Thursday, May 31, 2012

Preface (Card. William Levada, Prefect), 14 December 2011


1. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is competent in questions regarding the promotion and safeguarding of the teaching of faith and morals. It is also competent to examine difficulties regarding the proper understanding of the faith, such as cases of pseudo-mysticism, presumed apparitions, visions and messages attributed to supernatural sources. In regard to these very delicate tasks, more than thirty years ago this Dicastery prepared the Normae de modo procedendi in diudicandis praesumptis apparitionibus ac revelationibus. This document, formulated by the Members of the Plenary Session of the Congregation, was approved by the Servant of God, Pope Paul VI, on 24 February 1978, and subsequently issued on 25 February 1978. At that time theNorms were sent to Bishops for their information, without, however, being officially published, as the norms were given for the direct aid of the Pastors of the Church.
2. Over the years this document has been published in various works treating these matters, in more than one language, without obtaining the prior permission of this Dicastery. Today, it must be recognized that the contents of these important norms are already in the public domain. Therefore, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith believes it is now opportune to publish these Norms, providing translations in the principle languages.
3. In the Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the Word of God held in October 2008, the issue of the problems stemming from the experience of supernatural phenomena was raised as a pastoral concern by some Bishops. Their concern was recognized by the Holy Father, Benedict XVI, who inserted the issue into the larger context of the economy of salvation, in a significant passage of the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation, Verbum Domini. It is important to recall this teaching of the Pontiff, which is an invitation to pay appropriate attention to these supernatural phenomena:
“In all of this, the Church gives voice to her awareness that with Jesus Christ she stands before the definitive word of God: he is ‘the first and the last’ (Rev 1:17). He has given creation and history their definitive meaning; and hence we are called to live in time and in God’s creation within this eschatological rhythm of the word; ‘thus the Christian dispensation, since it is the new and definitive covenant, will never pass away; and no new public revelation is to be expected before the glorious manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ (cf. 1 Tim 6:14 and Tit 2:13)’. Indeed, as the Fathers noted during the Synod, the ‘uniqueness of Christianity is manifested in the event which is Jesus Christ, the culmination of revelation, the fulfilment of God’s promises and the mediator of the encounter between man and God. He who ‘has made God known’ (Jn 1:18) is the one, definitive word given to mankind.’ Saint John of the Cross expresses this truth magnificently: ‘Since he has given us his Son, his only word (for he possesses no other), he spoke everything at once in this sole word – and he has no more to say… because what he spoke before to the prophets in parts, he has spoken all at once by giving us this All who is his Son. Any person questioning God or desiring some vision or revelation would be guilty not only of foolish behaviour but also of offending him, by not fixing his eyes entirely on Christ and by living with the desire for some other novelty’ (Ascent of Mount Carmel, II, 22).”
Bearing this in mind, the Holy Father, Benedict XVI, notes the following:
“Consequently the Synod pointed to the need to ‘help the faithful to distinguish the word of God from private revelations’ whose role ‘is not to complete Christ’s definitive revelation, but to help live more fully by it in a certain period of history.’ The value of private revelations is essentially different from that of the one public revelation: the latter demands faith; in it God himself speaks to us through human words and the mediation of the living community of the Church. The criterion for judging the truth of a private revelation is its orientation to Christ himself. If it leads us away from him, then it certainly does not come from the Holy Spirit, who guides us more deeply into the Gospel, and not away from it. Private revelation is an aid to this faith, and it demonstrates its credibility precisely because it refers back to the one public revelation. Ecclesiastical approval of a private revelation essentially means that its message contains nothing contrary to faith and morals; it is licit to make it public and the faithful are authorized to give to it their prudent adhesion. A private revelation can introduce new emphases, give rise to new forms of piety, or deepen older ones. It can have a certain prophetic character (cf. 1 Th 5:19-21) and can be a valuable aid for better understanding and living the Gospel at a certain time; consequently it should not be treated lightly. It is a help which is proffered, but its use is not obligatory. In any event, it must be a matter of nourishing faith, hope and love, which are for everyone the permanent path of salvation.”[1]
4. It is my firm hope that the official publication of the Norms regarding the manner of proceeding in the discernment of presumed apparitions or revelations can aid the Pastors of the Catholic Church in their difficult task of discerning presumed apparitions, revelations, messages or, more generally, extraordinary phenomena of presumed supernatural origin. At the same time it is hoped that this text might be useful to theologians and experts in this field of the lived experience of the Church, whose delicacy requires an ever-more thorough consideration.

