Ever since the beginning of the month of October, that is Our Lady’s month, numerous groups of pilgrims have been arriving to Medjugorje. Information Office registered pilgrims from Austria, Switzerland, Hungary, Germany, England, Ireland, Czech Republic, Italy, Brazil, France, Portugal, United States, Poland, Australia, El Salvador, Argentina, Mexico, Egypt, Netherlands, Romania, Belgium, Korea, Canada, Slovenia, Vietnam, Columbia, Spain, Ukraine, Latvia and Slovakia. The ones who come in really large numbers are pilgrims from Croatia, particularly from Istria, region at the north of Adriatic. There are many pilgrims from Dubrovnik and from towns at the north of Croatia, such are Zagreb, Koprivnica and Karlovac. In the group of 248 pilgrims from Karlovac, Mirjana Granic arrived, and she is founder of Association for Promoting Values and Respecting Gift of Life, named “Gabrijel”. They came on this pilgrimage in gratitude to Our Lady, to the source of grace, to the place of prayer, and climbed Cross Mountain on Saturday, October 16, in heavy rain led by three of their spiritual leaders. They concluded the pilgrimage with the evening prayer programme in the church of St. James.
Amongst pilgrims from Canada, we received testimony of Mrs. Yolanda Guarette, who brought her medical documents that prove her physical healing in Medjugorje. After that miraculous healing, she had started whole mission back home and many people had consecrated themselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary throughout Canada and United States.
Our team was also able to meet with capuchin priest from Italy, Fr. Fiorenzo Mastroiani, who has been involved in events of Medjugorje ever since the beginning. Back in 1995, as a journalist he made a movie about Medjugorje. He was also head of radio station “Tabor” in Napoli, and for the last 29 years he works at TV station “21”. He said: “I can personally witness that I live out of thoughts about Medjugorje. Medjugorje and Our Lady are always in my mind.”