Thursday, December 30, 2010


Scritto da Pasquale Tria Mercoledì 18 Novembre 2009 18:00
Emanuel-Joshua Alcune settimane fa, Joshua, un bambino di 33 mesi dopo tante cure e di chemio presso l’oncologico pediatrico di San Giovanni Rotondo, ha fatto ritorno a casa sua a Putignano . I medici gli avevano dato poche speranze di vita forse questione di mesi, i genitori erano in preda a una disperazione nera. Amici e parenti, per il ritorno a casa del piccolo bambino, però per sdrammatizzare gli eventi, hanno organizzato una festa di “benvenuto”. Un lungo striscione era sospeso sotto casa nel quartiere di San Filippo Neri e una piccola festa con i compagni della scuola materna è stata organizzata presso il Conservatorio S. Maria degli Angeli a cura della dott.ssa Paola Troilo e della maestra Marianna, dove il piccolo ha frequentato la sezione Primavera.

Una festa “triste”, sembrava l’ultimo addio a questo sfortunato bambino. I giorni sono passati e la vita quotidiana ha ripreso il suo cammino.


Jakov and Mary on Christmas day

At the last daily apparition to Jakov Colo on September 12th, 1998, Our Lady told him that henceforth he would have one apparition a year, every December 25th, on Christmas Day. This is also how it was this year. The apparition began at 2:25 pm and lasted 7 minutes.

Jakov said: “Our Lady spoke to me about the secrets and at the end said: ‘Pray, pray, pray.’

Dicembre 2010- the message

Message of December 25, 2010

"Dear children! Today, I and my Son desire to give you an abundance
of joy and peace so that each of you may be a joyful carrier and witness
of peace and joy in the places where you live. Little children, be a
blessing and be peace. Thank you for having responded to my call."



Vi ricordiamo che è disponibile il libro di Don Maurizio Gagliardini "La Madonna sceglie una parrocchia: Medjugorje risorsa pastorale"! E´ possibile ordinarlo tramite il nostro sito nella sezione "le pubblicazioni".

Indietro al calendario dei Messaggi del 25

Anita Pehar
Turistički vodič za HNŽ - uključujući Mostar i Međugorje
Vodič za hodočasnike u župi Svetog Jakova u Međugorju
Hrvatski, Engleski,Francuski, Talijanski

ID broj: 4372355980005
AD1: Republike Hrvatske 7, 88340 Grude
AD2: PO BOX 59, 88266 Međugorje
         Bosna i Hercegovina

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Incontro Ancona del 16 Genn. 2011





-        In cammino verso il Congresso Eucaristico –


Carissimi: perseveranti e fedeli nella preghiera, uniti in Gesù e Maria, ci ritroveremo ancora insieme per rivivere l’indimenticabile esperienza del pellegrinaggio a Medjugorje. Saranno con noi:

Tekstualni okvir:

Mons. Giovanni D’ERCOLE

Vescovo  ausiliare della Diocesi de L’Aquila

Padre  Ljubo KURTOVIC o.f.m.

Maestro dei novizi a Zagabria

Dott. Saverio GAETA  Giornalista e scrittore

Jelena VASILJ  Testimone di Medjugorje

Paolo BROSIO   Giornalista e scrittore radio-televisivo

Dott. Vincenzo VARAGONA Giornalista RAI



ore  09,30    Arrivo al PALASPORT e accoglienza

ore  10,00    Rosario meditato da P. LJUBO

ore  10,30    Adorazione Eucaristica guidata da P. LJUBO

ore  11,00    Testimonianza di Saverio GAETA

ore  12,00    Preghiera dell’Angelus

ore  12,15    Testimonianze di Jelena VASILJ

ore  14,30    Saluti del Sindaco di Ancona , Prof. Fiorello GRAMILLANO

ore  15,00    Coroncina della Divina Misericordia     

ore  15,15    Dott. Vincenzo VARAGONA : Riflessioni sull’evento Medjugorje

ore  16,00    Testimonianza di Paolo BROSIO    

ore  17,00    Catechesi di P. LJUBO   

ore  17.45    Adorazione Eucaristica guidata da P. LJUBO  

ore  18,30    Santa Messa celebrata da Mons. Giovanni D’ERCOLE

                    e concelebrata dai sacerdoti presenti

ore  19,30    Conclusione dell’incontro e commiato


                 Animeranno le liturgie la Comunità “Figli del Divino Amore”  


I fratelli sacerdoti sono pregati di venire con stola e camice e di prestarsi  per le confessioni.

Nell'attesa del festoso incontro scenda su tutti noi la benedizione del Signore e della Vergine Maria affinché nascano nei nostri cuori sentimenti di gioia, di amore e di pace.