William Card. Levada

Vatican City State, 14 December 2011, Feast of Saint John of the Cross.

[1] Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation, Verbum Domini, on the Word of God in the life and mission of the Church, 30 September 2010, n. 14: AAS 102 (2010) 695-696. See also those passages of the Catechism for the Catholic Church dedicated to this topic (nn. 66-67).



Origin and character of these norms
During the annual Plenary Session in November 1974, the Fathers of this Sacred Congregation examined the problems relative to presumed apparitions and to the revelations often connected with them and reached the following conclusions:
1. Today, more than in the past, news of these apparitions is diffused rapidly among the faithful thanks to the means of information (mass media). Moreover, the ease of going from one place to another fosters frequent pilgrimages, so that Ecclesiastical Authority should discern quickly about the merits of such matters.
2. On the other hand, modern mentality and the requirements of critical scientific investigation render it more difficult, if not almost impossible, to achieve with the required speed the judgments that in the past concluded the investigation of such matters (constat de supernaturalitatenon constat de supernaturalitate) and that offered to the Ordinaries the possibility of authorizing or prohibiting public cult or other forms of devotion among the faithful.
For these reasons, in order that the devotion stirred among the faithful as a result of facts of this sort might manifest itself in full communion with the Church, and bear fruits by which the Church herself might later discern the true nature of the facts, the Fathers judged that in this matter the following procedure should be promoted.
When Ecclesiastical Authority is informed of a presumed apparition or revelation, it will be its responsibility:
a) first, to judge the fact according to positive and negative criteria (cf. infra, no. I);
b) then, if this examination results in a favorable conclusion, to permit some public manifestation of cult or of devotion, overseeing this with great prudence (equivalent to the formula, “for now, nothing stands in the way”) (pro nunc nihil obstare).
c) finally, in light of time passed and of experience, with special regard to the fecundity of spiritual fruit generated from this new devotion, to express a judgment regarding the authenticity and supernatural character if the case so merits.


A) Positive Criteria:
a) Moral certitude, or at least great probability of the existence of the fact, acquired by means of a serious investigation;
b) Particular circumstances relative to the existence and to the nature of the fact, that is to say:
1. Personal qualities of the subject or of the subjects (in particular, psychological equilibrium, honesty and rectitude of moral life, sincerity and habitual docility towards Ecclesiastical Authority, the capacity to return to a normal regimen of a life of faith, etc.);
2. As regards revelation: true theological and spiritual doctrine and immune from error;
3. Healthy devotion and abundant and constant spiritual fruit (for example, spirit of prayer, conversion, testimonies of charity, etc.).
B) Negative Criteria:
a) Manifest error concerning the fact.
b) Doctrinal errors attributed to God himself, or to the Blessed Virgin Mary, or to some saint in their manifestations, taking into account however the possibility that the subject might have added, even unconsciously, purely human elements or some error of the natural order to an authentic supernatural revelation (cf. Saint Ignatius, Exercises, no. 336).
c) Evidence of a search for profit or gain strictly connected to the fact.
d) Gravely immoral acts committed by the subject or his or her followers when the fact occurred or in connection with it.
e) Psychological disorder or psychopathic tendencies in the subject, that with certainty influenced on the presumed supernatural fact, or psychosis, collective hysteria or other things of this kind.
It is to be noted that these criteria, be they positive or negative, are not peremptory but rather indicative, and they should be applied cumulatively or with some mutual convergence.


