Saturday, December 17, 2005

Novena for Christmas

Hello from Medjugorjy!
It is cold and it rains but that did not stop people from Medjugorje to come to early morning mass at 6 o,clock am /zornica - in croatian ; zora=dawn/.

It is our Croatian tradition to have these early -dawn mass celebrated troughout Advent time.
Here in Medjugorje it is a special 9 day - novena in preparation for Christmas. In the morning we have morning mass and then in the afternoon at 2 pm we pray the rosary at the apparition hill (as we do on every Sunday all year around)

So the first day of the Novena was yesterday December,16th 2005 and it will finish on Decembre 24th, 2005.

As Christmas is the family holy day we are making all plans for everybody to be present at the family prayer on Christmas eve and then lunch on Christmas day. So far so good. Only some of the Pensions will have to be open since we will have some pilgrims coming to Medjugorje for Christmas time.

There will be a huge number of pilgrims coming after Christmas to spend New Year with us. In Medjugorje we have a special program with the holy mass celebrated at midnight on 31/12 so the first hour of the new year a person spends in the chruch with GOd. We always loved the idea.

I came first time several years ago (khhmmm ) when my parents decided I am adult enugh to be with my friends for the new year's eve and that first experiance will stay with me forever. Father Slavko was taking care of us at that time. There was so many young people from all over and it was just great experiance. The prayer and holy mass, all that wonderful music and then celebration we had in Domus Pacis with father Slavko playing harmonica for us as we were dancing .. ahhhh

Anyway, this year too, there is an anouncment that Domus Pacis will be open for youth to come and spend a three day retreat for New Year. Of course not everyone will be able to come since there is just so many beds in the house. But I am sure that if you decide to come to Medjugorje for New Year it will be good decision.

As I hear from my friends there will be a group of young people coming form all over Europe.

Now this is all for today. I whish you all wonderful Advent time.
God bless you all


Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Message to Ivan, December 9, 2005

Dear children, again tonight with joy I invite you,
in special way during this time of grace, to renew
the family prayer.
Pray,dear children, in the family during this time,
pray before the mager.
Pray, dear children, that with prayer the joy returns into
your hearts. That the light of Christmas rekindles in your hearts.
Thank you for having responded to my call.

This message has been transmited by on eof the members of the Ivan's prayer group. Also I remind you that this is my transaltion from Croatian and not the official Parish Office work. We try the best, as my husbant and I speak 5 languages so we try to compare with other colegues and their translations. Sometimes is hard since they are not present, or could not hear the best.
I hope you are all getting ready for the Christmas. We just got one great recepie for the cake and I can't wait to try it.

God bless you all!
Anita and Emanuel

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Apparition to Ivan's prayer group, December 9 2005

Hello from Medjugorje!

This wonderful sunny morning we have today is just what we needed. I am writing to let you know that Ivan , the visionary, came from US these days and last night, friday, he invited all of us in Medjugorje (locals and pilgrims) to come and join the prayer group at the Blue Cross at 10 pm. We came .. and Our Lady came too.

Here is what Ivan shared after the apparition:
Our Lady came joyously with angels. She prayed for all of us present and specially for the sick. Also she blessed all of us and our families, and all religious articals we had with us with her motherly blessing. Our Lady's message is to pray before christmas mager.

We were so happy to be present at the apparition even we walked on that cold cold night. But to meet Our Most Blessed Mother is always so wonderful and extraordenary that you forget all about cold or rain or whatever...
I whish you all a day full of joy and peace!
God bless you all!


Wednesday, December 07, 2005

St. Nicolas Day

Yesterdy we have celebrated St. Nicolas. Big day for all Croatian children as St. Nicolas is famouse to bring presents - PROVIDING- you were a good child all year round. Now if you were not then you get just a tree branch. :-)

As in every Croatian family, ours also has few Nikols so they were also celebrating their name-day. So you can imagine the feast one can have.

Medjugorje is mostly deserted since it rains for days now. We do have pilgrims in the village but it is not possible to climb the mountains or to walk around the village. Most of us is preparing for the December 8th when is the big feast day and also that is the day when we are to plan our wheet for the Cristmas candels (Croatian light 3 candels on a Cristmas day during Cristmas lunch).
Vicka is back in the village and was speaking to the pilgrims this morning. Father Jozo receives groups in Siroki Brijeg (today is english).

Emanuel and I are back in the store, we are making greeting cards and mass cards for our friends and some preciouse blood chaplets for the local "Preciose blood prayer group". Divine mercy chaplets are on Christmas sale untill Dec. 22 so if you are interested please write us an e-mail at Also we have some keychains and Medjugorje Stone rosaries and Peace chaplets on special OFFSEASON(winter) prices. Online payments with credit cards are possible.

SO this is it from me today! I suggest you read the artical on plenary indulgence and think about it for December 8th.

Love to you all. May Good God bless you !


Plenary indulgence for December 8

In a November 29 announcement, the Vatican said that Pope Benedict has declared the indulgence to mark the 40th anniversary of the conclusion of the Second Vatican Council. The announcement indicates that the Pope "when he renders public homage of praise to Mary Immaculate, has the heartfelt desire that the entire Church should join with him, so that all the faithful, united in the name of the common Mother, become ever stronger in the faith, adhere with greater devotion to Christ, and love their brothers with more fervent charity."

A plenary indulgence, as Pope Paul VI explained in Indulgentiarum Doctrina in 1967, is "a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilty has already been forgiven." Indulgences can be decreed by the Pope or, under certain restrictions, bishops. The faithful can obtain indulgences for themselves or for the souls in Purgatory.

The indulgence declared by Pope Benedict may be obtained by those who "participate in a sacred function in honor of the Virgin, or at least least offer open testimony of Marian devotion before an image of Mary Immaculate exposed for public veneration, adding the recitation of the Our Father and of the Creed, and some invocation to the Virgin."

The announcement indicates that those who are ill or otherwise unable to fufill the normal conditions "may obtain a plenary indulgence in their own homes, or wherever they may be, if, with the soul completely removed from any form of sin, and with the intention of observing the aforesaid conditions as soon as possible, they unite themselves in spirit and in desire to the Supreme Pontiff's intentions in prayer to Mary Immaculate, and recite the Our Father and the Creed."

The decree issued on November 29 by the Apostolic Penitentiary, announcing the indulgence, also lists the usual conditions: sacramental Confession, Eucharistic Communion, prayer for the intentions of the Pope, and the removal of attachment to sin. The decree is signed by Cardinal James Francis Stafford and Father Gianfranco Girotti, the penitentiary major and regent, respectively, of the Apostolic Penitentiary. The issue of indulgences, and some abuses of the Church's authority in that realm, became a topic of heated controversy during the Protestant Reformation. The Church's teaching was clarified by the Council of Trent in 1545 to avoid future abuses.

Originally indulgences were issued as a substitute for the often severe penances that were common in the early centuries of the Church. Although the Catholic Church has always claimed the authority to issue indulgences for special occasions or for certain prescribed pious acts, public interest in gaining indulgences has lapsed in recent years. Pope John Paul II made a conscious effort to revive interest in this power of the Church, as has Pope Benedict XVI.

Earlier this year, Pope Benedict granted a plenary indulgence to those young people who participated fervently in the World Youth Day celebrations in Cologne in August. Pope John Paul II had declared plenary indulgences for the Jubilee Year 2000 and again for the Year of the Eucharist, which ran from October 2004 to October 2005.

Pope declares plenary indulgence for December 8 (Catholic World News 29/11/05)

Friday, December 02, 2005

Message to Mirjana on December 2,2005

Here is the message as recorded by father Ljubo in Croatian.

" Draga djeco, dopustite da se u ovo sveto vrijeme ljubav i milost moga Sina spusti na vas.
Samo čista, molitvom ispunjena i milosrdna srca mogu osjetiti ljubav moga Sina.
Molite za one koji nemaju milost osjetiti ljubav moga Sina.
Djecom moja, pomozite mi!
Hvala vam!

So translation in English would be:

"Dear children, alow that in this holy time the love and grace of My Son fall upon you.
Only pure hearts; hearts filled with prayer and mercy can feel the love of My Son.
Pray for those who do not have the grace to feel the love of My Son.
My children, help me!
Thank you!

Apparition to Mirjana at Cenacolo community, Decembre 2, 2005

Praised be Jesus and Mary!
This morning we went to community Cenacolo ( campo della vita) to once again be present during apparition of Our Most Blessed Mother Mary, to the visionary Mirjana. ALthough there is just a few groups in Mejdugojre, we had to come quite early to be able to enter the green tent where the apparition usualy happens. Many have come!
We prayed holy rosary and than little after 9 o'clock the prayer stoped, everybody got to their knees. It was the time of Apparition. Our Lady was with us.
If you are wondering why we have never put any photos of the apparition, I must addmit that we do not have time for that. Meeting our Heavenly MOther is not just any meeting, you have to be prepared. And one can prepare only by prayer, then when the apparitoin starts taking photos is the last thing on our mind.
SO I am sorry. No photos! Maybe I could ask the local photographer to give me some and I will put it on. Let me think on that one:-)

As the message was a bit longer I am affraid I did not get it right, so I will have to check one more time with father Ljubo and my colegue to see it right for English language.

But as you wait I will give you what I do remember. Our Lady asked us to be open in this holy time to receive love and grace of her Son. Only pure heart, a hear full of mercy can feel this love and grace. She also asked from us to pray for all those who do not know that love. Help me, dear children ! Thank you - she said.

I will write the full and correct version as soon as I get it.
God bless you

Saturday, November 26, 2005

The 13th International Meeting for Leaders -official info

The 13th International Meeting for Leaders of Peace Centres and Medjugorje Prayer, Pilgrim and Charity groups will take place in the New Hall in Medjugorje from March 5 to 9, 2006. The theme of this encounter is: “You shall be my witnesses until the ends of the world” (Acts 1,8) The number of places is limited, and the number of participants is increasing from year to year. This is why we ask you kindly to make your registration as soon as possible. You can send your registrations by fax + 387 36 651 999 (for Marija Dugandzic), or by e-mail: .

Simultaneous translation is available for all language groups. This is why we ask you kindly to take with you a small FM radio with headphones. The price of the seminar is 60 € per person. This includes all the fees for the organization and running of the seminar (lecturers, translations of texts, simultaneous translation and lunch the last day). When you register and pay at the beginning of the seminar, you will receive a badge, which will allow you to participate in the seminar. We ask you kindly to organize personally your accommodation in Medjugorje. We believe that this is not a problem for you, because you have come to Medjugorje for many years now and have friends and acquaintances here.

We are looking forward to your reservations and to welcoming you at this meeting!

Informaiton Centre MIR Medjugorje

Message of November 25, 2005

Message of November 25, 2005

“Dear children! Also today I call you to pray, pray, pray until prayer becomes life for you. Little children, at this time, in a special way, I pray before God to give you the gift of faith. Only in faith will you discover the joy of the gift of life that God has given you. Your heart will be joyful thinking of eternity. I am with you and love you with a tender love. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

I do not know if you know this but on every 25th we have Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament in the church of St. James from 10pm until 7am. People come individialy or with their families to spend some time with Jesus.

SO last night after regular evening program in the church, at 10pm we have started with adoration of the Most Blessed Sarcrament. First part was animated as usual by our singles and players in St. James Church, aftewards the adoration continued in silance all the night , until 7h this morning.

I hope all of you in US had have a great THANKSGIVING day!

God bless you

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Snow in Medjugorje - Mass for father Slavko

It is incredible but true! It snows in Medjugorje. Yesterday all day it was snowing and today has stopped. We are so happy that it has stopped, I guess the children would love it to continue :-)
I was planning on taking some photo for you but my battery is out, but remember last year we had snow for a week here and you can see some of the photos my colleague made on that occasion. I must say that I am so surprised with this cold weather we have here. It is so unusual. But I guess it is that global warming everybody talks about.