                  Alberto tel. 071 912032                              Adalgisa  tel. 071 731038


Persone di buona volontà possono organizzare localmente autobus per raggiungere il ” PALAROSSINI ”

Friday, December 17, 2010

Četiri istraživača koja su zauvijek promjenila svijet piramida

ČETIRI ISTRAŽIVAČA KOJA SU ZAUVIJEK PROMIJENILA SVIJET PIRAMIDA Nekonvencionalni mislioci vs. ortodoksnih "naučnih istina"

Očekuje se uzbudljiv februar u Minhenu, Frankfurtu, Kelnu i Štutgartu. U ove njemačke gradove dolaze vodeći svjetski stručnjaci za piramide: dr. Joseph Davidovits, Graham Hancock, Chris Dunn i dr. Semir Osmanagić. Oni će od 17-20. februara 2011. održati seriju konferencija pod nazivom: "Istraživači koji su zauvijek promijenili svijet piramida". Nakon toga ova ekipa će posjetiti Bosansku dolinu piramida u Visokom.

Dr. Joseph Davidovits 
Dr. Joseph Davidovits

Dr. Joseph Davidovits (Francuska) je stekao svjetsku slavu analizom blokova s Keopsove piramide 1979. godine kada je ustvrdio da je riječ o lijevanim, a ne klesanim blokovima. Egiptolozi i historičari su ga ismijavali zbog takvog stava sve dok nije eksperimentalnim putem dokazao da je bio u pravu. Autor je 25 knjiga o gradnji piramida i smatra se za vodećeg svjetskog stručnjaka u oblasti nauke o materijalima i antičkog cementa. Doktorirao je hemiju u Njemačkoj, konsultant je u Europskoj Uniji, osnivač je Instituta za geopolimere i dobitnik je najvišeg ordena francuske Vlade.

Graham Hancock 
Graham Hancock

Graham Hancock (Velika Britanija) je nesumnjivo najpopularniji svjetski autor i istraživač drevnih civilizacija. Sve njegove knjige su postale svjetski bestseleri. Prevedene su na 27 jezika i štampane u više od pet miliona primjeraka. Po njegovim knjigama su vodeće britanske i američke TV kuće snimile naučno-dokumentarne serijale koji su uticali na desetine miliona ljudi da prihvate stajališta o postojanju razvijenih civilizacija prije kraja zadnjeg ledenog doba.

Chris Dunn 
Chris Dunn

Chris Dunn (SAD) je sjajnom inžinjerskom analizom Keopsove piramide i primjenom reverzibilnog inžinjeringa opisanom u knjizi-bestseleru „Giza Power Plant", dokazao da je riječ o kompleksnom energetskom fenomenu, a ne grobnici faraona.  U svojoj novoj knjizi o gradnji monumentalnih kipova u Gornjem Egiptu, ovaj inžinjer s 33 godine iskustva, potvrđuje postojanje ekvivalenta laserske tehnologije i mašinske obrade, a ne ručnog klesanja radnika faraonske civilizacije, koji su imali samo jednostavne bakarne alate. Egiptolozi su vrlo uznemireni takvim tvrdnjama, jer im dvostoljetne tvrdnje zauvijek padaju u vodu.

Dr. Semir Osmanagić
 Dr. Semir Osmanagić

Dr. Semir Sam Osmanagić (BiH) pronalazač je kompleksa bosanskih piramida i prahistorijskog podzemnog labirinta u Visokom. Uprkos početnom masovnom skepticizmu i otporima, uspio je dokazati postojanje prvih evropskih piramida, najvećih i najstarijih na svijetu, s najkvalitetnijim betonom koji prekriva Bosansku piramidu Sunca. Ugledni egipatski, ruski, francuski, italijanski i njemački naučnici podržali su ovo otkriće svojim analizama, a Osmanagić je postao najmlađi akademik ruske Akademije prirodnih znanosti. U svojoj novoj knjizi „Sve piramide svijeta" nametnuo se i kao vodeći istraživač piramida na, do sada nedovoljno istraženim, lokalitetima Mauricijusa, Tenerifa, Kine, Hondurasa, Perua, Guatemale, Bolivije, Salvadora itd.

Ovi nekonvencionalni mislioci, koji ne zavise od službenih stajališta, pomjeraju naučnu misao iz ortodoksnih okvira. Stoga ih redovito ovacijama ispraćaju nakon predavanja na svjetskim univerzitetima i u javnim dvoranama kao nagradu za njihov naučni dignitet i građansku hrabrost.


Broj sjedišta na konferencijama je ograničen. Popust od 25 posto na ulaznice kupljene do 31. januara 2011. Prijave na:


- Dr. Semir Osmanagić učestvovat će na konferencijama "Otkrivanje drevnih civilizacija" 5. marta 2011. u Houstonu (Texas) s istraživačima Andrewom Collinsom i Chrisom Dunnom te 5. novembra 2011. u Phoenixu (Arizona) u društvu s autorom  "Zabranjene arheologije"  Michaelom Cremom. Prijave za konferencije:

- Intervju s dr. Osmanagićem na najslušanijoj emisiji mreže radio stanica u SAD-u "Coast to Coast AM" pred 11 miliona slušalaca je 28. decembra 2010.