1. If, on the occasion of a presumed supernatural fact, there arises in a spontaneous way among the faithful a certain cult or some devotion, the competent Ecclesiastical Authority has the serious duty of looking into it without delay and of diligently watching over it.
2. If the faithful request it legitimately (that is, in communion with the Pastors, and not prompted by a sectarian spirit), the competent Ecclesiastical Authority can intervene to permit or promote some form of cult or devotion, if, after the application of the above criteria, nothing stands in the way. They must be careful that the faithful not interpret this practice as approval of the supernatural nature of the fact on the part of the Church (cf. Preliminary note c).
3. By reason of its doctrinal and pastoral task, the competent Authority can intervene motu proprioand indeed must do so in grave circumstances, for example in order to correct or prevent abuses in the exercise of cult and devotion, to condemn erroneous doctrine, to avoid the dangers of a false or unseemly mysticism, etc.
4. In doubtful cases that clearly do not put the good of the Church at risk, the competent Ecclesiastical Authority is to refrain from any judgment and from any direct action (because it can also happen that, after a certain period of time, the presumed supernatural fact falls into oblivion); it must not however cease from being vigilant by intervening if necessary, with promptness and prudence.


1. Above all, the duty of vigilance and intervention falls to the Ordinary of the place.
2. The regional or national Conference of Bishops can intervene:
a) If the Ordinary of the place, having done his part, turns to it to judge the matter with greater certainty;
b) If the matter pertains to the national or regional level; always, however, with the prior consent of the Ordinary of the place.
3. The Apostolic See can intervene if asked either by the Ordinary himself, by a qualified group of the faithful, or even directly by reason of the universal jurisdiction of the Supreme Pontiff (cf. infra, no. IV).


1. a) The intervention of the Sacred Congregation can be requested either by the Ordinary, after he has done his part, or by a qualified group of the faithful. In this second case, care must be taken that recourse to the Sacred Congregation not be motivated by suspect reasons (for example, in order to compel the Ordinary to modify his own legitimate decisions, to support some sectarian group, etc.).
b) It is up to the Sacred Congregation to intervene motu proprio in graver cases, especially if the matter affects the larger part of the Church, always after having consulted the Ordinary and even, if the situation requires, the Conference of Bishops.
2. It is up to the Sacred Congregation to judge and approve the Ordinary’s way of proceeding or, in so far as it be possible and fitting, to initiate a new examination of the matter, distinct from that undertaken by the Ordinary and carried out either by the Sacred Congregation itself or by a special Commission.
The Present Norms, deliberated in the Plenary Session of this Sacred Congregation, were approved by the Supreme Pontiff, Paul VI on 24 February 1978.
In Rome, from the palace of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 25 February 1978.

Francis Cardinal Šeper

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A piedi da Budapest a Medjugorje

Annamária Vécsey di Budapest, insieme ad un altro pellegrino, è giunta a Medjugorje a piedi. Lo aveva già fatto nel 2008. Essi sono partiti il 12 Aprile e sono arrivati a Medjugorje il 19 Maggio, Solennità dell’Ascensione del Signore. Secondo quanto dice lei stessa, , stimolata dalla Parola di Dio, ha deciso di rispondere a questa chiamata anche questa volta. Sapeva cosa la attendeva per via ma, nonostante l’età – ha sessantotto anni – e le difficoltà di salute, ha detto: “Vado”. Quando sono giunti alla loro meta, dalla Madonna a Medjugorje, hanno dimenticato tutte le difficoltà incontrate nel viaggio e il maltempo ed  hanno prevalso i bei ricordi degli incontri con le persone. Lei ritiene di aver incontrato le stesse persone di quattro anni fa, che l’hanno aiutata volentieri come allora, per Divina Provvidenza. Gioiosa e grata al Buon Dio ed alla Madonna per il fatto di essere arrivati con successo, vivi e sani, ella ha ringraziato tutti coloro che li hanno aiutati in questo viaggio.