Today is the 24th of November and today we are remembering our dear father Slavko Barbarić. The mess will be celebrated at the church of St. James tonight at 18 (6 pm). If you like you can listen to the rosary and holy mass from Medjugorje over satellite or internet.
If you like you can read about father on father Slavko official web site.
God bless!

Friday, November 18, 2005

news and more

Good morning from not so sunny Medjugorje. It is cold here! If you are planing to come begining December, and I know there will be my darling frien Mary Buckman from ON ANGELS WINGS coming, please bring very, very warm close.
We were receiving a great number of e-mails from you people so you wil alowe me few days to deal with it. I promise I will reply and also if there are some orders from the Emanuel shop we will get organized and give our best to send it to you as soon as possible.
Here are the official news from Information centre MIR Medjugorje
"On Friday, November 4, four bishops came to the Shrine of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje. Mons. Thomas MSUSA, actual bishop of the diocese of Zomba, his retired predecessor Mons. Allan Chamgwera, and Mons. Remi Joseph Gustave Saint-Marie, bishop of Dedza, came from Malawi. Mons. Joseph Faber MacDonald, bishop of the diocese Saint John in New Brunswick, came from Canada.
All four bishops have a positive opinion about Medjugorje, and they are glad to be in this worldly renowned Our Lady’s shrine. At the presbytery, they met the pastor, dr. Fr. Ivan Sesar, and other Franciscans from Medjugorje. They especially underlined the importance of Medjugorje as the largest confessional of the world.
As Anita was the one who was working on all arrangements for the group from Malawi, with the bishops coming, we were expecting to hear all the news about that famous project MEDJUGORJE SHRINE IN MALAWI. The project started by constructing a Medjugorje Cross mountain on Michiru Mountain in Malawi has grown into the whole Mejdugorje shrine, where the church, exact copy of ST. James in Mejdugorje, will be built in Malawi. All this is done by huge help of one Tony Smith from England, the benefactor to Malawi people. As we have heard Mr Smith already had a plan to build Mejdugorje shrine or better said it's copy, in England , but he couldnot fine sutable terain. All works are done according original plans for the Medjugorje church.
Mons. Thomas MSUSA said that he and his people are very happy that already next year they will be having Medjugorje in Africa. Peopel in Malawi is so poor and also the way to Medjugorje is complicated since they need so meny Visas from different countries. He also gave an interview to big Croatian newspapers but it is in Croatian so I can not quote for you.
Ok, this will be for this morning. I have to go and read those e-mails.
Keep on reading, keep on writing!
God bless you all!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Divine Mercy in Surmanci with father dr John Chisholm

One of Mejdugorje villages is Surmanci, where an icon of the Divine Mercy is displayed. Every Friday father dr. John Chisholm is leading prayers and devotions before the famouse icon of Divine Mercy. This icon is special because the miraculous healing took place to the person who was praying before it. The case has been used in the proces of beatification and canonisation of sister Faustina. Village is on about 15 min drive from the centre of the village to the east (behind Podbrdo- Apparition Hill)

The program on Friday starts with Divine Mercy rosary chanted by father John, then we celebrate holy mass and at aprx. 15 (3pm) the way of the Cross is prayed. (It is 2h program)

This summer pilgrims would meet in front of the parish house every Friday at 13 (1 pm) and then would take taxi to go to Surmanci.

We had a great time, my group and I and I whish all pilgrims could have this oportunity to visit Surmanci and pray before Divine Mercy icon.

Chapel also has small relic of sister Faustina displayed.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Message to Mirjana on November 2nd

This morning, November 2nd, again the thousands of pilgrims gathered in community CENACOLO in Mejdugorje for the apparition of Our Lady to Mirjana visionary. She is the one who sees Our Lady one a year on March 18th and also has inner locutions or apparition of Blessed Mother on each 2nd of the month.

This morning apparition was quite short. I am still under impresion and will make this post short, also. There in no message but here is what Mirjana shared with the people present.

"Our Lady came very sad, with tears in her eyes.
I have asked: Mother, what can we do to wipe the tears from your eyes?
Our Lady did not reply, She only blessed all of us and the religious articles."

Let us pray pray pray!
God bless you!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Meeting Vicka on early October morning

This morning we got up really early. I have said to my group of 35 that we are going to Podbrdo to meet Vicka, one of the Medjugorje visionaries, at her house.
Arriving at 8 o'clock in front of the house to meet hundreds, if not thousands of people from all over the world.

My colleagues have been searching the way to get us, guides and translators , through the crowds and on the famous stairs, since we needed to translate in different languages. Often is necessary that one guide (translator) speaks fluently two languages along with Croatian so that translations can be made for at least two different language group's.
People were trying to get better position, to see Vicka while she speaks. To see that wonderful smile of hers.
In one moment Vicka came ot of her room and started greeting everybody. After she spoke for Italian,Polish,French and German it was our turn. She spoke about main messages of Our Lady, about Our Lady and her appearances, then about how Gospa took her and Jakov to see heaven, hell and purgatory. Vicka also prayed in silence for all of us present. She promised to present all of us and our troubles and wishes before Our Lady this evening, during apparitions, and has asked from us that we do the same at 17h40 (time of apparition). She has asked that we open our hearts at this time and pour our hearts before Our Lady.

It was just great. Seeing her with that smile on her face and listening her repeating Gospa's words for all of us. I can only imagine how it is for the people who get that chance to see and here Vicka only once in their life, if I who have been there numerous times, still get the same thrill. Just knowing that you have someone in front of you so joyful, so full of life, so full of compasion, love and patiance for everybody, and to know that in the same time this person is suffering greatly, in silance.
This is all for now, I have to run to meet my pilgrims.
God bless you all

Friday, October 21, 2005

Program and Lecturers

The 6th International Meeting for Married Couples
The 6th International Meeting for Married Couples will take place in Medjugorje
from October 26 to 29, 2005.

The theme of the seminar is
“Dialog in the Family – How to Educate Children?”

Wednesday, October 26, 2005.
1 pm – Registration of the participants
4 pm – Introduction to the seminar
5 pm – Evening Prayer Program in the church (rosary, holy mass)
9 pm – Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Thursday, October 27, 2005.
9 am – Morning Prayer
9:30 am – Lecture, sharing (dr. Petar Krešimir Hodžić)
12 am - Silent adoration
3 pm – Lecture, sharing
5 pm – Evening Prayer Program in the church (Rosary, Holy Mass, Adoration)

Friday, October 28, 2005.
6.30 am – Prayer on Cross Mountain
9:30 am – Lecture, sharing (Croatian Community of Marriage Encounters - HZBS)
12 am - Silent adoration
2 pm – Lecture, sharing (Croatian Community of Marriage Encounters - HZBS)
4 pm – Preparation for confession
5 pm – Evening Prayer Program in the church (Rosary, Holy Mass, Veneration of the Cross)

Saturday, October 29, 2005.
7 am – Prayer on Apparition Hill
9 am – Morning prayer
9:30 am – Lecture, sharing (Croatian Community of Marriage Encounters - HZBS)
12 am – Holy Mass – end of the seminar

Bring with you: a small FM radio with headphones (for simultaneous translation) and a Bible.
The seminar will take place in Medjugorje in the New Hall. Participation per couple: 40 €.
You may make reservations by, or by fax +387-36-651-999 (for Marija Dugandzic).

The number of participants is limited because of the available space in the Hall, se we ask you to send your registration as soon as possible, latest by the end of September. All the participants are invited to individually provide their accommodation in Medjugorje.


Petar-Krešimir Hodžić doctor of medicine, CIMI, was born in 1974 in Trogir (Croatia). He completed his studies in medicine in Zagreb in 2001. During his studies, he was elected the first president of the Association of the students of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Zagreb. In this function, he was involved in the co-operation and the international exchange of students. He also was at the origin of two international projects within the framework of the World Federation of the associations of the medical students. With his wife Rafaela, engineer in biology and musician, he specialized in prenatal and perinatal psychology, education and health in the USA. In 2001, he also obtained the certificate of instructor in massage of the newborn babies. In February 2002, he was appointed advisor of the Association for prenatal and perinatal education and health in the USA. At the end of 2002, he is the founder and the first president of Croatian Association for prenatal and perinatal education and health. In 2003, in Zagreb, he started to give courses of prenatal communication according to the programs of the international project PROCREOS, and since September 2004, he is preparing his doctorate by correspondence in prenatal and perinatal psychology at Santa Barbara, CA, USA, the only institution in the world which proposes the masters programme and the doctorate in this field. Since December 2004, he is working for the Council for the family of the Croatian Episcopal Conference. He lives in Zagreb with his wife and their daughter. He is giving conferences and takes part in international conferences in Croatia and abroad. Together with a team of experts, which gathers around him, he is directing all his efforts towards the well being of children and the family.

The principal goal of the “Croatian Community of Marriage Encounters” (HZBS) is the renewal of the sacrament of marriage and of priesthood. In its program, the HZBS supports the open communication between fiancées and in the marriage, as well as between the parents and the children. For this, it organizes monthly workshops of communication for couples, as well as meetings for couples. The entry in this movement (known in the world as “Marriage Encounters”) is a stage of communication for the couple, called the Marriage Weekend, led by three formed and experienced couples and a priest. The experience of the workshops for fiancées and for married couples, whatever their age, showed the efficacy and the need for such a form of renewal and strengthening of the family. Many married couples give witness to the improvement of the relations inside the couple, and a great number of them gave up the project of divorce after such a weekend.

Prof Dr. Sc Elza Jurun was born in 1958 in Split, where she completed her studies in economy. She obtained her Masters Degree in 1986, and her doctorate in 1993 at the faculty of economy in Zagreb. She is teaching the Quantitative Methods in economy at the faculty of economy in Split. She is author of several scientific texts and vice-president of the Croatian Pan European Union Split. As a member of the Council for the demographic development at the Ministry for the development and the renewal, she is one of the authors of the National Program of the demographic development of Croatia. For her merits in the demographic development and the promotion of moral and social values, she was honoured by the President of the Republic in 1996. She is active in the Association of the parents with four or more children “Club 4+”, of which she was also the president. She is member of the Episcopal Council for the Family and the Working group of the Episcopal Conference of Croatia. She is married and has six children.

Nikica Jurun was born in 1953 in Split. He is working at the engineering department of the Faculty of economy in Split. His greatest richness is his family - his wife Elza and their six children. Since 1998, with his wife, he is leading the Marriage Weekends in the HZBS. The couple taught at the Family Summer School in Zagreb and gave many testimonies during the seminars for married couples, round tables and retreats in all Croatia.

Andja Veža was born in 1955 in Imotski. In 1980, she obtained her Masters Degree in Economy of the Faculty of Split. She is working in the economy, and her greatest richness is her family - her husband and their four children. She is member of the “Club 4+”, she is implied in the HZBS with her husband Ivica since 1978. They led about thirty meetings in Split and in Dalmatia. With Father Josip Sremic, they were the national team of the HZBS during three years.

Prof Dr. Sc Ivica Veža was born in 1951 in Split. In 1975, he graduated in Construction of machines and ships in Split, in 1980 he got his Masters Degree, and in 1985 his doctorate. He completed his specialization in the Fraunhofer Institutes in Berlin and Stuttgart (Germany). Since 2000, he is a pro-dean for teaching at the Faculty of electrical engineering, of construction of machines and ships in Split. He is author of four books and more than 100 scientific texts published in local and international reviews, and Proceedings of symposiums. He is member of several associations of specialists in the country and abroad. He is member of the Council for the family of the Croatian Episcopal Conference. He is married and is father of four children.

News from Medjugorje parish

Mons. Michael Pearse Lacey, retired auxiliary bishop of Toronto (Canada) on his fourth private pilgrimage to Medjugorje

Mons. Michael Pearse Lacey, retired auxiliary bishop of Toronto, was on his fourth private pilgrimage in Medjugorje from October 9 to 17, 2005. He came with a group of pilgrims from Canada. He was following the usual program for pilgrims, and was hearing confessions. At the Parish office, Mons. Lacey met the Franciscans serving in Medjugorje.
Mons. Lacey was ordained a priest in 1943, and a bishop in 1979. He retired in 1993. He came for the first time to Medjugorje in 1987. He believes that Our Lady is appearing here.
Medjugorje informaiton centre"MIR"

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

News from Medjugorje

Good morning to you all!