- Gostovanja dr. Osmanagića u BiH i Hrvatskoj u narednih 30 dana: Sarajevo 16. decembar (Srpsko kulturno društvo „Prosveta"), Zenica 23. decembar (Studentski centar), Sarajevo 29. decembar  (International University Sarajevo), Čapljina 7. januar u 19 sati, Trebinje 8. januar u 14 sati, Dubrovnik 8. januar u 20 sati, Metković 9. januar u 14 sati. Ulaz besplatan, informacije na:

„Magija arheologije je vraćena na europsko tlo."


Wednesday, December 15, 2010


"Con il rosario tra le mani, jeans, camicia e scarpe da tennis

Paolo Brosio ha presentato il suo nuovo libro

"Profumo di lavanda" a San Giovanni Rotondo.

 La serata è stata organizzata dall’associazione socio-culturale “Symposium”.

Una sala gremita quella dell’hotel Parc"

You can read the full article here:

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Application brings Our Lady of Medjugorje messages to iPhone users - General News - Croatian Times Online News


Croatian Times

Osijek programmers have developed an iPhone application that will allow the users to receive Our Lady of Medjugorje’s messages directly on their mobile devices.
In cooperation with their American partner Surgeworks, programmers from Osijek’s Inchoo d.o.o have made Lady of Medjugorje’s messages available to well-connected believers everywhere. In addition to reading them, the mobile device users will be able to forward the messages to friends or share them on Facebook.
Our Lady of Medjugorje is the name given to Virgin Mary who has said to have appeared to six Croat children in June 24, 1981 in Medjugorje (Bosnia and Herzegovina).
Ivan Kalaica, the leader of the Osijek part of the team, says that the
development of the application continues the company’s Christian-themed specialization.
The "Medjugorje" application is one in the series which include "Divine Office" and "Prayer. The first performs daily downloads of services and enables users to see how many people are participating in prayer around the world at the same time, while the latter is a multilingual archive of more than 1,500 Christian prayers. According to Kalaica, "Prayer" is one of the 50 most sold applications in the Reference category both on Apple and iTunes online stores in the United States, Kalaica said.
The "Medjugorje" application is currently available in English and Italian, while a Croatian version is on its way, the daily Jutarnji List writes.

Pilgrims from Japan in Medjugorje

Many pilgrims are coming to Medjugorje in this time of preparation for Christmas – Advent. Maria Fujie Ito and Paulo Masanovi Yamasaki came to Medjugorje for the first time from Japan. They travelled for thirty hours from Japan to come to this place of prayer and reconciliation. Maria said that she heard about Medjugorje twenty years ago, but could not come earlier due to business obligations. She is grateful to everybody for wonderful hospitality towards her here, and added: “I believe in Our Lady’s messages, in her presence and everything that she has been saying to us. When I retire I will come again here. This pilgrimage is a great experience for me. I really enjoyed climbing the Apparition Hill and praying Rosary there, that was what my heart needed so much, and I am truly grateful for being here. I will bring more pilgrims from Japan. “Paulo heard about Medjugorje twenty years ago and then he read a book about Medjugorje. “The most important about Christianity is in Medjugorje. You can really feel that here, while in Japan unfortunately people have forgot about that”, said Paulo.

This news reminded me of my first group from Japan back in 1998 . A small group came with their parish priest who was from Poland .It was the Youth Festival about which they had no idea about, and it was so so hot!!! I remember we would not sleep all night, we went to Cross mountain at 3h30 since we could not sleep anyway. At that time there were Pensions but all without air conditioning and temperatures were always above 100. Everybody would be out. Chris and Victor (Colombo and Victors) would make us midnight pizza as we were waiting for our next tour, or next transfer at 2h30 in the morning. Poor souls LOL -) Lot's of sleepless nights in those days, but it was so much fun! For many years I have stayed in touch with Hanna Okuhara who would occasionally send me some green tea and greetings from my pilgrims. Anna is a great lady , very devoted catholic and very skilled in languages. Later when Ivan went to visit she was asked to be a translator for Japanese. I lost her address as I was moving around a lot :-) I wish she would read this and get back in touch ! :-)

Here in Medjugorje we have -3 Celsius this morning. It is sunny and bright morning. I have no intention of going out whatsoever. I am about to make some greeting cards for you to buy when you come next time to Medjugorje :-)) Don't forget to stop buy at the shop on your next visit :-) I wish you all a blessed day!