John O' Sullivan è arrivato a Medjugorje con un gruppo di pellegrini proveniente dalla città di Killarney, in Irlanda. Non ci sarebbe nulla di insolito in questo, se non si trattasse di un pellegrino che il 5 Aprile scorso ha compiuto 100 anni

John O' Sullivan è arrivato a Medjugorje con un gruppo di pellegrini proveniente dalla città di Killarney, in Irlanda. Non ci sarebbe nulla di insolito in questo, se non si trattasse di un pellegrino che il 5 Aprile scorso ha compiuto 100 anni. Questo è il suo nono pellegrinaggio a Medjugorje. E’ venuto per la prima volta nel 2002. Aveva saputo di questo luogo da persone che erano già stati pellegrini a Medjugorje. La salute gli fa un buon servizio e quindi, anche questa volta, è salito sia sul Podbrdo che sul Križevac, naturalmente in compagnia dagli altri pellegrini. “Avevo sentito parlare di Medjugorje ed ho deciso di venire. Non pensavo che sarebbe stato così bello. In seguito ho parlato di Medjugorje ad alcune persone. Mi sono recato anche in altri luoghi, ma amo di più venire a Medjugorje” – ha affermato John, che ci ha annunciato anche un suo prossimo pellegrinaggio. 

Pilgrimage on foot from north of Croatia to Medjugorje. One brother and two sisters arrive in Medjugorje on May 24 after walking from Osijek.

Zvonko Bogi, Vesna Jankovic, Zlatica Cepo, brother and two sisters, walked from Osijek and arrived to Medjugorje on Thursday, May 24, 2012. They started their trip on May 14, 2012. They made decision to do this pilgrimage in the honour of Our Lady, the Queen of Peace, before Christmas last year. They wanted to thank her for everything she had done for them. They wanted to emphasise that everyone they met on their journey was kind and gracious to them and they would like to thank them all. “There was prayer and joy while we travelled here. We were in the pain, but every morning, after waking up, the pain was gone. Our Lady was with us all the time, she was guiding us and the doors were opened to us wherever we came. We visited many pilgrimage destinations, but Medjugorje is something special, something that cannot be described”, said Zvonko, Vesna and Zlatica who are members of the Movement of Devine Mercy. They will stay in Medjugorje until Sunday, May 27, when another group of pilgrims from Osijek will join them.

“I heard about Medjugorje from one of the priests."- says Patricia Duggan from Canada

Married couple Patricia and Jack Duggan from Canada are in Medjugorje in these days. They came here for the first time in 1993, when they were helping with refugee camps throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. Patricia said: “I heard about Medjugorje from one of the priests. There were many problems, my kids were small at that time and I was not able to come. All we wanted was to help others and it happened by accidence that both my husband and I became group leaders. We have brought many people from Canada and we come here twice a year. Medjugorje is our second home.” Patricia said that they have seen many conversions in their groups after their visit to Medjugorje.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

New traffic regulation makes Bijakovici a one-way street.

The new traffic regulation in Medjugorje , Bijakovici and Miletina is ALIVE- we will see how will this function with all the buses. New regulations are for delivery cars and trucks as well . Finds are in range from 250 to 500 euros so I am certainly not thinking to brake any rules :-)

Well if we are going to have over 2000 000 pilgrims we do have to get organised.

Safe traveling :-)

Praying with Assyrian ! What an experience !

I thank God every day for this gift of being a guide in Medjugorje parish.
 I spent a day with my pilgrims, Assyrian who have ( with great love) tried to teach me some of the language our Lord Jesus spoke. Isn't that fascinating :-) 
Only on Saturday our bishop spoke to us about danger of becoming a Babylon and come Monday I am with the actual people from Babylon !!! Learning about the history first hand.
Praised be Lord our God! He really really loves me very much -) 

And I know He loves you just the same.  God bless you my dear pilgrims. You guide prays for you !