It is cold but sunny day here in Medjugorje. We are working hard. Many pilgrims are still in village, daily program goes on and all seams well.

Father Jozo has left for Italy where he will have numerous prayer meetings in different parishes. He is due back October 27th.
  • * Venerdì 21 ottobre – ore 16 TREVISO – Parrocchia S. MariaAusiliatrice Chiesa votiva – Via Sebastiano, 34
  • * Sabato 22 Ottobre ore 14,30 GARLASCO (PV) santuario "MADONNA dellaBOZZOLA"

Vicka is also leaving for Italy later this week. She will be having a prayer meeting together with sister Elvira from community Cenacolo.
  • * 30 OTTOBRE CATANIA incontro di preghiera e testimonianze con la veggenteVicka (salvo imprevisti di salute) e suor Elvira Petrozzi della comunitàCenacolo di Medjugorje. Al PalaCatania di Corso Indipendenza, dalle ore9.00.

God bless you !



VATICAN CITY, OCT 17, 2005 (VIS) - Following is the text of the interview granted by Benedict XVI to Polish State Television (TVP) for the occasion of the Day of the Pope, which has been celebrated in Poland on October 16 for the last five years.

The interview, with Fr. Andrzej Majewski, head of Catholic programming at TVP, was recorded in the Apostolic Palace of Castelgandolfo and transmitted in Poland on Sunday October 16. From 8.30 p.m. on that day, the text was made available on the Internet site of Vatican Radio in the original Italian, and with translations in English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish. The English-language translation of Vatican Radio is given below:

"Thank you, Holy Father, for granting us this brief interview on the occasion of the Pope's Day, which is being celebrated in Poland.

"On October 16th, 1978, Cardinal Karol Wojtyla became Pope, and from that day Pope John Paul II, for more than 26 years, as the Successor of St. Peter, as you are now, led the Church together with the bishops and cardinals. Among the cardinals, your Holiness was also present, enjoying the appreciation and esteem of your predecessor: a person about whom Pope John Paul wrote in his book 'Arise, and let's be on our way' - and here I quote 'I thank God for the presence and help of Cardinal Ratzinger. He is a proven friend,' John Paul II wrote.

"Holy Father how did this friendship begin and when did your Holiness meet Cardinal Karol Wojtyla?

"A. I him personally during the two pre-Conclaves and Conclaves of 1978. Naturally I had heard about Cardinal Wojtyla, especially in the context of correspondence between the Polish and German Bishops in 1965. The German Cardinals told me about the great merits and contribution of the Cardinal of Krakow and how he was the soul of this historic correspondence. I had also heard from university friends about his stature as a philosopher and thinker. But as I said, the first personal encounter took place during the Conclave of 1978. I liked him from the beginning and, thanks to God, without any merit on my part, the then Cardinal immediately made friends with me. I am grateful for this trust that he showed me. Above all, when I watched him pray, I saw and understood, that he was a man of God. This was my first impression: a man who lives with God and in God. I was also impressed by the unprejudiced cordiality with which he made my acquaintance. On various occasions he addressed these pre-conclave meetings of the cardinals, and it was here I had the opportunity to experience his stature as a thinker. Without using big words, he created a heartfelt relationship and immediately after his election as Pope he called me to Rome several times for talks and in the end he appointed me Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

"Q. So this appointment and convocation to Rome didn't come as a surprise?

"A. It was hard for me, because when I was made Bishop of Munich, with a solemn consecration in Munich cathedral, I felt I had an obligation towards this diocese, almost like a marriage. So I felt bound to this diocese. There were several difficult unresolved problems and I didn't want to leave the diocese that way. I discussed all of this with the Holy Father, with great frankness and he was very paternal towards me. He gave me time to reflect and said he also wanted to reflect. Finally he convinced me that this was the will of God. Thus I could accept this calling and this great responsibility, which wasn't easy and which was beyond my capacity. But trusting in the paternal benevolence of the Pope and in the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I could say yes.

"Q. This experience lasted for more than 20 years...

"A. Yes, I arrived in February 1982 and it lasted until the death of the Pope in 2005.

"Q. In your opinion, Holy Father, what are the most significant moments of the Pontificate of John Paul II?

"A. We can see it (the Pontificate) from two perspectives: one 'ad extra' - toward the world - and the other 'ad intra' - toward the Church. With regard to the world, it seems to me that through his speeches, his person, his presence, his capacity to convince, the Holy Father created a new sensitivity for moral values, for the importance of religion in the world. This has created a new opening, a new sensitivity towards religion and the need for a religious dimension in man. Above all, the importance of the Bishop of Rome has increased immensely. Despite the differences and despite their non-recognition of the Successor of Peter, all Christians have recognized that he is the spokesman of Christianity. No one else in the world, on an international level can speak in the name of Christianity like this and give voice and strength to the Christian reality in the world today. He was the spokesman of the great values of humanity for non Christians and other religions too. He managed to create a climate of dialogue among the great religions and a sense of common responsibility that we all have for the world. He also stressed that violence and religion are incompatible and that we must search for the path to peace together, taking common responsibility for humanity. Regarding the situation of the Church, I would say that, first of all, he knew how to infuse enthusiasm for Christ in young people. This is something new, if we think of the youth of late sixties and seventies. That youth has become enthusiastic for Christ and for the Church and for difficult values. It was his personality and charisma that helped mobilize the youth of the world for the cause of God and for the love of Christ. In the Church, he created a new love for the Eucharist. We are still in the Year of the Eucharist, called by him with so much love. He created a new awareness of the greatness of Divine Mercy; and he deepened devotion to Our Lady. In this way he guided us toward an internalizing of the faith and, at the same time, toward a greater efficiency. Of course we have to mention his essential contribution to the great changes in the world in 1989, contributing to the collapse of socialism.

"Q. During the course of your personal encounters and your talks with John Paul II, what made the most impression on Your Holiness? Could you tell us about your last meetings, perhaps of this year, with John Paul II?

"A. Yes. I had two encounters with him at the end: one was at the Gemelli Hospital, around February 5 or 6; and the second was the day before his death, in his room. During the first encounter, the Pope was visibly suffering but was perfectly lucid and very aware. I had gone to see him about work because I needed him to make certain decisions. Though visibly suffering the Holy Father followed what I was saying with great attention. He communicated his decisions in a few words, and gave me his blessing. He greeted me in German and confirmed his trust and friendship. I was very moved to see how he suffered in union with the suffering Lord, and how he bore his suffering with the Lord and for the Lord. I also saw his inner serenity and how totally aware he was. The second encounter was the day before his death: he was visibly in great pain, and was surrounded by doctors and friends. He was still very lucid and he gave me his blessing. He could not talk much. The patience he showed at this time of suffering was a great lesson for me: to see how he believed he was in the hands of God and how he abandoned himself to the will of God. Despite his visible pain, he was serene, because he was in the hands of Divine Love.

"Q. Holy Father, often in your speeches you evoke the figure of John Paul II and of John Paul II you say he was a great Pope, a venerated late predecessor. We always remember the words you pronounced at the Mass last April 20, words dedicated precisely to John Paul II. It was you, Holy Father, who said - and here I quote - 'it seems as though he is tightly holding my hand, I see his laughing eyes and I hear his words, which at that moment he is directing to me in particular: 'do not be afraid!' Holy Father, finally a very personal question: do you continue to feel the presence of John Paul II, and if you do, in what way?

"A. Certainly. I'll begin by answering the first part of your question. Initially, in speaking of the Pope's legacy, I forgot to mention the many documents that he left us - 14 encyclicals, many Pastoral Letters, and others. All this is a rich patrimony that has not yet been assimilated by the Church. My personal mission is not to issue many new documents, but to ensure that his documents are assimilated, because they are a rich treasure, they are the authentic interpretation of Vatican II. We know that the Pope was a man of the Council, that he internalized the spirit and the word of the Council. Through these writings he helps us understand what the Council wanted and what it didn't. This helps us to be the Church of our times and of the future. Now for the second part of your question. The Pope is always close to me through his writings: I hear him and I see him speaking, so I can keep up a continuous dialogue with him. He is always speaking to me through his writings. I even know the origin of some of the texts. I can remember the discussions we had about some of them. So I can continue my conversations with the Holy Father. This nearness to him isn't limited to words and texts, because behind the texts I hear the Pope himself. A man who goes to the Lord doesn't disappear: I believe that someone who goes to the Lord comes even closer to us and I feel he is close to me and that I am close to the Lord. I am near the Pope and now he helps me to be near the Lord and I try to enter this atmosphere of prayer, of love for our Lord, for Our Lady and I entrust myself to his prayers. So there is a permanent dialogue and we're close to each other in a new way, in a very deep way.

"Q. Holy Father, now we are waiting for you in Poland. Many are asking when is the Pope coming to Poland?

"A. Yes, if God wills it, and if my schedule allows for it, I have every intention of coming to Poland. I have spoken to Msgr. Dziwisz about the date and I am told June would be the best time. Naturally everything still has to be organized with the various institutions. It's early yet, but perhaps next June, God-willing, I could come to Poland.

"Holy Father, in the name of all of our television viewers, thank you for this interview."

Saturday, October 15, 2005

The days of the bread in Medjugorje

Once again Medjugorje elementary school children and their teacher celebrated "the days of the bread" feast , but this time it was held in front of the church instead in the school.
The meaning is to give thanks for our daily bread and for life that is coming from God, and to learn how to make use of the bread and of all the gifts of God.
Children, their teachers and parents brought the fruits of the earth, as well as bread, bakery and different cakes, which they prepared at home. All the profit of the manifestation and all donations will be used for the construction of a school sports hall, which has never been built in this school.
Emanuel and I were so sorry for not having camera with us but thanks to parish office we have at least one photo to show.
God bless you

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Divine Mercy devotion

As it is well known among our friends and visitiors Emanuel and I have a great devotion to Divine Mercy. We just recently found out how our shop got a new name among pilgrims, it is called Divine Mercy Shop. How lovely!
We love Divine Mercy! We even put the image on our wedding invitations :-) What a way to spred this wonderful devotion. We have had few strange looks from some friends and family members, but all in all was well accepted. We do hope it will have some permanent positive impact on them all.

We had a pleasure to meet wonderful Mrs Brennan from Scotland who just recently lost her son due tragic accident. Here in the arms of Our Beloved MOther she is on a way of healing and peace. She also has a devotion to Divine Mercy and is even a memeber of Divine Mercy prayer group. Mrs Brennan shared one very interesting info with us, speaking about her prayer group. She said: "We had have a visiting preast from Africa to stay with us for a while and he was so surprised our group is so small while he in Africa has 200 members in his Divine Mercy prayer group"

Makes one think, doesn't it.

Well , to those of you who are new in this devotion , here is the image ,
here is the prayer

The chaplet is to be recited on ordinary Rosary beads.
Begin the Chaplet by reciting the Our Father, Hail Mary and the Apostles Creed.

Before each decade on the Our Father beads the following prayer is recited:
Eternal Father I offer Thee the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Thy Most Beloved Son, and Our Lord Jesus Christ in atonement for our sins and the sins of the whole world.

On the Hail Mary beads we say: Through the most sorrowful passion of Jesus have mercy on us and on the whole world.

In conclusion after saying the 5 decades, say 3 times:
Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world.

Start today!

God bless you all !

Official info from the parish of St. James

St. Francis’ “Transitus” 03/10/2005

With a special liturgy, which is celebrated on October 3rd, the vigil of St. Francis’ feast, the worldwide Franciscan family is celebrating the “Transitus” – the moment of saint Francis’ passing into eternity.

In St. James’ parish in Medjugorje, this rite was celebrated immediately after the evening Mass. Medjugorje Friars, Franciscan sisters, Franciscan Youth Fraternity (Frama) and members of the Franciscan Third Order took part in this celebration.