God bless you all!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Vicka is back to speak to pilgrims in Medjugorje

Well, she is  well and she is back! Starting tomorow Vicka will be giving her speache about principal messagess from Our Lady of Peace to the pilgrims.
Praised be Jesus and Mary!

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Gibonni u Mostaru

U okviru velike turneje, pod nazivom Toleranca Tour, u Mostar nam stiže jedna od najvećih legendi hrvatske estrade Zlatan Stipišić Gibonni. Koncert će se održati 29. prosinca 2010. godine s početkom u 20 sati u dvorani Bijeli Brijeg.Koncert je organiziran u suradnji HT Eroneta i grada Mostara. Ulaznice za ovaj, ne sumnjamo veliki spektakl, moći će se kupiti u svim gradovima diljem Hercegovine pa tako i u Međugorju.

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Translation of the evening program, every day from NOV. 27th

Drage kolege, fra Danko me zamolio da vam proslijedim ovu e-mail poruku
koju Vi možete proslijediti svojim group leaderima i prijateljima.

Ivan Bošnjak

We would like to inform all of the Leaders of Peace Centres, organisers of
pilgrimages, group leaders, as well as all of the members of prayer groups that
starting with November 27th, 2010, they can follow translation of the Evening
prayer programme in English language through Internet and live streaming video
service at the official web page –

Paris of St James visits Pope in Rome

Vatican, (VIS) - At the end of today's General Audience, during the part when Holy Father greets pilgrims in their own languages, Holy Father spoke to the group of Croatian pilgrims and said: "I am greeting all of the Croatian pilgrims from my heart, and especially those from the parish of St. James of Medjugorje. Your pilgrimage to Rome is part of the preparation for the coming of the Lord. Therefore, in hope, be evangelisers of God's love in your nation. Praised be Jesus and Mary!"

Sunday, November 28, 2010

visit from Rome

Ovu prezentaciju je napravio ERONET MMSC

What a site! 54 of Vatican experts, all in one place-parish of ST. James aka MEDJUGORJE. God bless us all!

Friday, November 26, 2010

The message November 25th, 2010

Poruka, 25. studeni 2010
"Draga djeco! Gledam vas i vidim u vašem srcu smrt bez nade, nemir i glad. Nema molitve ni pouzdanja u Boga, zato mi Svevišnji dopušta da vam donesem nadu i radost. Otvorite se. Otvorite vaša srca Božjem milosrđu i On će vam dati sve što trebate i ispunit će vaša srca mirom jer On je mir i vaša nada. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu."

English:Message, 25. November 2010
"Dear children! I look at you and I see in your heart death without hope, restlessness and hunger. There is no prayer or trust in God, that is why the Most High permits me to bring you hope and joy. Open yourselves. Open your hearts to God's mercy and He will give you everything you need and will fill your hearts with peace, because He is peace and your hope. Thank you for having responded to my call."

Italiano:Messaggio, 25. novembre 2010
"Cari figli, vi guardo e vedo nel vostro cuore la morte senza speranza, l'inquitudine e la fame. Non c'e' preghiera ne fiducia in Dio percio' l'Altissimo mi permette di portarvi speranza e gioia. Apritevi. Aprite i vostri cuori alla misericordia di Dio e Lui vi dara' tutto cio' di cui avete bisogno e riempira' i vostri cuori con la pace perche' Lui e' la pace e la vostra speranza. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata."

Espanol:Mensaje, 25. noviembre 2010
¡Queridos hijos! Los miro y veo en su corazón muerte sin esperanza, inquietud y hambre. No hay oración ni confianza en Dios, por eso el Altísimo me permite traerles esperanza y alegría. Abranse. Abran sus corazones a la misericordia de Dios y El les dará todo lo que necesitan y llenará sus corazones con la paz, porque El es la paz y su esperanza. ¡Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado!"

Deutsch:Botschaft, 25. November 2010
„Liebe Kinder! Ich schaue euch an und sehe in euren Herzen den Tod ohne Hoffnung, Unruhe und Hunger. Es gibt kein Gebet und kein Vertrauen in Gott, deshalb erlaubt mir der Allmächtige, dass ich euch Hoffnung und Freude bringe. Öffnet euch. Öffnet eure Herzen der Barmherzigkeit Gottes und Er wird euch alles geben, was ihr braucht, und Er wird eure Herzen mit Frieden erfüllen, denn Er ist der Friede und eure Hoffnung. Danke, dass ihr meinem Ruf gefolgt seid!"

