzioni, per la tenacia con cui vengono promossi qui tanti progetti. E sono certo che tutti indistintamente – persone di Chiesa, intellettuali, politici ed operatori sociali – non vi tirerete indietro dinanzi alle responsabilità, che oggi avete come ieri, e forse più che in passato; e non vi tirerete indietro dinanzi al rinnovato impegno che oggi la Santa Sede vi domanda, con tanta fiducia.
La nostra speranza è che l’esempio di unità e di impegno dei Vescovi possano incoraggiarvi a seguire con determinazione la stessa strada, e ispirarvi sentimenti di rinnovata fedeltà al modello di amore per questa terra, che vi è stato trasmesso dai vostri Padri.
4. Affido queste intenzioni alla celeste protezione di Maria, Madre della Chiesa, alla quale avete dedicato la vostra Chiesa Cattedrale, e che avete scelto come Compatrona della diocesi. Sia Lei, la Vergine fedele, ad ottenere abbondanza di benedizioni e di grazie per ciascuno di voi, per il Paese, e per tutta la Chiesa di Dio che è in Croazia e in Bosnia ed Erzegovina. E così sia!
Corpus Domini in Medjugorje with the members of historical military groups of Croatia

Many pilgrims arrived this year from various countries to be here in Medjugorje during the Feast of Corpus Christi. There were groups from Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Italy, France, Latvia, United States, Germany, Austria, England, Ireland and of course, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Due to the heavy rain, we could not have traditional procession with the Blessed Sacrament, and instead of that there was Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
Along with many mentioned pilgrims from various countries, there were members of historical military groups of Croatian Army from Sibenik, Ogulin and Vinkovici. Wearing their traditional and beautiful uniforms, they were indeed genuine attraction wherever they showed up and they also led different mysteries of the Rosary at 6 p.m. in the church of St. James.
Josko Babacic, commander of Sibenik City Guard, said the following to Radio Station Mir Medjugorje: “We had huge honour of leading the decades of the Rosary in the church of St. James on Wednesday evening, in front of so many different people, and that will always remain as wonderful memory, and surely we will come again.”
Hrvoje Smiljanic, vice-president of Croatian Falcon Vinkovci and leader of Falcon Guard from Vinkovic, spoke in the same spirit: “I think I will have the huge problem next year, since all of the members of the Guard will surely want to come. The impressions are just great. You could feel immense spirituality as well as the incredible connection of thousands of the people from all around the church and of us who were inside.
It was very impressive to see those young, strong men praying and leading the prayer of the Rosary. That was priceless experience.”
Petar Markovic, Secretary of Frankopan Guard Ogulin added how he came to Medjguorje in 1999 for the first time, and ever since that year he has been regular pilgrim who is thrilled with spirituality in Medjugorje.
Besides visiting places of prayer in Medjugorje, these soldiers visited Franciscan Monastery in Humac, and at the very end, they expressed their desire to make this traditional pilgrimage that will take place every year for the Feast of Corpus Christi. (photo at official medjugorje site )
Along with many mentioned pilgrims from various countries, there were members of historical military groups of Croatian Army from Sibenik, Ogulin and Vinkovici. Wearing their traditional and beautiful uniforms, they were indeed genuine attraction wherever they showed up and they also led different mysteries of the Rosary at 6 p.m. in the church of St. James.
Josko Babacic, commander of Sibenik City Guard, said the following to Radio Station Mir Medjugorje: “We had huge honour of leading the decades of the Rosary in the church of St. James on Wednesday evening, in front of so many different people, and that will always remain as wonderful memory, and surely we will come again.”
Hrvoje Smiljanic, vice-president of Croatian Falcon Vinkovci and leader of Falcon Guard from Vinkovic, spoke in the same spirit: “I think I will have the huge problem next year, since all of the members of the Guard will surely want to come. The impressions are just great. You could feel immense spirituality as well as the incredible connection of thousands of the people from all around the church and of us who were inside.