Together with many parishioners and pilgrims, with participation of the choir of the Franciscan Youth Fraternity and the children’s choir “Little Doves of Peace”, this year’s liturgy of the Transitus was presided by the pastor, Dr. Fr. Ivan Sesar.
A reminder for the organisers of pilgrimages and those who accompany the pilgrims

Once again, we remind organisers of pilgrimages and those who accompany the pilgrims, that without the permission of the Parish Office nobody is allowed to lead groups to the prayer places in Medjugorje (Parish church and the space around it, prayer area around the statue of the Risen Saviour, Apparition Hill, Cross Mountain, Blue Cross, cemetery etc.).

We also remind that prayer areas are spaces of silence and recollection. Those who are authorised to lead and accompany the groups are obliged to preserve the prayer atmosphere, and to respect other faithful and other groups present at the same place. Let them avoid monopolizing prayer areas (time span and volume of loudspeakers).
Informaiton centre MIR

Monday, October 03, 2005

Message to Mirjana on October the 2nd 2005

This is the message from Our Lady to Mirjana and the people who were gathered at the apparition in Cenacolo community , Sunday morning , October the 2nd.

As I have not heard the message in Croatian I can only tell you what the translation is. If I hear the Croatian version nd should feel that this one needs changes I will get back to this post later during week.

As I have already written here on this blog, this is my personal web log and messages from extraordinary apparitions (Blue Cross, Podbrdo and Cencolo) that I write here are in 99% my translations and not the official from Mejdugorje Parish, as they do not translate this one. Medjugorje parish office (information centre) makes translation on message from 25th each month and messages given during yearly apparition to three of the Medjugorje visionaries.

Dear children I come to you as a Mother
I bring you my Son, peace and love.
Purify your hearts and take my Son with you.
Give to others a true peace and joy.

God bless you all!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Prayer of Consecration to the Heart of Jesus

Prayer of Consecration to the Heart of Jesus
(According to a dictation by Our Lady to Jelena Vasilj, at Medjugorje)

O Jesus, we know that You are merciful
and that You have given Your Heart for us.
It is crowned with thorns and with our sins.
We know that You implore us constantly
so we do not go astray.
Jesus, remember us when we sin.
Through Your Heart make us love one another.
Make hatred disappear from among men.
Show us Your Love. We all love You, and want You to protect us with Your Good Shepherd’s Heart, and that You deliver us from every sin. Enter into each heart Lord Jesus! Knock, knock at the door of our hearts; be patient and never desist.
We are still closed up within ourselves because we haven’t understood Your Love. Knock continuously! O Good Jesus, make us open our hearts up to You at least in the moment when we remember Your Passion suffered for us.

Prayer of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Prayer of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
(According to a dictation by Our Lady to Jelena Vasilj, at Medjugorje)

O Immaculate Heart of Mary,
ardent with goodness,
show us your love.
May the flame of your Heart, O Mary,
descend upon all mankind.
We love you so.
Impress in our hearts true love
that we might yearn for you continuously.
Oh Mary, sweet and humble of heart,
remember us when we sin.
You know that all men are sinners.
Grant us, that through your Immaculate Heart,
we may be given spiritual health.
May we always see the goodness
of your motherly heart;
and may we be converted
by the flame of your Heart.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Message of September 25, 2005

Message of September 25, 2005

“Dear children! In love I call you: convert, even though you are far from my heart. Do not forget, I am your mother and I feel pain for each one who is far from my heart; but I do not leave you alone. I believe you can leave the way of sin and decide for holiness. Thank you for having responded to my call."

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Another hurricane

Again we hear the news of hurricane coming from Us. This one is called HURRICANE RITAAgain tonight we are in thoughts with our Medjugorje friends, and with all those people from the area.
On the news I saw some people in the shelters were having their laptops with them. So people , if you are online and reading this I just want you to know, that there is some people here, in this distant village in Hercegovina-Europe, and we think of you and we pray for you.

May Lord protect you and keep you safe. I hope you will all be home soon.

God bless you all

Friday, September 23, 2005

Sun back again

We have sun! We have sun!
I am so happy that we have our sun back herein thee village. All is now better.
We can plan our visits tot he mountain Križevac and Apparition Hill. I know how it makes our pilgrims sad if they have to miss one of those due heavy rain. Even tough I must say that I have seen people climbing in all times and all weather condition. I remember one of my groups... It was November, and rain caught us when we were on the 12th station of the Way of the Cross. Now, that was something.
I was afraid my group would be angry with me but no, they were full of joy, and were thanking God for such a grace. As father said: Always is good to have more to our penance! :-)
In good laughs we went back to house, or should I say group went back to the house and their guide (me) went to the shop to by all new outfit. Yes, that is how I got wet.
Well, following November we had a group leader meeting and colleagues and I made sure to offer a prize gift of umbrella to the kind person who was assuring us that IT WILL NOT RAIN FOR SURE.

About Medjugorje events and news, I can tell you that visionary Ivan has left the village of Medjugorje and is not due back for some time now. All of you living in US check his speaking schedule so that you can meet him, hear him and possible attend the apparition
This means also that we do not have evening apparition at hill or blue cross for the time being.
But Our Lady stays with us all the time and still appears in Medjugorje every day.
Do not forget that there is a message on 25th !!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Days without phone, without electricity but with lot of joy!

We had some problems in the village so I guess I better write this fast...

Light just came back. Some works had to be done so we had to suffer here in the village, and our pilgrims with us. Although most houses have generators and have done all possible to make them not notice the problem.
Phones were dead then back again.
This is all so normal for Medjugorje :-)

Also I have info for you that are coming to Medjugorje and planning on calling your family and friends. I am afraid that phone cards are nowhere to find in the region (not just Medjugorje) so I suggest you bring your e-mail addresses and passwords and have a fast course in webmail so you can go to internet service (we have one just near us at GLOBAL TRAVEL).

Also we had so many rain in the few past days that we came to conclusion that summer is over and out. Not much sun this year. For many of our pilgrims it must be a good summer season in Medjugorje since they could truly profit from the mild summer, we however , the locals, cannot get over this weather.

Our Lady apaered on Friday night but no messages this time.
She came with three angels and she prayed over all present.

I'll come back to you tomorrow with more words from Medjugorje, now I have to run.

God belss you all!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Vicka talks about afterlife

Father Livio is the director of RADIO MARIA

Father Livio: Tell me where you were and what was the time.

We were in the small house of Jakov, when the Gospa has came. It was in the afternoon, at the 3,20 PM.
Father Livio: Didn't you wait for the apparition of the Gospa?

Vicka: No. Jakov and I were returned from Citluk and have gone to his home where there was his mother (Note: the mother of Jakov is dead now). In the house of Jakov there is a room and a kitchen. His mother had gone to take something to eat, because later we would have had to go to the church. While we were waiting, Jakov and I have started looking at an album of photos. Suddenly Jakov has gone down from the couch even before me and I have understood that the Gospa has arrived. She has immediately told us: "Vicka and you Jakov, comes with me to see the Heaven, the Purgatory and the hell". I have said to me: "It is all right, if she wants it". instead Jakov has told the Gospa: "You have to bring Vicka with you, because she has many brothers. Don't bring me that I am the unique child". He said this because he didn't want to go.

Father Livio: Evidently he thought that would not have returned anymore! (Note: the reluctance of Jakov has been providential, because the story makes even more believable and real).

Vicka: Yes, he thought that we would not have returned anymore and that we would have gone forever. I thought how much hours or how many days would have been necessary and I wondered me if we would have gone aloft or in low. But in an instant the Gospa has picked me up for the right hand and Jakov for the left hand and has opened the roof for letting us go.

Father Livio: Has she opened everything?

Vicka: No, she has not opened everything, but only that part that was necessary to pass. In few instants we have arrived in the Heaven. While we were climbing, we saw down in low the small houses, smaller than when they are seen in the airplane.

Father Livio: But did you look on the earth down, while you were being brought aloft?

Vicka: While we were being brought aloft, we looked down.

Father Livio: And what did you see?

Vicka: Everything very small, smaller than when we go in the airplane. Meanwhile I thought: "Who knows how much hours or how many days are necessary! ". Instead in a moment we have arrived. I have seen a great space....

Father Livio: I have read in some part, I don't know if it is true, that there was a door, with a rather elderly person nearby.

Vicka: Yes. There was a wood door.

Father Livio: Great or small?

Vicka: Great.

Father Livio: It is important. It means that so much people enter. Was The door open or close?

It was closed, but the Gospa has opened it and we have entered in.

Father Livio:
Ah, how has she opened it? Has the door opened alone?

Alone. We have gone toward the door and it has opened alone.

Father Livio: The Gospa is the door of the sky!

On the right of the door there was S. Peter.

Father Livio:
How did you know that he was S.Peter?

Vicka: I have immediately understood that it was him. With a key, rather small, with the beard, a little sturdy, with the hair.

Father Livio: Was he standing or he was sit?

Vicka: Standing, standing, next to the door. Just entered, we have gone on, walking, perhaps three, four meters. We have not visited the whole Heaven, but the Gospa has made sense of it. We have seen a great space wound by a light that it doesn't exist here on the earth. We have seen the people that are neither fat, neither thin, but all equal ones and they have dresses of three colors: the grey , the yellow and the red. The people walk, sing, pray. There were some small flying Angels. The Gospa has told us: "Look at how much the people are happy in the Heaven". And a joy that cannot be described and that here on the earth it doesn't exist.

Father Livio:
The Gospa has made you understand the essence of the Heaven that is the happiness that never ends. "In sky there is the joy", she has told in one message. You have seen the perfect people without any physical defect, to understand that, when there will be the resurrection of the bodies, we will have a body of glory as that of Jesus. I would like, however, to know that type of suit they wore. Are tunics?

Vicka: Yes, they are tunics.

Father Livio: Did they arrive until the feet or they are short?

Vicka: They were long and they arrived until the feets.

Father Livio: Of what color were the tunics?

Vicka: Grey, yellow and red.

Father Livio: According to you, do they have a meaning these colors?

Vicka: The Gospa has not made sense of it. When She wants, the Gospa explains everything, but at that time She has not explained us why they have the tunics of three different colors.

Father Livio: And the Angels?

Vicka: The angels are like small children.

Father Livio: Do they have the complete body or only the head as in the Baroque art?

Vicka: They have the whole body.

Father Livio: Do they wear the tunics?

Yes, but these tunics are short.

Father Livio:
Did you see their small legs?

Vicka: Yes, because they haven't long tunics.

Father Livio: Do they have some small wings?

Vicka: Yes, they have the wings and fly above the people that are in Heaven.

Father Livio: The Gospa has spoken about of the abortion. She said that it is a serious sin and will have to answer all the people that get it. The children don't have guilt of this instead are small Angels in sky. According to you, are the little angel of the Heaven the aborted children?

Vicka: The Gospa has not said that the small Angels in Sky are the children of the abortion. She said that the abortion is a great sin and that will answer all the people that have done it,and not the children.

Father Livio:Did you go in the Purgatory?

Vicka: Yes, after we have gone in the Purgatory.

Father Livio: Did you do so much road?

Vicka: No, the Purgatory is nearby.

Father Livio: Has the Madonna brought you?

Vicka: Yes, caring for hand.

Father Livio: Did you walk or fly?

Vicka: No, we have flied.

Father Livio: I have understood. The Gospa has transported you from the Heaven to the Purgatory, holding you for hand.

Vicka: Also the Purgatory is a great space. In Purgatory, however, the people are not seen, but only a great fog is seen and i feel ...
Father Livio: What do you feel?

Vicka: You feels that the people suffer. You hear some noises....

Father Livio: I have just sent my book to the presses: "Why I believe in Medjugorje", where I wrote that in the Purgatory you hear noises as of weepings, of cries, of hits... It's right? Also I found it hard to find the correct words in Italian language to give the sense of that in that you say Croatian to the pilgrims.

Vicka: Cannot be said that they feel him some hits and even that they feel him some weepings. There the people are not seen. It is not as the Heaven.

Father Livio: What does it feel ?