Francais:Message, 25. novembre 2010
« Chers enfants, je vous regarde et je vois en votre coeur la mort sans espérance, l'inquiétude et la faim. Il n'y a ni prière ni confiance en Dieu, c'est pourquoi le Tout-Puissant me permet de vous apporter l'espérance et la joie. Ouvrez-vous. Ouvrez vos coeurs à la miséricorde de Dieu et Il vous donnera tout ce dont vous avez besoin, Il comblera vos coeurs de paix car Il est la paix et votre espérance. Merci d'avoir répondu à mon appel. »

Polski:Orędzie, 25. listopada 2010
„Drogie dzieci! Patrzę na was i widzę w waszym sercu śmierć bez nadziei, niepokój i głód. Nie ma modlitwy, ani zaufania do Boga, dlatego Najwyższy pozwala mi, bym przyniosła wam nadzieję i radość. Otwórzcie się. Otwórzcie wasze serca na Boże milosierdzie i On da wam wszystko czego potrzebujecie i wypełni wasze serca pokojem, gdyż On jest pokojem i waszą nadzieją. Dziękuję wam, że odpowiedzieliście na moje wezwanie."

Mag:Üzenet, 25. október 2010
"Drága gyermekek! Ez az idő legyen számotokra az imádság ideje. A hívásom, gyermekeim, meghívás szeretne lenni számotokra, hogy határozzátok el, a megtérés útját követitek. Ezért imádkozzatok, és kérjétek Minden Szentek közbenjárását. Legyenek ők számotokra példakép, buzdítás és öröm az örök élet felé. Köszönöm, hogy válaszoltatok hívásomra."

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Messaggio, 25. novembre 2010

"Cari figli, vi guardo e vedo nel vostro cuore la morte senza speranza, l'inquitudine e la fame. Non c'e' preghiera ne fiducia in Dio percio' l'Altissimo mi permette di portarvi speranza e gioia. Apritevi. Aprite i vostri cuori alla misericordia di Dio e Lui vi dara' tutto cio' di cui avete bisogno e riempira' i vostri cuori con la pace perche' Lui e' la pace e la vostra speranza. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata."

Poruka, 25. studeni 2010

Poruka, 25. studeni 2010
“Draga djeco! Gledam vas i vidim u vašem srcu smrt bez nade,
nemir i glad. Nema molitve ni pouzdanja u Boga, zato mi Svevišnji
dopušta da vam donesem nadu i radost. Otvorite se. Otvorite vaša srca
Božjem milosrđu i On će vam dati sve što trebate i ispunit će vaša srca
...mirom jer On je mir i vaša nada. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome

Monday, November 08, 2010

Solennità di Tutti i Santi e Commemorazione dei fedeli defunti a Medjugorje

"Nella Solennità di Tutti i Santi e nel giorno della Commemorazione dei fedeli defunti i cimiteri ed i luoghi dell’ultimo riposo divengono luoghi del nostro ringraziamento e del nostro ricordo, perciò li visitiamo tradizionalmente e ricordiamo in preghiera i nostri defunti. Nella Solennità di Tutti i Santi e nel giorno della Commemorazione dei fedeli defunti in tutti i cimiteri della parrocchia di Medjugorje vengono celebrate Sante Messe. Insieme ai parrocchiani che vivono fuori dal luogo di nascita, ma che solitamente in questi giorni visitano la parrocchia, a Medjugorje sono presenti anche numerosi pellegrini da diverse parti del mondo. Proprio a causa del loro elevato numero, in modo insolito per questo periodo dell’anno, alcuni degli incontri liturgici e di preghiera si tengono sull’Altare esterno dietro la Chiesa parrocchiale di San Giacomo.��"

October in Medjugorje - from MIR

Ever since the beginning of the month of October, that is Our Lady’s month, numerous groups of pilgrims have been arriving to Medjugorje. Information Office registered pilgrims from Austria, Switzerland, Hungary, Germany, England, Ireland, Czech Republic, Italy, Brazil, France, Portugal, United States, Poland, Australia, El Salvador, Argentina, Mexico, Egypt, Netherlands, Romania, Belgium, Korea, Canada, Slovenia, Vietnam, Columbia, Spain, Ukraine, Latvia and Slovakia. The ones who come in really large numbers are pilgrims from Croatia, particularly from Istria, region at the north of Adriatic. There are many pilgrims from Dubrovnik and from towns at the north of Croatia, such are Zagreb, Koprivnica and Karlovac. In the group of 248 pilgrims from Karlovac, Mirjana Granic arrived, and she is founder of Association for Promoting Values and Respecting Gift of Life, named “Gabrijel”. They came on this pilgrimage in gratitude to Our Lady, to the source of grace, to the place of prayer, and climbed Cross Mountain on Saturday, October 16, in heavy rain led by three of their spiritual leaders. They concluded the pilgrimage with the evening prayer programme in the church of St. James.
Amongst pilgrims from Canada, we received testimony of Mrs. Yolanda Guarette, who brought her medical documents that prove her physical healing in Medjugorje. After that miraculous healing, she had started whole mission back home and many people had consecrated themselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary throughout Canada and United States.
Our team was also able to meet with capuchin priest from Italy, Fr. Fiorenzo Mastroiani, who has been involved in events of Medjugorje ever since the beginning. Back in 1995, as a journalist he made a movie about Medjugorje. He was also head of radio station “Tabor” in Napoli, and for the last 29 years he works at TV station “21”. He said: “I can personally witness that I live out of thoughts about Medjugorje. Medjugorje and Our Lady are always in my mind.”