Monday, May 21, 2012

You have a chance to make this place a Babilon or Jerusalem - says bishop Peric in Medjugorje last Saturday

Let's hope we will make it a Jerusalem - place of prayer and reconciliation, place of worship, mutual understanding  in God, a place where on listens to the word of Saint Peter 
" Repent ........ and you shall receive the gift of Holy Spirit! " :-) (Acts,2:38)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Your Medjguorje Guide Writes in May 2012 -02

Hvaljen Isus i Marija !
First - thank you for all of your prayers and e-mails you are constantly sending to me Emanuel and me-. it is impossible to put in words all the love you have shared to our little family throughout years I also thank to our dear friend in US who has offered a mass for Emanuel and me last week. May God reward you in many ways.

There is no greater gift then a Holy Mass and there is no greater miracle than that of the Holy Mass.

This is what I repeat so many times to my dear pilgrims. Many come to Mejdugorje looking for a miracle and I tell them - well, it is easy and you can live a miracle, great miracle every day -- go to church, be at the holy mass and you will witness that from the few drops of wine and a little peace of bread becomes the Body and Blood of our Lord Christ. Can you imagine greater miracle than that?
All all the healing you need comes from that source, all the grace and all the joy.

So why would you look for anything else. isn't this what Our Lady is repeating for so many years in Medjugorje. Place Jesus at the center of your life, place Holy Mass at the center of your life, pray rosary and meditate on life of our Lord Jesus and read Bible and listen to that Living Word ... Every day, every minute stay close to Jesus. 

So one wonders if we  we making any sense while explaining and witnessing  to our pilgrims as all we see are people running around in search of some spectacle. Sun spinning, statue weeping, photo cameras everywhere and on everything - desperate to get one's own little miracle to bust about to family and friends or maybe  even worse  ...

So for today, I am giving up -- This post comes from my personal seance of failure. " You will be my witness"_said Our Ladyn
But today  I feel I did not make it for my group. It is hard to compete to so cold  news agencies and Tv shows and books that do not care so much for the truth and message but have other things on their agenda

My hope is always that Our Lady is with me and that She knows I really have tried, I really have tried ...

God bless you all ! Keep praying for your guides.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

XXVI Meeting dei Giovani

Carissimi, vi inviamo in allegato il programma del prossimo Meeting dei Giovani – Pompei (girate la notizia)




XXVI Meeting dei Giovani


·         VENERDI 18 Maggio 2012

Ore 10.00; Incontro con le scuole a Pompei al Teatro "Di Costanzo - Mattiello"


-          Mons. CARLO LIBERATI, (Arcivescovo di Pompei)

-          On. GIANFRANCO FINI, (Presidente della Camera)

-          PASQUALE SABBATINO, (Promotore del progetto Bibliocamorra, Ordinario di letteratura italiana, presso l'Università Federico II di Napoli)

-          GAETANO DI VAIO, (e

-          x detenuto oggi Produttore e Regista Cinematografico)

Modera: MASSIMO MILONE, (Caporedattore TGR Campania)


SABATO 19 Maggio 2012

Ore 16.00 Accoglienza

Ore 16.40 Introduzione alla Catechesi

Ore 17.00 Catechesi

Ore 17.30 Musica

Ore 18.00 Testimonianze

Ore 18.30 Musica

Ore 19.00 Momento di Preghiera

Ore 21.00 Musical "Aggiungi un posto a Tavola"



Sua Mons. LUCIO LEMMO, Vescovo Ausiliare di Napoli e Delegato per la Pastorale Giovanile della CEC, Don MIMMO IERVOLINO, (Cantautore religioso) ENZO DE CARO, (Attore e Cantante), PIETRO SARUBBI (Attore nel ruolo di Barabba in "the Passio")  SERENA ROSSI, (Attrice e Cantante), SONOHRA, (Gruppo Musicale)  GIACOMO CELENTANO, (Cantante), CIRO GIUSTINIANI, (Comico Made in SUD), (Servizio Regionale per la Pastorale Giovanile (Conferenza Episcopale Campana), GIFRA (Basilicata e Campania).