Vicka: You feels that they suffer. It is a suffering of different kind. They hears the voices and also of the noises as one whom it is beaten...

Father Livio: Does they beat between them?

Vicka: You feels so, but I have not been able to see. Father Livio ,is difficult to explain a thing that you don't see. Is different to feel and to see. In Heaven you see that they walk, they sing, they pray, and therefore you can report exactly it. In Purgatory a great fog is seen only. The people that are found there they wait for our prayers to be able to go as soon as possible to Heaven.

Father Livio: Do they attend our prayers?

Vicka: The Gospa has said that the people that are found in Purgatory wait for our prayers to be able to go as soon as possible to Heaven.

Father Livio: Listen me, Vicka: the light of the Heaven we could interpret it as the divine presence in which the people are absorbed where they are found in that place of beatitude. The fog of the Purgatory, instead, what is it to point out according to you?

For me, the fog is surely a sign of hope. They is suffering, but they has the certain hope that you will go to Heaven.

Father Livio: The Gospa insists on our prayers for the souls of the Purgatory.

Vicka: Yes, the Gospa says that they need our prayers to go in the Heaven.

Father Livio: Then our prayers can shorten the Purgatory.

Vicka: If we pray more, they go fast in Heaven.

Father Livio: Now speak to us about the hell.

Vicka: Yes. Before we have seen a great fire.

Father Livio: Get away a curiosity: did you feel warm?

Vicka: Yes. We were enough near and in front of us there was the fire.

Father Livio: I understand. On the other hand Jesus speaks about of the "eternal fire."

Vicka: You know, we have been there with the Gospa. For us it has been a different way. Do you understand?

Father Livio: Yes, certain! You were only spectators and not actors of that awful play.

Vicka: We have seen the people that before entering the fire...

Father Livio: Excuse me: but was the fire great or small?

Vicka: It was a great fire. We have seen the people that were normal before entering the fire; then, when they fall in the fire, they are changed in horrible animals. I heard so many swearwords and the people that howl and shout.

Father Livio: This transformation of the people in horrible animals is the state of perversion of the damned that they burn in the flames of the hate against God. I have a curiosity: do these people that turned into monstrous beasts had the horns?

Vicka: The horns?

Father Livio: The horns that have the devils.

Vicka: Yes. It is as when you see a person, for example a blonde girl, that is normal before entering the fire. But when it goes down to the fire and then she returns on, it changes her in a beast, as if she had never been a person.

Father Livio: Marija has told us , in an interview , that when the Gospa has made you see the hell during the apparition without however to bring you in the afterlife, this blonde girl, when she has gone out of the fire, she also had the horns and the tail. It's right?

Vicka: Yes, certain.

Father Livio: The fact that the people turned into beasts also have the horns and the tail for me means that they have become in demons.

Vicka: Yes, it is really a way of similar to demons. It is a transformation that quickly happens. Before falling down in the fire, they are normal and when they return on they are transformed.

The Gospa has told us: "These people that you have found here in the hell have gone here with their own wish, because they have wanted to come here. The people that on the earth go against God they already begin to live only a Hell and then they continue it."

Father Livio: Has the Gospa told it?

Vicka: Yes.

Father Livio: Has The Gospa said therefore, if not really with these words, however doing express this concept, that go to the hell who takes to go it persisting to go against God up to the end?

Vicka: Goes there who is against the wish of God. Who wants, it goes. God doesn't send anybody there. We have the possibility to save us.

Father Livio:
Doesn't God send anybody to the hell: the Gospa has told him, or you tell it?

Vicka: God doesn't send anybody. The Gospa has said that God doesn't send anybody. We want to go there for our choice.

Father Livio: I have felt to say or I have read from some part that the Gospa has said that we don't to pray for the souls of the hell.

Vicka: For those of the hell, no. The Gospa has said that she is not begged for those the hell, but only for souls in the Purgatory.

Father Livio: On the other hand the damned of the hell they don't want our prayers.

Vicka: They don't want then and they aren't necessary.

Monday, September 12, 2005

From Poland to Medjugorje ON FOOT!

Our friends Ante and Katerina at Villa BENEDICT had a pleasure to give accommodation and food to one most interesting person and amazing pilgrim from Poland.

Krzysztof Guca, 31, from Torun (Poland) arrived to Medjugorje after 57 days of WALKING. He believes that Our Lady is appearing here and thinks that Medjugorje is the continuation of Fatima. His pilgrimage is a vow he had made.
While walking, he was praying for his friends, for the Church, priests, families and his country. He offered his effort for these intentions. Before starting his pilgrimage, he asked for a blessing of his bishop. A written blessing given by his bishop was opening the doors in many parishes in the countries he was traversing. He also kept a diary, signed by those who received him on his journey. He made more than 1720 km.
His pilgrimage reminds him of a bridge over an abyss: step by step day after day.

He thought of staying for 4 days but at the end it was 14.
We thank Ante and Kata for their generous hospitality .

Krzysztof Guca also made a pilgrimage on foot to Fatima: he made 4000 km in 4 months.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Apparition to Ivan on Friday , September 9th

This evening Our Lady came special happy.
She came with three angels and gave us this message:

Dear children, also today I invite you to pray.
Dear children, I invite you to sanctity of family,
pray in the family,
open yourself to the grace of Holy Spirit.
I intercede before my Son for each one of you.
Dear children, pray, pray!
Thank you for having responded to my call.

A lot of rain these days in Medjugorje but lot of grace and lot of joy also.

Yesterday we spent mostly on the Apparition hill. We prayed rosary together with so many Croatian who came to celebrate the feast of the exaltation of the holy cross, which is celebrated here in Medjugorje with the mass on top of Krizevac, first Sunday after birthday of Our Lady.
Even we had rain and truly got wet, nobody thought about leaving the Hill before prayers were finished. I always admire the zeal and faith of Medjugorje pilgrims. They truly give all and I am sure Our Lady gives a great graces in return.

This morning all went up the mountain. Mass was celebrated at 11 but many wanted to pray the way of the cross and find a good place in the shade and close to the Cross /those are not many to find up there/. I do not know how many people actually was there, I guess you will have to wait until we get official information from our parish office. But I can say that there were several thousands of pilgrims.

Also a mess was celebrated here at the church of St. James at 12, for those who are elderly and disabled, thus not being able to climb the mountain.

Homily in on the mount was given by father Branimir, which most of the English speaking pilgrims still remember from his Medjugorje days..
Homily in the church was given by father Tomislav, who actually did it in 4 different languages /with the little help of Lydia).

All in all , another special weekend in Mejdugorje, this wonderful Oasis of Peace.
I can not express all in this few lines, real joy is in my heart and cannot be put in words. All I hope is that you will be coming here very soon and became a part of these wonderful events.

May God bless you all!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Day of three apparitions and 2 messages

Yesterday was really intense day for the pilgrims in Medjugorje.
Day started very early since Our Lady called us to come and join Mirijana, the visionary , for her monthly prayer for the people who have not yet met the love of Christ. Mirjana has said that Our Lady will appear to her in Cenacolo (the usual place, most would say) at 9 o'clock. People went in many numbers, early to get the seat and to start with preparation for this meeting.
Our Lady gave a message to the pilgrims gathered there it is this:

Message to visionary Mirijana, September 2, 2005
"Dear children,
I am coming to you as your Mother,
and I show to you how much God loves you, your Father.
But you, my children, where are you?
What is on the first place in your heart?
What prevents you to put my Son into the first place?
Permit, my children, that the blessings of God come down upon you!
My the God's peace penetrate you, the peace that gives my Son, only Him."

On the same day Our Lady appeared for the second time to Ivan and Vicka here in the village, at their own home at the usual time of 6h40 pm, then it was announced that we will have another prayer meeting and apparition of Our Lady. This time it was on Podbrdo, and it was with the visionary Ivan and his prayer group.
These nights are for me really special and I truly find it much rewarding to go on the hill or at the blue cross. Just being there would make a man feel special. Prayer and singing are beautiful, then the time we spent with Our Lady and praying Our Father with her is an amazing experience.
Our Lady had a message for us again that day, and here it is:

Message to the visionary Ivan Septemeber 2, 2005.
Dear children,
tonight again I am calling you to pray for my plans (intentions).
Pray, dear children, pray, pray.
I wish, dear children, realize my plans together with you.
I need your prayers.
Thank you for having responded to my call.

Well, She is always thanking. Blessed are those who are at least trying to follow her messages.

God bless you all!

9/3/05 11:41 AM
Central European Summer Time

Friday, September 02, 2005

Hurricane Katarina

We hear about the bad news coming from US, from New Orleans specially.
It is actually for days that we have been having it on news, how KAtarina is approaching and will make serious damage to the town and the area. I always thought nothing serious would happen, it is America after all, and you can evacuate.
But obviously I was wrong. SO many people stayed in that region and most probably many of them are now dead.
There is no way we can contact any of our friends. Only this morning we got some news about some of the families we know, and they are, Thanks be to God all OK. But there is many in the region that are our dear friends and pilgrims and we have no news, and we cannot know what happened to them. We can only pray that all will be well. We pray that you are all alive and safe, somewhere in a nice family home with some good and nice people taking care of you.

We are thinking of you and we are praying for you.

God bless

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Good morning

I was thinking about all this what happens here with the people who come on a pilgrimage. I just met one of the tourist guides from Italy who told me that he is planning to come back with the groups from his town, but he thinks that we need to add more interesting things into the program for our pilgrim. OH! Really?! - I said.

When people come here at first sight they really can think that there is just nothing to do here ... But once you let go and you open your heart and after you have said YES to Our Lady while climbing the Apparition Hill, or maybe just sitting down there by the church listening ( and not understanding one word, except maybe for AMEN)... Once you have that river flowing into your heart then through your body an soul, and you start praying and meditating, then your stay in Mejdugorje passes so quickly and you think of coming back again and again and again.
Medjugore is not about seeing things (although there are things to see :-) ) it is all about feeling. And what you will feel is something that cannot be explained, cannot be put in words.. That extraordinary encounter with your heavenly mother who is present here in Medjugojre in a very special way. And then trough Her you will meet your God, your Lord.
There is no better way to go to Jesus than trough Mary. I suggest you read Louis-Marie Grignion De Montfort and his most famous work "True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary", and Medjugorje gives us a chance to go that way.
Well I am sure my Italian friend will realize that once in Medjugorje you get so busy with prayers climbing hills, evening programs etc. That you really do not think, not even for one second , that you need to add anything. Sometimes just one mass can be an overwhelming experience.
I hope many of you will come to experience the power of Medjugorje, the power of the presence of our Mother and Her warm embrace.
Hope many of you will come back to this place as one returns to one's spiritual source.

Surely you are all very welcome.

God bless!

Monday, August 22, 2005

The 6th International Meeting for Married Couples

"The 6th International Meeting for Married Couples will take place in Medjugorje in the New Hall from October 26 to 29, 2005. The theme of the seminar is "Dialog in the Family - How to Educate Children?" Participation per couple: 40 €. You may make reservations by e-mail:, or by fax +387-36-651-999 (for Marija Dugandzic). The number of participants is limited because of the available space in the hall, se we ask you to send your registration as soon as possible, latest by the end of September. All the participants are invited to individually provide their accommodation in Medjugorje."

The above is the invitation for all of you married couples to come to Medjugorje and combine the unique experience of living in the presence of Our Lady of Peace and attending one of the famous Medjugorje international retreats.
I am sure you will find it most rewarding.

We are expeting you

God bless!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Message from Our Lady - pray pray pray !

This month of august is really very eventful :-)

As one cannot write all, I choose to write about certain things which are important to me personally. After all this is a personal web journal isn't it ?

On August 15th we have all went to the Apparition Hill for the apparition of Our Lady with Ivan visionary. We had rain and mud all over but still the hill was full. Thanks to dear God rain has stopped and we did not have to have umbrella in our hands during prayers and apparition.
Our Lady came all joyfully, with many angles who sung and praised the mother of God.
Many people had different experiences on that night. Some saw the light, some part of Our Lady's dress ... Some saw angels dancing and singing.. It has been really special night, although I ( as usual) have not seen anything.