It was very impressive to see those young, strong men praying and leading the prayer of the Rosary. That was priceless experience.”
Petar Markovic, Secretary of Frankopan Guard Ogulin added how he came to Medjguorje in 1999 for the first time, and ever since that year he has been regular pilgrim who is thrilled with spirituality in Medjugorje.
Besides visiting places of prayer in Medjugorje, these soldiers visited Franciscan Monastery in Humac, and at the very end, they expressed their desire to make this traditional pilgrimage that will take place every year for the Feast of Corpus Christi. (photo at official medjugorje site )
The amazing fruits of Medjugorje - Religious vocations point to authenticity by Daniel
Fr. Donald Calloway, the popular American priest of the Marians of the Immaculate Conception who is a leading proponent of the Divine Mercy devotions, and the author and editor of numerous books on Mariology, was another young person who experienced the grace of Medjugorje in his remarkable conversion story and in his road to the priesthood (see the story, “Father Calloway – Saved by Medjugorje and the Virgin Mary” on MinistryValues). Fr. Calloway, who studied at the Franciscan University in Ohio and at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C., acknowledged that even in America—where we often are reminded of the shortage of vocations—Medjugorje has played a central role in encouraging young men to pursue the priesthood. In an interview that Fr. Calloway gave in February 2004, he explained how many young men he met in seminary who were as inspired by Medjugorje as he was to pursue the vocation:
“I loved every minute of Medjugorje. I'm going back in March. It's the edge of Heaven, wonderful...Our Lady is building up this army, this whole new generation, layer by layer. Rank by rank they are coming out of seminaries to take their places. There's a whole generation of priests coming, and they're just like me. No nonsense. I always tell people, get ready, because it's coming to a parish near you...We've been formed by the Blessed Virgin Mary and her apparitions. So many of the guys I knew in seminary, they loved things like Medjugorje or Betania or Amsterdam or Kibeho. They don't have a problem with it. They bite onto truth like a shark, and they're going to be the guys in the seminaries teaching. They're going to be in parishes. One cardinal said if it were not for Medjugorje, he would have hardly any seminarians. I compare it to Guadalupe.”
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Messaggio del 2 maggio 2010 ( Mirjana )
Cari figli, oggi il Padre buono attraverso di me vi invita affinché con l’anima colma d’amore vi incamminiate nel cammino spirituale. Cari figli, riempitevi di grazia, pentitevi sinceramente per i peccati e bramate il bene. Bramate anche a nome di coloro che non hanno conosciuto la perfezione del bene. Sarete più cari a Dio. Vi ringrazio.
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Mirjana Dragicevic
mirjana soldo
mostar walking tour
Nelson Mandela
new diocese
Notre Dame
official site
old video
olive wood
ora et laborat orio
original Medjugorje souvenirs and art
Our Lady
Our Lady's Message from Medjugorje
padre Livio Fanzaga
Palavela di Torino
palm sunday
paolo brosio
Paolo brosio Roberto Bignoli
pastoral letter
pellegrinaggi in aereo
petar ljubicic
petar rajic
petar rajić
piramida mjeseca
piramida sunca
post i molitva
pregate pregare pregate
prof.dr.Franjo Topić
pyramid of the moon
pyramid of the sun
Queen Katarina
radio Mir
Ralph McInerny
rene laurentin
Riccardo Scamarcio
roberto mancini
Saint Anthony
Saint Peter and Paul church in Mostar
santo spirito
seminar for the married couples
Shroud of T
spiritual excercises
spiritual renwal
st. james
St.Gianna Molla
Stjepan Hauser
Summorum Pontificum
suor emmanuel
the visionary speaks
Tomislav Ivancic
traffic in medjugorje
Valeria Golino
veggente Marija Pavlovic
veggente Mirjana
veggente Mirjana Dragicevic
Visionary Ivan Dragicevic
walter nudo
wayne weible
world marriage day
youth festival
Zlatko Sudac