"Amerikanka Colleen Willard: U Međugorju sam ozdravila"

Colleen Willard već je 35 godina u braku i majka je trojice odraslih sinova. Nedavno je sa suprugom Johnom ponovno hodočastila u Međugorje i tom nam je prigodom ispričala kako je ozdravila od tumora na mozgu, za koji su liječnici ustvrdili kako ga nije moguće operirati. Colleen tvrdi da je njezin oporavak počeo nakon što je, 2003., posjetila Međugorje. Njezino svjedočanstvo prevedeno je na više jezika i objavljeno u 92 zemlje diljem svijeta.
Collen je, priča nam, učiteljica i radila je u školi. Godine 2001. imala je problema s leđima, nije mogla ustati iz kreveta i trpjela je velike bolove. Ubrzo je operirana. Liječnik joj je rekao da će se nakon šest tjedana potpuno oporaviti, ali se to nije dogodilo: liječnici su kazali da je operacija uspjela, no ona je i dalje imala velike bolove. Nakon toga učinjeni su brojni testovi i otkriveno je da ima tumor na mozgu.
''Ne, to se nama ne događa'' - bile su prve reakcije Colleen, njezina supruga Johna i njihove djece. Govorila sam kako mi je sve oduzeto. „Što sam učinila, odrasla sam u katoličkoj obitelji, zašto mi se to događa, kako ću se nositi s ovim – stalno sam se pitala. Muž i ja smo se odlučili posavjetovati i s drugim liječnicima te dobiti njihovo mišljenje. No, i to drugo mišljenje je glasilo da ne mogu biti operirana jer je tumor velik. Mijenjali su bolnice i svi su im isto govorili. Tada su odlučili otići u kliniku u Minnesoti, gdje su joj otkrili i druge bolesti.
Već iscrpljena, odlučila je sa suprugom poći u Međugorje. Kaže da nisu znali što ih u njemu očekuje, ali već na dolasku su osjetili da je Bog ovdje. Tvrde da se na svetoj Misi u crkvi sv. Jakova dogodilo čudo: nestala je njena bol. Coleen je osjetila da se nešto događa, mužu je rekla da je više ne boli te ga je zamolila da je izvadi iz bolesničkih kolica. Po povratku u Ameriku posjetila je svoje liječnike i kazala im što joj se dogodilo.
John kazuje: ''Ne postoji slučajnost, danas smo ovdje hodočasnici, svi smo se upisali u Gospinu školu, dolazimo s toliko toga u srcima, s tolikim bolestima, s križevima. Nismo mogli ni zamisliti da ćemo se suočiti s njima. Dne 4. rujna 2003. supruga i ja bili smo prvi put na Brdu ukazanja. Dan ranije Colleen je bila ozdravila i bez poteškoća se popela na mjesto blagoslovljeno ukazanjima Kraljice Mira.

Mara Santangelo, proslavljena talijanska tenisačica u Međugorju

"U mnoštvu hodočasnika koji su posjetili Međugorje početkom studenoga našla se i Mara Santangelo, proslavljena talijanska tenisačica, s kojom su razgovarali novinari radiopostaje „Mir“ Međugorje. Rođena je u gradiću blizu Rima, poslije se seli u Trentino. S pet godina počela je igrati tenis, osvajala mnoge domaće i međunarodne turnire, a profesionalnu karijeru turnira završila ove godine radi ozljede na lijevoj nozi. Mara je, između ostaloga, kazala: „Došla sam u Međugorje da bi se približila vjeri. Vjernica sam od ranoga djetinjstva. Moja vjera je posebno ojačala u dobi od 16 godina, kad je moja majka poginula u prometnoj nesreći. Pronašla sam nešto snažno u sebi, otkrila novu vjeru koja mi otvara srce. Sigurno ću još mnogo puta doći u Međugorje. Vidim svoju budućnost svjetlu, sve više u blizini Božjoj, u vjeri. A ono što će biti na razini uspjeha i projekata u budućnosti, bit će onako kako Gospodin odluči. Ja ću se sa svoje strane truditi, molit ću.“ - kazala je Mara."

Medjugorje | Novosti

"Nove parametre treba postaviti do 9. studenoga 2010.
Ime satelita: HOT BIRD 6
Pozicija: 13� E (stupnjeva istočno)
Transponder br. 90
Prijamna frekvencija: 12 520 MHz
Polarizacija: V (vertikalna)
Symbol rate: 27 500 Msymb/s
FEC (Forward Error Correction): 3/4"

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Saturday, November 06, 2010

Lear about famous Croatian - Slavoljub Eduard Penkala - A man and his pen !