Our Lady prayed over all of us. She prayed for us, and for our families, she gave us her motherly blessing.

Also Our Lady gave us her message: "Dear children, today also I invite you with joy: dear children, pray in these days for my intentions. Pray for my plan to be realized for this world. Pray for peace. Peace, peace, peace. Dear children, pray together with Mother for the peace in the world and peace in the families.
Thank you my children for having accepted my messages."

As we were instructed by father Ljubo, messages given trough visionary Ivan on the Blue Cross or Apparition Hill, during this nightly apparition at 22h are messages for the people gathered at the apparition. Therefore messages are not translated and distributed officially, like monthly message on each 25th.

But as many came and cannot hear due to the non existing or poor loud speakers I have decided to translate the message and put it like this online for all to see. Please bare in mind that I have not spoke to the visionary after the apparition so I have not double checked for errors. I just hope there were not so many :-)

weather here is unusual cold. That should not be considered all bad. Since when it is not all that hot one can climb mountains at any time. Meaning , no early morning wake up call...

There is a good side to all things. But I hope no more raind untill the end of the month, at least!

Until next, may God bless you all!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Good morning peaceful Mejdugorje!

Several days after Festival all is peaceful in Mejdugorje. Yes, we do have pilgrims all the time but it is nothing compared to the period of first week in august when we had over 30 000 people.
The program for Festival was great and the information we are receiving from our visitors are just wonderful. I guess next year we just might have some few thousands more.
As all days in Mejdugorje are very interesting so this week also is full of the events.
Highlights are (so far) the amazing photo of Our Lady of Fatima, we had a opportunity to see. It is the photo of the statue where you can see Our Lady smiling. Now this would not be something special if one is not able to see her teeth.... Yes! Our Lady of Fatima, smiling, showing teeth.
Now we have seen so many statues but I have never in my life heard of statue showing teeth. Of course this statue has no teeth either it is just on that photo. Amazing.
Our Lady was actually there with those people and she was really smiling to them , isn't that great!
I am so happy for those people who were, as I have heard later, fasting and praying all day long and were very tired and hungry but still decided to stay with Our Lady and pray. What a great reward for them.

Second thing is the fall of an older man on Podbrdo ( Apparition Hill) ... This elderly man , about 2 meters tall has just flipped over those stones and fall backwards...Rolled three times down the hill and then just got up with nothing
broken or injured ! Our Lady was with him and she helped him not to be injured.

This is it for today, we do not know what God is planning for us today. Only it is sure that it will not be a boring day. Simply there are no boring days in Medjugorje.

May God bless you all

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Festival is over!

This morning at three o'clock we went up the mountain and then at 5 the holy mass was celebrated. With the decent from the mountain our Festival has finished for this year. Some youth has gone up earlier in the evening and spent the night there. Even it was unusual cold weather for this year, our young were not discouraged to climb the mountain.

Now we need several days to gather all emotions and all experiences we had during Festival. Program was quite intense with few great surprises. The witnesses were great and had given wonderful example of faith, joy, love...

As I can see everyone is happy and thinks of coming back again next year.
Now , now is the time to go home, rest and then pack your bags and we go to Cologne :-)

God bless you all!


Monday, August 01, 2005

Youth Festival

This morning we got up and went to church early in the morning. Already at 7 the streets were beginning crowded. Oh, yes! It is the first day of Festival. The amazing week of youth starts here in extremely warm Medjugorje. The sun is up, the youth is out and first mass at 7h30 already full with us, little older people.

The main celebration will begin with evening program at 18 and then we will actual be able to say how many people has come. For now we are calculating about 15 ooo.

For us, the Youth Festival is a wonderful week, filed with prayer and singing. We always enjoy it since seeing those young people truly brings hope to many.

I hope it will be all good like last year or even better.

The procession on Tuesday, then Spectacle from Cenacolo , then Way of the Cross and mass at 5 am on the Cross mountain, then stories, lectures... Adoration and holy mass... Wonderful.

Water, umbrella, hat, FM radio with earphones and decent close... If you have all this, you are already ready for your first Youth Festival ...

We have prepared all in our gift shop so you do not have to worry if you have made last minute decision and just went off without getting all these things before coming to Medjugorje.

God bless you all !


Friday, July 22, 2005

Opening the journal !

Good day !

Well, this is the first post from me and I was just wondering will anyone notice I am here?
There so many bloggs and so many people writes on them that I started thinking we all read only what we write, since no time to check all.

Oh, well, it I s a great sunny day here in Medj and we are all enjoying this beautiful sun. I know it is hot for most of our visitors, but hey, we like it like this. We are born here among this thorns and bushes and a lot of stone, and we dislike winter, cold weather, snow and rain....

This winter was so long and cold and we had snow!!!! I could not believe that it would not go away .... Just snowing and snowing... day after day.. for a week!

But we survived and here we are now, hot hot hot ... Thank you Jesus!

As hot weather keeps people away from here we , the locals, decided to take vacations. Not all at once of course :-) , so my husband and I closed the shop and went to the Adriatic sea, to the place we have not visited yet ( yeah.. we found it) and as God usually gives more than one deserves, we got very interesting and spiritually uplifting meeting with a priest. Nothing is accidental in life, so the choice of place for vacation is also in God's plan.

Now, refreshed we start anew with work in this wonderful place.

God bless you!

Saturday, January 15, 2005

A NOVENA DELLO SPIRITO SANTO Sant’Alfonso Maria de Liguori

La novena dello Spirito Santo è fra tutte la principale, perché è stata celebrata dai santi apo stoli e da Maria SS. nel cenacolo, ed arricchita di tanti eccellenti prodigi e doni, e principal mente del dono dello stesso Spirito Santo, il qua le è un dono meritatoci da Gesù Cristo con la sua Passione. Così Gesù medesimo ci fece sape re, quando disse ai discepoli che se egli non mo riva non avrebbe potuto mandarci lo Spirito Santo (cfr. Gv 17,7). Ben sappiamo poi per fede che lo Spirito Santo è l'amore che si portano scambievolmente il Padre col Verbo Eterno, e perciò il dono dell'amore che dal Signore si di spensa alle anime nostre, e che è il più grande di tutti i doni, si attribuisce specialmente allo Spirito Santo, come parla s. Paolo: L'amore di Dio è stato riversato nei nostri cuori per mezzo dello Spirito Santo che ci è stato dato (Rm 5,5). Pertanto conviene che in questa novena sopra tutto consideriamo i grandi pregi dell'amore di vino, affinché c'invogliamo di ottenerlo, ed at tendiamo con esercizi devoti, e specialmente con le preghiere, ad esserne partecipi, poiché Dio
l'ha promesso a chi umilmente lo chiede: Il Pa dre vostro celeste darà lo Spirito Santo a coloro che glielo chiederanno (Gv 11,13). (Una meditazione al giorno)

Primo giorno:

L'amore è fuoco che infiamma

Ordinò Iddio nell'antica Legge che al suo al tare continuamente ardesse il fuoco. Dice S. Gre gorio che gli altari di Dio sono i nostri cuori, dove egli vuole che sempre arda il fuoco del suo divino amore. E perciò l'Eterno Padre non con tento di averci donato Gesù Cristo, suo figlio, affinché ci salvasse con la sua morte, volle do narci ancora lo Spirito Santo, affinché abitasse nelle anime nostre e le tenesse continuamente ac cese di carità. E Gesù medesimo si protestò che appunto per infiammare i nostri cuori di questo santo fuoco egli era ventuo in terra, e che altro non desiderava che di vederlo acceso (cfr. Lc 12,49). Pertanto egli, scordate le ingiurie e le ingratitudini ricevute in questa terra dagli uo mini, salito in cielo, c'inviò lo Spirito Santo.
O Redentore amatissimo, dunque così nelle tue pene ed ignominie, come nelle tue glorie, tu sempre ci ami?
Quindi lo Spirito Santo volle apparire nel ce nacolo in forma di lingue di fuoco (cfr. Atti 2,3).
E perciò la S. Chiesa ci fa pregare: Ti preghia mo, Signore, di infiammarci di quello Spirito che il Signore Gesù mandò sulla terra e volle che si accendesse fortemente. Questo poi è stato quel santo fuoco che ha acceso i santi a far grandi co se per Dio, ad amare i nemici, a desiderare i di sprezzi, a spogliarsi di tutti i beni terreni e ad abbracciare con allegrezza anche i tormenti e la morte. L'amore non sa stare ozioso e non dice mai basta. Un'anima che ama Dio, quanto più fa per l'amato più desidera di fare, affm di dargli gusto e di più tirarsi il suo affetto. Questo santo fuoco si accende nell'orazione mentale (cfr. Sal 38,4). Se dunque desideriamo di ardere d'amore verso Dio, amiamo l'orazione; questa è la beata fornace dove si accende il divino ardore.

Affetti e preghiere

Mio Dio, sinora non ho fatto niente per te che hai fatto tante grandiose cose per me. Ohimè che la mia freddezza troppo ti incita a rifiutar mi! Deh! Spirito Santo, scalda ciò che è gelido. Liberami da questa mia freddezza, ed accendi in me un gran desiderio di darti gusto,. lo ora ri nunzio ad ogni mia soddisfazione, e preferisco prima morire che darti un minimo dispiacere.
Tu comparisti in forma di lingue di fuoco, io ti consacro la mia lingua, affinché ella più non ti offenda. Oh Dio, tu me l'hai data per lodarti, ed io me ne son servito per oltraggiarti e tirare an che gli altri ad offenderti! Me ne dispiace con tutta l'anima mia. Deh per l'amore di Gesù Cri sto che in sua vita tanto ti onorò con la sua lin gua, fà che anche io da oggi innanzi ti onori sempre con recitar le tue lodi, con invocarti spes so in aiuto, e con parlare della tua bontà e del l'amore infinito che tu meriti.
Ti amo, mio sommo bene; ti amo, o Dio d'amore.
O Maria, tu sei la sposa più cara dello Spirito Santo: impetrami tu questo santo fuoco.

Secondo giorno:
L'amore è luce che illumina
Uno dei maggiori danni che a noi recò il pec cato di Adamo fu il renderci ottenebrata la ra gione per mezzo delle passioni che offuscano la mente. Povera quell'anima che si fa dominare da qualche passione. La passione è un vapore, è un velo che non ci fa vedere più la verità. Co me può fuggire il male chi non conosce ciò che è male? Tanto più cresce poi questa oscurità, quanto più crescono i nostri peccati. Ma lo Spi rito Santo, che si chiama luce beatissima, è co lui che con i suoi divini splendori non solo in-
fiamma i cuori ad amare, ma di più dilegua le tenebre e fa a noi conoscere la vanità dei beni terreni, il valore dei beni eterni, l'importanza della salvezza, il pregio della grazia, la bontà di Dio, l'amore infinito ch'egli si merita e l'amore immenso che ci porta.
L'uomo naturale non comprende le cose dello Spirito (1 Cor. 2,14). L'uomo infangato nei pia ceri della terra poco conosce queste verità, e per ciò l'infelice ama quel che dovrebbe odiare e odia quel che dovrebbe amare. S. Maria Madda lena de' Pazzi esclamava: O amore non cono sciuto, o amore non amato! E perciò diceva S. Te resa che Iddio non è amato perché non è cono sciuto. Quindi i santi cercavano sempre a Dio luce: Manda la tua verità e la tua luce (Sal. 42,3); O mio Dio rischiara le mie tenebre (cfr Sal 17,29); Aprimi gli occhi (Sal. 118,18). Sì, perché senza luce non possono evitarsi i precipi zi, né può trovarsi Dio.