Tuesday, May 15, 2012

tradizionale incontro Nazionale di preghiera Rho Fiera |Strada Statale del Sempione 28 | Padiglione 22 Domenica 20 maggio 2012 dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 21.00


Carissimi, per poter continuare ad offrire il tradizionale incontro Nazionale di preghiera anche quest'anno l'Associazione ha fatto una scelta coraggiosa, ma soprattutto ha fatto un grande atto di fede nella Provvidenza e nella Regina della Pace. Il nostro incontro precederà il grande Evento Mondiale che riunirà a Milano migliaia di famiglie provenienti da tutte le parti del mondo. Per questo motivo e seguendo ciò che il nostro Cardinale Angelo Scola ha scritto nella lettera ai fedeli, il nostro tema ci viene suggerito da un messaggio del 25 gennaio 1992 della Regina della Pace:

"Ogni famiglia diventi gioia per mio figlio Gesù"

Abbiamo cercato un luogo dove accogliere circa ventimila persone per dare a tutti la possibilità di stare seduti e seguire l'incontro con raccoglimento e attenzione. Abbiamo cercato un luogo dove i servizi sanitari fossero tanti e igienici. Abbiamo cercato un luogo dove avere un angolo anche per i più piccoli. Abbiamo cercato un luogo raggiungibile facilmente dai pullman, dal metro e munito di parcheggio. Abbiamo cercato un luogo dove fosse possibile avere venti postazioni per le confessioni (speriamo vengano i sacerdoti). Abbiamo cercato un luogo dove i partecipanti non siano disturbati dai bar, dagli stand ecc… Tutto questo l'abbiamo trovato a:

Rho Fiera – Strada Statale del Sempione 28 - Padiglione 22
Domenica 20 maggio 2012 dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 21.00

Desideriamo dare alcune informazioni utili e importanti:
  • Le prenotazioni per i soli pullman si effettueranno fino al raggiungimento di 10.000 posti;
  • Per i privati, per i gruppetti e per i pullman che volessero venire senza prenotazione vi saranno a disposizione altri 10.000 posti; Le due zone e le due entrate sono ben delineate ed ai partecipanti dei pullman che avranno prenotato, sarà consegnato un cartoncino personale che darà loro il diritto di stare nel settore assegnato.
Le entrate per arrivare al Padiglione 22 saranno:
  1. Per le auto o pedoni posteggio n. 1 CARGO 5 entrata porta ovest;
  2. Per chi viene in metro LINEA ROSSA MM1 CAPOLINEA RHO FIERA entrata porta est; Biglietto specifico per Rho Fiera (circolazione esterna)
  3. Per i pullman entrata CARGO 1 posteggio interno a pagamento;
  4. Per gli ammalati e disabili in carrozzina entrata da CARGO 1 per scendere con un accompagnatore davanti all'entrata di porta E e uscire con l'auto per andare al parcheggio 1.
Possibilità di lasciare i bambini più piccoli in una zona a loro destinata con personale addetto.

La presenza fino ad oggi è assicurata per Marija Pavlovic, Jakov Colo, Padre Ljubo e speriamo e preghiamo nel ritorno di Padre Jozo. Vi saranno altre testimonianze di Medjugorje.

Chi volesse rendersi utile aiutando l'Associazione nell'organizzazione, chiami il nostro ufficio.

È importante, per i pullman che devono prenotare, mettersi in contatto con l'ufficio tel. 0332/487613 che fornirà ulteriori spiegazioni anche per chi volesse manifesti e locandine. Questa diffusione non è pubblicità, ma informazione per le persone che non conoscono l'amore di Dio e dare loro la possibilità di trascorrere una giornata di preghiera: è apostolato. Quanta gente ha conosciuto Medjugorje attraverso questo evento; quanti hanno iniziato a conoscere Gesù e ad amarlo; quanti, dopo una buona confessione, hanno iniziato un cammino nuovo di preghiera e di fede; quanti hanno ricevuto grazie, doni attraverso la Regina della Pace. Questo sforzo e sacrificio da parte di Mir i Dobro, ha unicamente lo scopo di permettere a Maria, alla nostra Mamma, attraverso le nostre mani e il nostro amore, di aiutare chi è più spiritualmente nel bisogno. E con questa certezza, sta affrontando con fede questo avvenimento. Chiediamo a tutti di aiutarci a rendere il più possibile ordinato e caritatevole questo cammino come una marcia di tanti cuori verso Gesù e Maria.