(April 20, 1871 – February 5, 1922)
Born Eduard Penkala
April 20, 1871
Liptovský Mikuláš,
Died February 5, 1922 (aged 50)
Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Photo of Slavoljub Eduard Penkala, inventor of the mechanical pencil and the fountain pen; photo taken in 1920.Alma mater Dresden University of Technology
Occupation Inventor, aviation pioneer, enterpreneur
Known for:
- inventor of first mechanical pen (propelling - sling -pen), the "penkala" , fountain-pen (1906),
- constructor of the first two-seat aeroplane in Croatia (1909)
Slavoljub Eduard Penkala (April 20, 1871 – February 5, 1922) was a naturalized Croatian engineer and inventor of Polish-Dutch ethnicity from the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia in Austria-Hungary and later the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes.
Eduard Penkala was born in Liptovský Mikuláš (in what is now Slovakia), to Franjo Penkala, who was of Polish heritage, and Maria Penkala (née Hannel), who was of Dutch heritage. He attended the University of Vienna and Technische Universität Dresden, graduating from the latter in 1898 and going on to earn a doctorate in organic chemistry. He then moved with his wife and family to Zagreb (which was then also part of Austria-Hungary) and subsequently added "Slavoljub" to his name, becoming a naturalized Croat.
He became renowned for further development of the mechanical pencil (1906)[1] – then called an "automatic pencil" – and the first solid-ink fountain pen (1907)[2]. Collaborating with an entrepreneur by the name of Edmund Moster, he started the Penkala-Moster Company and built a pen-and-pencil factory that was one of the biggest in the world at the time. This company, now called TOZ-Penkala, still exists today. TOZ stands for "Tvornica olovaka Zagreb," which means "Zagreb pencil factory."
He also constructed the first Croatian two-seat aeroplane in 1909 (Penkala's aeroplane, nicknamed Leptir (Butterfly) was 11 metres long, had a 11 metres wingspan, weight of 330 kg, had a 25hp engine and a maximum speed of 57kph), which Dragutin Novak, the first Croatian graduated pilot, used for his first flight. He constructed and invented many other products and devices, and held a total of 80 patents.
S. Penkala with version of Leptir (Butterfly)
Pilots and mechanics with first version of the Leptir
Second version of Leptir (Butterfly), as the aeroplane was nicknamed
Penkala also invented the first hotwater bottle, vacuum-flask, detergenta, rotating toothbrush, pen clip-holder, vhich enabled pens to be secured in the pocket, railway car brkes, anodic batteries, the ksilolite preparation against parasites in railway sleepers, the flow-meter device for liquids, pressure gauge, dynamometer, ebonite plastic mass used for manufacture of gramophone records, special microphones and listening devices, tens of chemical preparations and mechanical devices. He patented over 80 inventions. He calculated turbines and propellers for helicopters. While studying the airflow over an wingfoil, he found a new lift source, and in 1908 made his first design of a hoovercraft. He graduated chemistry in Dresden in 1898. He was "Higher Banski measures superviser" ( Ban was the elected ruler of Croatia since the death of the last ing of Croatian origin in 1097). His amateur aeroplane workshop was in his vestibule, at No. 17 King Tomislav Square (then Emperor Franz Jozef Square, later (1904) he built the first hangar in Crnomereca, at then military practicing field, ad so opened the first airfield in Croatia. He died in Zagreb from pneumonia, at his creative peak, in 51st year of his life.
Among his patented inventions were:

* a hot water bottle – his first patented invention, the "Termofor"
* a type of bluing detergent
* a rail-car brake
* an anode battery

He also founded another company called the Elevator Chemical Manufacturing Company, which produced various chemicals such as detergents, sealing wax, and "Radium Vinovica", a patent-medicine-like product that was billed as curing rheumatism.

Penkala died in Zagreb at the age of 51, after catching pneumonia on a business trip

Amazing Dancing Baby in the Womb!

Thursday, November 04, 2010

message 2/11/2010

Cari figli, con perseveranza e amore materni vi porto la Luce della Vita,
affinché distrugga in voi la tenebra della morte. Non rifiutatemi, figli
miei. Fermatevi e guardate in voi stessi e vedete quanto siete peccatori.
Riconoscete i vostri peccati e pregate per il perdono. Figli miei, non
volete accettare di essere deboli e piccoli, ma potete anche essere forti e
grandi compiendo la volontà di Dio. Datemi i vostri cuori purificati, perché
possa illuminarli con la Luce della Vita, mio Figlio. Vi ringrazio.

