We were receiving a great number of e-mails from you people so you wil alowe me few days to deal with it. I promise I will reply and also if there are some orders from the Emanuel shop we will get organized and give our best to send it to you as soon as possible.
Here are the official news from Information centre MIR Medjugorje
"On Friday, November 4, four bishops came to the Shrine of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje. Mons. Thomas MSUSA, actual bishop of the diocese of Zomba, his retired predecessor Mons. Allan Chamgwera, and Mons. Remi Joseph Gustave Saint-Marie, bishop of Dedza, came from Malawi. Mons. Joseph Faber MacDonald, bishop of the diocese Saint John in New Brunswick, came from Canada.
All four bishops have a positive opinion about Medjugorje, and they are glad to be in this worldly renowned Our Lady’s shrine. At the presbytery, they met the pastor, dr. Fr. Ivan Sesar, and other Franciscans from Medjugorje. They especially underlined the importance of Medjugorje as the largest confessional of the world. "
All four bishops have a positive opinion about Medjugorje, and they are glad to be in this worldly renowned Our Lady’s shrine. At the presbytery, they met the pastor, dr. Fr. Ivan Sesar, and other Franciscans from Medjugorje. They especially underlined the importance of Medjugorje as the largest confessional of the world. "
As Anita was the one who was working on all arrangements for the group from Malawi, with the bishops coming, we were expecting to hear all the news about that famous project MEDJUGORJE SHRINE IN MALAWI. The project started by constructing a Medjugorje Cross mountain on Michiru Mountain in Malawi has grown into the whole Mejdugorje shrine, where the church, exact copy of ST. James in Mejdugorje, will be built in Malawi. All this is done by huge help of one Tony Smith from England, the benefactor to Malawi people. As we have heard Mr Smith already had a plan to build Mejdugorje shrine or better said it's copy, in England , but he couldnot fine sutable terain. All works are done according original plans for the Medjugorje church.
Mons. Thomas MSUSA said that he and his people are very happy that already next year they will be having Medjugorje in Africa. Peopel in Malawi is so poor and also the way to Medjugorje is complicated since they need so meny Visas from different countries. He also gave an interview to big Croatian newspapers but it is in Croatian so I can not quote for you.
Ok, this will be for this morning. I have to go and read those e-mails.
Keep on reading, keep on writing!
God bless you all!
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