La presidente

Wednesday, May 09, 2012


For english speaking world , you can follow all that goes on in Medjugorje during Rosary and Holy Mass thanks to the tehnology  trough medjugorje LIVE TV streeiming on official website in ENGLISH!

On our official webpage for english speaking world 
you can follow a compelete evening program in your language ....

Same service is provided for French, German, Italian, Arabic, Polish etc at their respective official language website like  for  ITALIANO pour FRANCAIS 

Message on May 02 trough visionary Mirjana to the people gathered at the Blue Cross in Medjugorje

“Dear children! With motherly love I implore you to give me your hands, permit me to lead you. I, as a mother, desire to save you from restlessness, despair and eternal exile. My Son, by His death on the Cross, showed how much He loves you; He sacrificed Himself for your sake and the sake of your sins. Do not keep rejecting His sacrifice and do not keep renewing His sufferings with your sins. Do not keep shutting the doors of Heaven to yourselves. My children, do not waste time. Nothing is more important than unity in my Son. I will help you because the Heavenly Father is sending me so that, together, we can show the way of grace and salvation to all those who do not know Him. Do not be hard hearted. Have confidence in me and adore my Son. My children, you cannot be without the shepherds. May they be in your prayers every day. Thank you.”

Your Medjugorje Guide Writings in May 2012

Hello my dear people ! Your Tour Guide is alive!! Eh,  first let me say how sorry I am for not replying on all you your e-mails , it was just impossible to reply to everybody as I was super busy with my Italian groups.
If you have been to Medjugorje for Youth Festival these last few years only then you can imagine Medjugorje for the weekend of May 01, absolutely unbelievable amount of people came. I have never, ever seen that many people, specially Italians. We were getting calls from all over Italy and all Medjugorje guides who speak Italian were working all day long starting 4 AM till late at night. We had to do everything on foot as the buses could not move around the village and I have to say that our taxi service was absolutely fabulous helping us to get from point A to point B fast and on time. 
On May 02 we went for a prayer meeting at Blue Cross with visionary Mirjana and already at 6 AM te street under the cross was fully packed with pilgrims. Many people were spending the whole night in prayer at the blue cross and many joined them at early morning hours. 
Morning mass for Italians was at the outside altar behind the church and it was packed.
Evening mass with people all very the place  all the way to Risen Christ statues.
Hills covered with people in prayer ... 
Not to mention that many had to camp and pensions very serving people on balconies and tarraces of their houses as just there was no more room in the hotels and Pansiona. I had several groups sleeping in Mostar and then traveling morning and evening, back and forth , for Mejdugorje program just like in the old days when Medjugorje did not have a hotel. /brings back some lovely memories of father Jozo but will not go into that now/
Emanuel and I had to bring sandwiches (!) form home as in restaurants would be no food left or no time to serve us  due to heavy number of pilgrims they had to serve ah!!!  
I wonder how it will be in June ?! What do you think ? 