Message given from Madonna 2 November 2010 to Mirjana (one of the veggenti
of M… edjugorje)
Beloveds sons, with maternal perseveranza and love you port the Light of the
Life, so that he destroys in you the darkness of the dead women. You do not
refuse to me, sons mine. You stop yourselves and looked in same you and you
see how much you are sinners. You recognize your sins and prayed for the
forgiveness. Sons mine, you do not want to accept of being weak people and
little ones, but you can also be strong and large completing the will of
God. Give your purified hearts to me, because he can illuminate them with
the Light of the Life, my Son. I thank to you.

Message donné de Madonna le 2 Novembre 2010 à Mirjana (une i de voyants de
M… edjugorje)
Chers fils, avec persévérance et amour maternels je vous porte la Lumière de
la Vie, pour qu'il détruise dans vous la ténèbre des mortes. Ne me refusez
pas, fils miens. Arrêtez vous et regardées dans mêmes et vous voyez combien
vous êtes des pécheurs. Vous reconnaissez vos péchés et priées pour
pardonne. Fils miens, vous ne voulez pas accepter d'être des faibles et
petits, mais vous pouvez même être forts et grands en accomplissant la
volonté de Dieu. Données me vos coeurs purifiés, pour qu'il puisse les
éclairer avec la Lumière de la Vie, mon Fils. Je vous remercie.

Von Madonna gibt Mitteilung der 2 November zu Mirjana 2010 (ein von den
Veggenti von M… edjugorje)
Teure Kinder, mit der mütterlichen Beharrlichkeit und Liebe ihr Hafen das
Licht von dem Leben, sodass Tenebra von dem Tod in euch zerstört. Ihr lehnt
nicht mir ab, wirft mein. Ihr haltet euch in euch gleichen und seht
anschaut, wie viel sündig seid ihr. Ihr wiedererkennt euere betet Sünden für
die Entschuldigung und. Mein wollt ihr nicht und, von kleine Deboli zu sein
akzeptieren, ihr Kinder stark und groß aber auch absolviert den Willen von
Gott könnt, sein. Sie geben mir euere reinigen Herzen, mein Sohn, weil es
kann, mit dem Licht von dem Leben sie beleuchten. Ich bedanke euch.

Mensagem dado de Madonna o 2 novembro a Mirjana 2010 (um das veggenti de M…
Procedência cara, com a perseverança maternal e o amor vos porto o luzir da
vida, de modo que tenebra da morte destruo em vós. Não me rejeitais,
procedência el meu. Parais-vos em vós mesmos e presenciais mirado quanto
sois pecadores. Reconheceis os vossos pecados rogados para o perdão e. El
meu, não quereis aceitar de ser deboli pequenos e, procedência forti e
grande pero podeis ser também absolvido a vontade de Deus. Dai-me os vossos
corações purificados, meu filho porque podes iluminá-los com o luzir da
vida. Agradeço-vos.

Mensaje dado de la Madonna el 2 noviembre a Mirjana 2010 (uno de las
veggenti de M… edjugorje)
Descendencia cara, con perseverancia maternal y amor vosotros puerto la luz
de la vida, de modo que tenebra de la muerte destruyo en vosotros. No me
rechazáis, paro el mío. Os detenéis en vosotros mismos y veis mirado cuánto
sois pecadores. Reconocéis vuestro pecados rogados para el perdón y. El mío,
no queréis aceptar de ser deboli pequeños y, descendencia forti y grande
pero podéis ser también absolviendo la voluntad de Dios. Dadme vuestro
corazones purificados, mi hijo porque puedes iluminarlos con la luz de la
vida. Os agradezco.

Messaggio della Madonna di Madugorje del 2 novembre(Mirjana) 2010.

"Cari figli, con perseveranza e amore materni vi porto la luce della vita,
affinché distrugga in voi la tenebra della morte. Non rifiutatemi, figli
miei. Fermatevi e guardate in voi stessi e vedete quanto siete peccatori.
Riconoscete i vostri peccati e pregate per il perdono. Figli miei, non
volete accettare di essere deboli e piccoli, ma potete anche essere forti e
grandi compiendo la volontà di Dio. Datemi i vostri cuori purificati, perché
possa illuminarli con la luce della vita, mio Figlio. Vi ringrazio".

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Beau témoignage

Voici un lien très intéressant ou une jeune fille très courageuse exprime de grande vérité…  elle veau la peine d'être écouter…



Anita Pehar
Turistički vodič za HNŽ - uključujući Mostar i Međugorje
Vodič za hodočasnike u župi Svetog Jakova u Međugorju
Hrvatski, Engleski,Francuski, Talijanski

ID broj: 4372355980005
AD1: Republike Hrvatske 7, 88340 Grude
AD2: PO BOX 59, 88266 Međugorje
         Bosna i Hercegovina

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Voici un lien très intéressant ou une jeune fille très courageuse exprime de grande vérité…  elle veau la peine d'être écouter…





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