At the end of the 10am Mass for English-speaking pilgrims, it was confirmed that the cardinal would speak in St James church this afternoon at 3pm.
This is instead of in the Yellow Hall as originally announced yesterday morning.

At the last daily apparition to Jakov Colo on September 12th, 1998, Our Lady told him that henceforth he would have one apparition a year, every December 25th, on Christmas Day. This is also how it was this year. The apparition began at 14:35 am and lasted 12 minutes. |
Ivan Dragicevic - Ivan was born on May 25th, 1965 in Bijakovici. He is the oldest of three children in his family.
Our Lady has appeared to Ivan every day since June 24, 1981, and has, to date, confided nine secrets. Ivan married in 1994 and has three beautiful children. His family resides half the year in Medjugorje and the other half in the US.
Ivan: "The apparitions have made a big difference in my life - the difference between heaven and earth. For example, I arrange my day now so that even during the day I find time to pray. Before, my life had no meaning. Now, I'm filled with inner contentment. The first time I saw Our Lady, a change occurred in my soul, and in my heart. Before, I often avoided prayer, but now the difference is so great, I really can't describe it. I'm no longer sorry that Our Lady revealed my future. I'm confident and not afraid, because I know who leads me, and therefore, I'm not afraid of death. People in our parish, and all people, should feel that way."
Ivan and his family spend May-September in Medjugorje and the rest of the year in the US spreading Our Lady's messages in parishes around the country.
During their time in Medjugorje, Ivan's family offers a personal prayer experience for a limited number of pilgrims in their home in Medjugorje.
[Click Here] - For More Information.
2009/2010 Schedule
If you would like Ivan to speak at your parish, please ask your pastor if he would be interested in extending an invitation to Ivan. Once your pastor agrees, then please send me the invitation on the parish letterhead by scanning it and sending it as an attachment through email to You can also send the invitation to: The Medjugorje Web, 772 N. Peace Road, Dekalb, IL 60115.
Feb 11 2010 | Mass. Institute of Technology | MIT Chapel, MIT Build W15 Mass Ave & Amherst St Cambridge, MA 02138 | All College Students Invited Luigi | 5:00-8:00pm |
Mar 06 2010 | St James Chapel | 2079 Matunuck Schoolhouse Rd Charlestown, RI 02813 | Fr Paul 401-364-7214 Rosemarie 401-932-6102 | 5-8:30pm |
Mar 07 2010 | St. Anne's Church | 75 King St Littleton, MA 01460 | Gino 978-486-3157 | 6-9:30pm |
Mar 08 2010 | Holy Name Cathedral | 735 N. State St Chicago, Il 60611 | Dennis Johnson 312-643-1868 | 5-8:30pm |
Apr 30 2010 | St Joseph's Church | 208 South Main St Attleboro, MA 02703 | Maureen O'Brien 508-226-1239 | 6-9:30pm |
Dear children! On this joyful day, I bring all of you before my Son, the
King of Peace, that He may give you His peace and blessing. Little children,
in love share that peace and blessing with others. Thank you for having
responded to my call. "
«Chers enfants, en ce jour de joie, je vous porte tous devant mon Fils Roi
de la paix afin qu'Il vous donne sa paix et sa bénédiction. Petits enfants,
partagez cette paix et cette bénédiction avec les autres, dans l'amour .
Merci d'avoir répondu à mon appel. »
"Queridos hijos! En este día de alegría los llevo a todos ante mi Hijo Rey
de la Paz, para que El les dé su paz y bendición. Hijitos, compartan esa paz
y bendición en amor con los demás. ¡Gracias por haber respondido a mi
llamado! "
„Liebe Kinder! An diesem frohen Tag bringe ich euch alle vor meinen Sohn,
den König des Friedens, damit Er euch seinen Frieden und Segen gebe. Meine
lieben Kinder, teilt diesen Frieden und Segen in Liebe mit den Anderen.
Danke, dass ihr meinem Ruf gefolgt seid! "
Uživo - audio i video (TV), foto
Uživo - video i audio (TV) iz Međugorja -1
Uživo - video i audio (TV) iz Međugorja -2
( Potrebno instalirati: ( - WINAMP media player))
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Christian Association Kup Karmel has organised on November 17th and 18th pilgrimage of about hundred poor and homeless people from Zagreb and few other towns from Croatia to Medjugorje and to the Queen of Peace. During their time in Medjugorj they visited Apparition Hill, they were present at the prayer and liturgical programme in the parish church of St. James, and they visited Mother’s Village. The ones that accompanied this group on their pilgrimage, Fr. Vlado Rukavina, Fr. Mato Anic and Dusko Radakovic, were guests at the Radio Station Mir Medjugorje. Fr. Vlado said how the participants were happy to have been given a chance to come to Medjugorje, to feel warmness and peace of Medjugorje. One thing you can learn from working with them and for them is simplicity, indirectness, authentic life, there are no masks there, he said. It is nice to share those expectations and to be part of that. There are spiritual fruits, said Fr. Mato about the experience of spiritually following poor and homeless. Christian Association Kup Karmel has organised last year the unusual pilgrimage of motorcycles, and for couple of years they have been organisers of Marathon of Peace. |
Respected brothers, the purpose and aim of this questionnaire is to make a list of priests who received their vocation through Medjugorje.
So, we kindly ask you to fill out this form with following information:
Name and surname:
Name of the diocese or religious community:
· diocesan priest
· religious sister
· religious(what order)
· deacon
· theology student
home phone number:
mobile phone number:
When did you visit Medjugorje for the first time?
How many times have you been to Medjugorje so far?
Please, briefly decribe on one page the way Medjugorje influnced your decision to become a priest o religious sister?
Your opinion about Medjugorje?
When did you decide to study theology?
Where did you study?
Date of your ordination?
What and where have you worked as a priest since your ordination?
Meeting pilgrims we have found out that you experienced a significant spiritual renewal in Medjugorje.
However, we do not have enough written testimonies about concrete fruits, so we kindly ask you to fill out above written qustionnaire.
These information will be used for the needs of Information center Mir Medjugorje only.
We thank you in advance
Please send your answers to the following e- mail untill January 1, 2010.