abortion andrea bocelli Anita.guides anniversary aparitione aparizion apparition apparizione apparizione croce azzurra apparizione della Madonna Regina della Pace di Medjugorje archbishop art artisti convertiti Benedict XVI benedizione via web bijakovici birthday bishop bishop Franjo Komarica Blagaj blessing via internet blue cross books canada candlemas.blessing cardinal Puljic cardinal Ruini Cardinal Schonborn cardinal von Balthasar Caritas in Veritate catholics celi centro maria charity charity events charity promotions child church cilic Claudia Koll commento al messaggio commento di Padre Livio al messaggio del 2 novembre 2011 commision commission como comunione negata concert conference confirmation talk convent conversion converssione corpus Domini credo Croatian naive art cross mountain D'errico danko perutina digiuno Divina Misericordia Divine Mercy Divine Mercy Novena Divine Mercy Sunday dolina piramida domus pacis don Gabriel Amorth Draga Ivankovic. medjugorje duhovne vježbe easter egg ecclesia Dei ero gay exame exorcist Extraordinary Form FAMOUS CROATIAN fasting fasting bread father Donald Calloway father of the year father slavko feast day festival festival dei giovani festival mladih figli del divino amore flights florida Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa franciscan monastery francscan monastery and church in mostar free masons free medjugorje application freedom g gebets Gesu Misericordioso gifts and souvenirs Giovanni Paoli II gloria polo grosseto gruppo di preghiera gruppo lot guarda con me guida locale guide guides.father Slavko guiding Hagioterapija hand carved handmade healing guarigione Hilarius Datus Lega history Holy Father hotel medjugorje Humac hystory il messaggio della madonna di medjugorje il vescovo imotski incontri incontri con veggente indulgences information international commission interview intervista INVENTOR investigation iphone medjugorje app ireland italia ivan dragicevic Ivanka ivo scepanovic jakov jeune et silance jim caviezel jmj madrid 2011 Joelle kibeho knjiga Kraljeva Sutjeska krizevci l'apparizione l'indulgenza plenaria la festa last bosnian queen Laus le novita di medjugorje lent Leonid libro live livio fanzaga locutions lola falana Luka Sulic madonna maldifest manchester city football marija pavlovic marijan sivirić marijana marin marin čilić massoneria maurice Caillet meditatione medjguorje medjugorje medjugorje 30 aniversario medjugorje apps medjugorje commission medjugorje easter medjugorje encounters medjugorje guide medjugorje investigations medjugorje message medjugorje news medjugorje official tour guide medjugorje youth festival Medjugorje Youth Prayer Group međugorje meetings mel gibson messa message messaggio messagio michel o'brien milano milka pavlovic miracoli mirjana Mirjana Dragicevic mirjana soldo mladifest molitva mostar mostar walking tour museum music Napoli Nelson Mandela new diocese news normes noticie Notre Dame novena obamacare official site ofmcap old video olive wood online ora et laborat orio ordiantione original Medjugorje souvenirs and art Our Lady Our Lady's Message from Medjugorje padre Livio Fanzaga painting pala-desio Palavela di Torino palm sunday paolo brosio Paolo brosio Roberto Bignoli papa paradiso parent parenthood Parma passion pastoral letter pellegrinaggi pellegrinaggi in aereo personal petar ljubicic petar rajic petar rajić photo pilgrimage piramida mjeseca piramida sunca polski poruka post post i molitva prayer prayers pregate pregare pregate preghiera priest pro-life prof.dr.Franjo Topić professor program programma programme pyramid of the moon pyramid of the sun pyramides Queen Katarina radio Mir Ralph McInerny ravenna redemptoris rene laurentin retreats Riccardo Scamarcio ringraziamento roberto mancini rosario rosary Saint Anthony Saint Peter and Paul church in Mostar santo spirito satan schweige secrets seminar for the married couples seminari seminars shop Shroud of T silencio snow souvenirs spiritual excercises spiritual renwal st. james St.Gianna Molla statistics statues Stjepan Hauser storia Summorum Pontificum suor emmanuel Surmanci Šurmanci talk tennis testimonianza testimonies the visionary speaks Tomislav Ivancic traffic in medjugorje ukazanje Ukraine unborn USA Valeria Golino varie various vatican veggente Marija Pavlovic veggente Mirjana veggente Mirjana Dragicevic veggenti viaggio vicenza vicka video visionaries Visionary Ivan Dragicevic visoko vocations walter nudo wayne weible wedding world marriage day woytyla WYD youth festival Zlatko Sudac