Affetti e preghiere

O santo e divino Spirito, io credo che tu sei vero Dio, ma un solo Dio col Padre e col Figlio. Ti adoro e ti riconosco come il datore di tutti i lumi, con cui mi hai fatto conoscere il male che ho commesso in offenderti e l'obbligo che ho di amarti: te ne ringrazio e mi pento sommamente di averti offeso. lo meritavo che mi abbandona sti nelle mie tenebre, ma vedo che non mi hai abbandonato ancora. Continua, o Spirito eterno, ad illuminarmi ed a farmi sempre più conoscere la tua infinita bontà, e dammi la forza di amarti per l'avvenire con tutto il mio cuore. Aggiungi grazie a grazie, acciocché io resti dolcemente vinto e costretto a non amare altro che te. Te ne prego per i meriti di Gesù Cristo.
Ti amo, sommo mio bene, ti amo più di me stesso. lo voglio essere tutto tuo, accettami tu e non permettere che da te io più mi parta.
O Maria madre mia, assistimi sempre con la tua intercessione.

Terzo giorno:


L'amore è acqua che sazia
L'amore si chiama anche fonte viva. Disse il nostro Redentore alla Samaritana: Chi beve del l'acqua che io gli darò non avrà mai più sete (Gv 4,13). L'amore è acqua che sazia; chi ama Dio di vero cuore non cerca né desidera niente più perché in Dio trova ogni bene. Per cui, con tento di Dio, lieto va sempre dicendo: Dio mio, tu sei ogni mio bene. Perciò Dio si lagna di tante anime che vanno mendicando miseri e brevi di letti dalle creature e lasciano quello che è un bene infinito e fonte di ogni gaudio: Essi hanno abbandonato me, sorgente di acqua viva, per scavarsi cisterne screpolate, che non tengono l'ac qua (Ger 2,13). Per tanto Dio che ci ama e de sidera di vederci contenti, grida e fa sapere a tutti: Chi ha sete venga a me e beva (Gv 7,37). Chi desidera di essere beato venga a me, che io gli donerò lo Spirito Santo che lo renderà beato in questa e nell'altra vita: Chi crede in me. con tinua a dire, fiumi di acqua viva sgorgheranno dal suo seno (Gv 7,38). Chi dunque crede ed ama Gesù Cristo sarà arricchito di tanta grazia, che dal suo cuore - il cuore, cioè la volontà, è il ventre dell'anima - sgorgheranno più fonta ne di sante virtù, che non solo gioveranno a con servar la vita sua, ma anche a dar la vita agli al tri. Ed appunto quest'acqua era lo Spirito Santo, l'amore sostanziale che Gesù Cristo promise di mandarci dal cielo dopo la sua ascensione (cfr. Gv 7,39).
La chiave che apre i canali di quest'acqua beata è la santa preghiera che ci ottiene ogni bene in virtù della promessa che otterrete (Gv 16,24). Noi siamo ciechi, poveri e deboli, ma la preghiera ci ottiene luce, fortezza e ricchezze di grazia. Dicea Teodoreto che chi prega riceve quanto desidera. Iddio vuol darci le sue grazie, ma vuol essere pregato.

Affetti e preghiere

Signore, dammi di quest'acqua (Gv 4,15). Ge sù mio, vi pregherò, colla Samaritana, datemi quest'acqua del vostro amore, che mi faccia scordare della terra per vivere solo a voi, ama bile infinito.
Bagna ciò che è arido. L'anima mia è la terra arida che non produce altro che sterpi e spine di peccati; deh innaffiatela voi con la vostra gra zia, affinché renda qualche frutto di gloria a voi prima di uscire da questo mondo con la morte.
O fonte d'acqua viva, o sommo bene, quante volte io ti ho lasciato per le pozzanghere di que sta terra che mi hanno privato del tuo amore! Oh fossi morto e non ti avessi offeso! Ma per l'avvenire io non voglio cercare altro che te, mio Dio. Soccorrimi tu e fa' che io ti sia fedele.
Maria, speranza mia, tienimi sempre sotto il tuo manto.

Quarto giorno:
L'amore è rugiada che feconda
L'amore feconda i buoni desideri, i santi propo siti e le opere sante delle anime: questi sono i fiori e i frutti che produce la grazia dello Spirito Santo.
L'amore si chiama anche rugiada perché tem pera gli ardori degli appetiti malvagi e delle ten tazioni. Perciò chiamasi anche lo Spirito Santo temperamento e dolce refrigerio nel calore. Que sta rugiada scende nei nostri cuori nel tempo del l'orazione. Basta un quarto d'ora di orazione per sedare ogni passione di odio o di amor disordi nato, per ardente che sia. Mi ha introdotto nella cella del vino e il suo vessillo su di me è amore (Ct 2,4). La santa meditazione appunto è que sta cella ove si ordina l'amore, amando il pros simo come noi stessi e Dio sopra ogni cosa. Chi ama Dio ama l'orazione, e chi non ama l'orazio ne è moralmente impossibile che superi le sue passioni.

Affetti e preghiere

O santo e divino Spirito, io non voglio vivere più per me stesso; i giorni che mi restano di vita voglio spenderli tutti in amarti e compiacerti. Perciò ti prego di darmi il dono dell'orazione. Vieni tu nel mio cuore, ed insegnami a farla co me si deve. Dammi fortezza di non tralasciarla per tedio in tempo di aridità; e dammi lo spirito di preghiera cioè la grazia di sempre pregarti e di farti quelle preghiere che sono più care al tuo divino Cuore.
Io ero perduto già per i peccati miei, ma vedo che tu, con tante finezze che mi hai usate, mi vuoi salvo e santo; ed io voglio farmi santo per darti gusto e per più amare la tua infinita bontà. Ti amo, mio sommo bene, mio amore, mio tut to, e perché ti amo tutto a te mi dono.
O Maria speranza mia, proteggimi tu.

Quinto giorno:
L'amore è riposo che ricrea
Chiamasi in oltre l'amore nella fatica, riposo; nel pianto, conforto. L'amore è riposo che ri crea; poiché l'ufficio principale dell'amore è di unire la volontà dell'amante con quella dell'ama to. Ad un'anima che ama Dio, in ogni affronto che riceve, in ogni dolore che patisce, in ogni perdita che le capita, basta a rasserenarla il sa pere che è volontà dell'amato che ella patisca quel travaglio. Con dir solamente: Così vuole il mio Dio, in tutte le tribolazioni trova pace e con tento. Questa è quella pace che supera tutti i pia ceri del senso. S. Maria Maddalena de Pazzi in dir solamente Volontà di Dio, si sentiva riempi re di gaudio.
In questa vita ognuno ha da portar la sua cro ce; ma dice S. Teresa che la croce è dura a chi la strascina, non già a chi l'abbraccia. Così ben
sa il Signore ferire e sanare, come disse Giobbe (cfr. Gb 5,18). Lo Spirito Santo, con la sua dol ce unzione, rende dolci ed amabili anche le igno minie ed i tormenti. Sì, o Padre, perché così è piaciuto a te (Mt 11,26). Così dobbiamo dire in tutte le cose avverse che ci accadono: Così sia fatto, Signore, perché così è piaciuto a voi. E quando ci atterisce qualche timore di mal tem porale che può avvenirci, diciamo sempre: Fate voi, mio Dio; quanto farete, tutto da ora l'accet to. E quindi giova come facea S. Teresa, offrirsi spesso durante il giorno a Dio.

Affetti e preghiere

Mio Dio, quante volte per far la mia volontà mi sono opposto alla volontà tua disprezzando la! Mi dolgo di questo male più d'ogni altro ma le. Signore, io da oggi innanzi voglio amarti con tutto il mio cuore: Parla, o Signore, perché il tuo servo ti ascolta (1 Sam 3,10). Ditemi quel che volete da me, che io tutto voglio farlo. La vostra volontà sarà sempre l'unico mio deside rio, l'unico amore.
Aiuta tu, o Spirito Santo, la mia debolezza. Tu sei la stessa bontà, come io posso amare altra cosa che te? Deh, tira a te tutti gli affetti miei con la dolcezza del tuo santo amore. Io lascio tutto per darmi tutto a te. Accettami e soccor rimi.
O Madre mia Maria, in te confido.  

Sesto giorno:
L'amore è la virtù che dà forza
Forte come la morte è l'amore (Ct 8,6). Sic come non vi è forza creata che resista alla mor te, così non v'è difficoltà per un'anima amante, che non ceda all'amore. Quando si tratta di pia cere all'amato, l'amore supera tutto, perdite, di sprezzi e dolori. Niente è così dif icile da non esser vinto dal fuoco, come dice sant'Agostino. Questo è il contrassegno più certo per conoscere se un'anima veramente ama Dio: se è fedele nel suo amore così nelle cose prospere come nell'av verse.
Diceva S. Francesco di Sales che « Dio tanto è amabile quando ci consola come quando ci fla gella, perché tutto fa per amore ». Anzi quando più ci flagella in questa vita, allora più ci ama. S. Gio. Grisostomo stimava più felice S. Paolo incatenato, che S. Paolo rapito al terzo cielo. Perciò i santi martiri, stando nei tormenti, giu bilavano e ne ringraziavano il Signore, come della grazia più grande che a loro faceva dando loro di patire per suo amore. E gli altri santi, ove sono mancati i tiranni ad affliggerli, essi sono divenuti carnefici di loro stessi con le penitenze, per dar gusto a Dio. Dice S. Agostino che chi ama non fatica, e se fatica la stessa fatica è amata.

Affetti e preghiere

O Dio dell'anima mia, io dico che ti amo; ma poi che faccio per amor tuo? Niente. Dunque è segno che non ti amo o ti amo troppo poco. Mandami dunque, o Gesù mio, lo Spirito Santo, che venga a darmi forza di patire per tuo amo re, e di far qualche cosa per te prima che mi giunga la morte. Deh non farmi morire, amato mio Redentore, così freddo ed ingrato come ti sono stato finora. Dammi vigore ad amare il pa tire, dopo tanti peccati che mi hanno meritato l'inferno.
O mio Dio tutto bontà e tutto amore, tu desi deri di abitare nell'anima mia da cui tante volte ti ho discacciato; vieni, abita, possiedila e rendi tela tutta tua.
lo ti amo, o Signor mio, e se ti amo tu già stai con me, come assicura S. Giovanni: Chi sta nel l'amore dimora in Dio e Dio dimora in lui (1 Gv 4,16). Poiché dunque tu stai con me, accresci le fiamme, accresci le catene, acciocché io non bra mi, non cerchi, non ami altri che te, e così legato non abbia mai a separarmi dal tuo amore. lo voglio essere tuo, o Gesù mio, e tutto tuo.
O regina ed avvocata mia Maria, ottienimi amore e perseveranza. 

Settimo giorno:
L'amore fa che Dio abiti nell'anima
Lo Spirito Santo si chiama dolce ospite dell'a nima. Questa fu la grande promessa fatta da Ge sù Cristo a chi l'ama quando disse: Se voi mi amate, io pregherò il Padre, ed egli vi manderà lo Spirito Santo, acciocché abiti sempre con voi (cfr. Gv 14,15-16).
Poiché lo Spirito Santo non abbandona mai un'anima, se non è da quella discacciato (Conc. di Trento 1.6, cap. 11).
Abita dunque Dio in un'anima che l'ama, ma si dichiara che non è contento se noi non l'amia mo con tutto il cuore. Scrive S. Agostino che il senato romano non volle ammettere Gesù Cristo nel numero degli dei, dicendo ch'egli è un Dio superbo che vuol essere solo ad essere adorato. E così è: egli non vuole compagni in quel cuore che ama, vuol essere solo ad abitarvi, solo ad essere amato. E quando non si vede solo ad es sere amato, invidia, per così dire, come scrive S. Giacomo, quelle creature che tengono parte di quel cuore ch'egli vorrebbe tutto per sé: Fino alla gelosia ci ama lo Spirito che egli ha fatto abitare in noi (Gc 4,5). Perciò egli loda quell'a nima che, come la tortorella, vive solitaria e na scosta dal mondo (cfr. Ct 1,9) perché non vuole che il mondo si prenda parte di quell'amore ch'egli desidera tutto per sé. Perciò ancora loda la sua sposa chiamandola Orto chiuso ad ogni amore di terra (cfr. Ct 4,12).
Forse Gesù non si merita tutto il nostro amo re? Dice il Grisostomo che Gesù ti ha dato tutto il suo sangue e la vita, non gli resta più che darti.

Affetti e preghiere

Mio Dio, vedo che mi vuoi tutto per te. lo tante volte ti ho scacciato dall'anima mia, e tu non hai sdegnato di ritornare ad unirti con me. Deh, prendi ora possesso di tutto me stesso. Og gi a te tutto mi dono; accettami, Gesù mio, e non permettere che io abbia da vivere per l'av venire neppure per un momento senza il tuo amore. Tu cerchi me, ed io non cerco altro che te. Tu vuoi l'anima mia, e l'anima mia non vuol altro che te. Tu mi ami, ed io ti amo; e giacché mi ami, legami con te, affinché da te io più non mi allontani.
O Regina del cielo, in te confido. 

Ottavo giorno:
L'amore è laccio che stringe
Siccome lo Spirito Santo, che è l'amore in creato, è laccio indissolubile che stringe il Padre col Verbo eterno, così unisce anche l'anima con Dio, secondo quanto dice sant'Agostino. S. Lo renzo Giustiniani esclamava: « Dunque, o amo re, il tuo laccio ha tanta forza, che ha potuto legare un Dio ed unirlo alle anime nostre! ». I legami del mondo sono legami di morte, ma i le gami di Dio sono legami di vita e di salute (cfr. Sir 6, 31). Sì, perché i legami di Dio, per mezzo dell'amore, ci uniscono con Dio che è la vera ed unica nostra vita.
Prima della venuta di Gesù Cristo fuggivano gli uomini da Dio ed, attaccati alla terra, ricusa vano di unirsi col loro Creatore; ma l'amante Signore con legami d'amore li ha tirati a sé, co me promise per mezzo del profeta Osea: Io li traevo con legami di bontà, con vincoli di amo re (Os 11,4). Questi vincoli sono i suoi benefici, i lumi, le chiamate al suo amore, le promesse del paradiso, ma soprattutto è stato il dono che ci ha fatto di Gesù Cristo nel sacrificio della croce e nel Sacramento dell'altare, e per ultimo nell'averci dato lo Spirito Santo. Per tanto escla ma il Profeta: Sciogliti dal collo i legami, schia va figlia di Sion (Is 52,2) : 0 anima, tu che sei
creata per il cielo, sciogliti dai legami della ter ra, e stringiti a Dio col laccio del santo amore. Al di sopra di tutto poi vi sia la carità, che è il vincolo della perfezione (Col 3,14). L'amore è un vincolo che unisce seco tutte le virtù, e ren de l'anima perfetta. Diceva S. Agostino: « Ama Dio, e fa quel che vuoi ». Sì, perché chi ama Dio procura di sfuggire ogni disgusto dell'amato, e cerca in tutte le cose di piacere all'amato.

Affetti e preghiere

Caro mio Gesù, troppo tu mi hai obbligato ad amarti, troppo ti è costato il procurarti l'amor mio; troppo ingrato io sarei, se ti amassi poco o dividessi il mio cuore fra le creature e te, dopo che tu mi hai dato il sangue e la vita. lo voglio staccarmi da tutto, e solo in te voglio mettere tutti gli affetti miei. Ma io sono debole ad ese guire questo mio desiderio; tu che me lo dai, dammi la forza di eseguirlo.
Ferisci, amato mio Gesù, il mio povero cuore col dardo del tuo amore, acciocché io sempre lan guisca per desiderio di te, e mi liquefaccia per amor tuo. Che io cerchi, brami e trovi sempre e solo te.
Gesù mio, te solo voglio e niente più. Fà che io lo replichi sempre in vita e specialmente nel punto di mia morte: Te solo voglio e niente più.
O Maria madre mia, fà che da oggi avanti io non voglia altro che Dio. 

Nono giorno:
L'amore è tesoro d'ogni bene
L'amore è questo tesoro di cui il Vangelo dice che si deve lasciar tutto per acquistarlo. Sì, per ché l'amore ci fa partecipi dell'amicizia di Dio.
« Uomo, dunque, dice S. Agostino, che vai cercando beni? Cerca un solo bene in cui sono tutti i beni ».
Ma questo Dio non possiamo trovarlo se non lasciamo le cose della terra. Scrive S. Teresa: « Distacca il cuore dalle creature, e troverai Dio ». Chi trova Dio trova quanto desidera: Cer ca la gioia nel Signore, esaudirà i desideri del tuo cuore (Sal 36,4). Il cuore umano va sempre cer cando beni che possano renderlo felice; ma se egli li cerca dalle creature, per quanto ne riceve da quelle, non resta mai contento; ma se non vuole altro che Dio, Dio contenterà tutti i suoi desideri.
Chi sono i più felici in questa terra, se non i santi? E perché? Perché essi vogliono e cercano solo Dio. Un certo principe, andando a caccia, vide un solitario che andava scorrendo per la selva; gli domandò che andava facendo per quel deserto? Quegli rispose: « E tu, principe, che vai cercando? ». Il principe: « Vado a caccia di belve »; e l'eremita: « Ed io vado a caccia di Dio ».
A S. Clemente il tiranno presentò oro e gem me, affinché rinnegasse Gesù Cristo. Il santo so spirando esclamò: « Oimè, un Dio si mette a confronto di un po' di fango! ».
Beato chi sa conoscere questo tesoro del di vino amore e cerca di ottenerlo! Chi l'ottiene, da se stesso si spoglierà di tutto, per non aver altro che Dio. « Quando la casa va a fuoco, dice S. Francesco di Sales, si buttano tutte le robe dal la finestra ». E il padre Segneri Iuniore, gran servo di Dio, solea dire che l'amore è un ladro che ci spoglia di tutti gli affetti terreni, fino a concludere: « E che altro vogl'io se non solo voi, mio Signore? ».

Affetti e preghiere

Mio Dio, io per il passato non ho cercato te, ma me stesso e le mie soddisfazioni e per queste ho voltato le spalle a te, sommo bene. Ma mi consola quel che dice Geremia: Buono è il Si gnore ... con l'anima che lo cerca (Lam 3,25).
Mi dice che voi siete tutto bontà verso chi vi cerca.
Amato mio Signore, conosco il male che ho fatto in lasciarti e me ne dolgo con tutto il cuo re. Conosco il tesoro infinito che tu sei; non vo glio abusare di questa luce; io lascio tutto, e ti eleggo per unico mio amore. Mio Dio, mio amo re, mio tutto, io ti amo, ti bramo, ti sospiro.
Deh, Spirito Santo, vieni e col tuo santo fuo co distruggi in me ogni affetto che non è per te. Fà ch'io sia tutto tuo, e vinca tutto per darti gusto.
O avvocata e Madre mia Maria aiutami tu con le tue preghiere.

Decimo giorno:
Mezzi per amare Dio e farsi santo
Chi più ama Dio si fa più santo. Diceva S. Francesco Borgia che l'orazione introduce nel cuore umano l'amore divino; la mortificazione poi è quella che toglie dal cuore la terra e lo rende capace di ricevere quel santo fuoco. Quan to più di terra vi è nel cuore, tanto meno di luo go vi trova il santo amore. (lob. XXVIII, 12, 13). Perciò i santi hanno cercato di mortificare quanto più poteano l'amor proprio ed i loro sen si. 1 santi son pochi; ma bisogna vivere con i pochi se vogliamo salvarci con i pochi, come scrive S. Giovanni Climaco. E S. Bernardo dice che chi vuol fare vita perfetta bisogna che faccia vita singolare.
Prima di tutto però per farsi santi è neces sario aver desiderio di farsi santi: desiderio e risoluzione. Alcuni sempre desiderano ma non mai cominciano a metter mano all'opera. « Di queste anime irresolute, dicea S. Teresa, non ha paura il demonio ». All'incontro diceva la santa che « Dio è amico delle anime generose ». Il de monio cerca di farci apparir superbia il pensare di fare grandi cose per Dio. Sarebbe superbia se noi pretendessimo farle confidando nelle no stre forze; ma non è superbia il risolverci di farci santi fidandoci di Dio e dicendo: Tutto posso in Colui che mi dà la forza (Fil 4,13).
Bisogna dunque farsi animo, risolversi e co minciare. La preghiera può tutto. Quel che non possiamo noi con le nostre forze, ben lo potre mo con l'aiuto di Dio, il quale ha promesso di darci quanto noi gli cerchiamo (cfr. Gv 15,7).

Affetti e preghiere

Caro mio Redentore, tu desideri il mio amore e mi comandi di amarti con tutto il cuore. Sì, Gesù mio, con tutto il cuore io voglio amarti.
No, mio Dio, ti dirò confidando nella tua mi sericordia, non mi spaventano i miei peccati commessi, perché ora li odio e detesto sopra ogni male; e so che tu ti scordi delle offese di un'ani ma che si pente e ti ama. Anzi perché io più de gli altri ti ho offeso, più degli altri ti voglio ama re, coll'aiuto che da te spero.
Mio Signore, tu mi vuoi santo, ed io voglio farmi santo per darti gusto. Ti amo, bontà infi nita. A te tutto mi dono. Tu sei l'unico mio be ne, l'unico mio amore. Accettami, amor mio, e rendimi tutto tuo e non permettere che io ti dia più disgusto. Fà ch'io tutto mi consumi per te, come tu ti sei tutto consumato per me.
O Maria, o sposa la più amante dello Spirito Santo e la più amata, impetrami amore e fe deltà. 
La Novena dello Spirito Santo fu pubblicata nella IIa  Parte della Via della salute per la pri ma volta a Napoli nel 1766. Si tratta di dieci meditazioni, stilate secondo il metodo composi tivo abituale al santo: meditazione propriamente detta, rapida e tutta succo, con Affetti e preghie re. La prima si rivolge alla mente, i secondi sol lecitano cuore e volontà coinvolgendo nell'ope­razione la persona in tutto il suo spessore antro pologico.
I titoli stessi delle meditazioni rivelano la fon te di ispirazione: cioè i due inni liturgici: « Veni, Creator » e « Veni, Sancte Spiritus ». Ne ripro pongono le immagini vibranti e i simboli plasti ci, offrendoci quella che oggi si è soliti chiamare la dimensione pneumatica della vita cristiana. Solo che in S. Alfonso la fonte liturgica è rivis suta al calore della sua inconfondibile spiritualità incentrata sull'amore operativo, cioè « pratico », fatto di propositi e risoluzioni.
Come già per i misteri del Natale, della Pas sione e dell'Eucaristia, anche qui il S. Alfonso poeta e artista viene incontro al S. Alfonso scrit tore, a riprova che l'intervento ascetico del santo tende a penetrare la persona in ogni sua fibra.
In proposito ricordiamo la canzoncina Allo Spi rito Santo: «Andate, o speranze, o affetti terre ni », dove, ricalcando le dieci meditazioni, le invocazioni trascorrono attraverso le immagini più suggestive che la liturgia applica allo Spirito Santo.
Ricordiamo poi il quadro della Madonna del lo Spirito Santo, una Madonna cioè (e citiamo lo stesso S. Alfonso) « che nel petto tiene dipinto lo Spirito Santo », còlta nel momento in cui pro nunzia il « Fiat » all'incarnazione del Verbo. L'immagine, disegnata da S. Alfonso e dipinta, su una richiesta, dall'amico Francesco De Mu ra (1696-1782), uno dei più celebri pittori del Settecento napoletano, risale quasi certamente al periodo giovanile del santo, insieme al Crocifisso e alla Madonna ovale. S. Alfonso, lasciando Na poli portò con sé le tre tele dipinte da avvocato e le lasciò alla sua Congregazione con testamen to redatto il 7 ottobre 1763 (a un anno circa dalla sua consacrazione a vescovo). Della Ma donna dello Spirito Santo, andata smarrita, si conserva una incisione a stampa (qui ripro dotta).
I missionari redentoristi riproponendo l'opu scolo del loro Fondatore auspicano che i fedeli si aprano sempre maggiormente alle ispirazioni dello Spirito Santo nella loro vita.


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