Monday, July 12, 2010

It is not possible for Our Lady to appear such a long time! Or is it ...?

gdsRead about the approved apparition site in Laus France and see how it is possible to be seeing Our Lady almost the whole life. I have made some comments. 
The official site is in reconstruction but there is a blog, for those who speak French at will also not that she (Benoite) never become nun and lived in the convent, but she was a third order Dominican and lived at constant service and disposal of the numerous pilgrims.

Gospa u Laus\.- On Sunday during a Mass celebrated in the town of Laus in the French Alps, Bishop Jean-Michel de Falco of Gap, accompanied by numerous cardinals and archbishops from around the world, announced the official approval of the Church of the Marian apparitions to Benôite (Benedicta) Rencurel between 1664 and 1718. (She was seeing Our Lady for 54 years)
During the Mass, attended by Roman Curia officials including Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan, Bishop de Falco noted these are the first Marian apparitions to be approved in the 21st century by the Vatican and the Church in France.  He called it the most singular event to take place in France since the apparitions of Lourdes in 1862.
“I recognize the supernatural origin of the apparitions and the events and words experienced and narrated by Benedicta Rencurel.  I encourage all of the faithful to come and pray and seek spiritual renewal at this shrine,” the bishop said.
“Nobody is obliged to believe in apparitions,” he continued, “even in those officially recognized, but if they help us in our faith and our daily lives, why should we reject them?” he asked. Bishop de Falco’s comment was apparently aimed at the French Communist Party, which last week described the announcement of the ceremony as “a marketing ploy of the Church” and denounced the presence of French government officials at the ceremony as a “violation of the separation of church and state.”

The shrine of Our Lady of Laus attracts some 120,000 pilgrims each year.  The Catholic philosopher Jean Guitton called it “one of the most hidden and powerful shrines of Europe.”(I would agree on hidden!)
Our Lady’s message
Benedicta Rencurel was born on September 16, 1647 in Saint-Étienne d'Avançon (in the southern French Alps), and suffered the death of her father when she was 7 years-old.  She never learned to read or write and her only education came from the homilies at Sunday Mass.
One day in May of 1664, Benedicta was caring for the animals of some neighbors and praying the rosary when she saw a dazzling lady standing on a rock, holding a beautiful child in her arms.  “Beautiful Lady!” she exclaimed.  “What are you doing up there? Do you want to eat with me? I have some good bread which we can soften up at the fountain.”  The girl’s simplicity brought a smile to the Lady’s face, but she said nothing. “Beautiful Lady! Could you give us that child? He would make us so happy.”  The Lady smiled again without responding.  After remaining a few minutes with Benedicta, she took the child in her arms and disappeared into a cave. (Just like in Medjugorje, Our Lady stands on a rock(hill in french) with the baby Jesus in her arms! She doesn't speak!)
For four months, the Lady appeared to Benedicta every day, talking to her and preparing her for her future mission. (We know that visionaries in Medjugorje also have their missions, give the messageto the world and each one has it's own mission - prayer for the sick, prayer for the priest, for youth, souls in purgatory, for families )
Benedicta told the woman who owned the flock that she cared for about the visions, but she did not believe her.  One day, however, the woman secretly followed her to the Fours valley. She didn’t see the vision, but she did hear Mary’s voice, who told Benedicta to warn her that her soul was in danger. “She has something on her conscience,” Mary said.  “Tell her to do penance.”  The woman was deeply moved by the message, returned to the sacraments and lived piously for the rest of her days.
On August 29, Benedicta asked the Lady what her name was.  She replied, “My name is Mary.”
During the winter of 1664-1665, Benedicta went up to Laus frequently, each time receiving a vision of the Blessed Mother, who told her to “pray continuously for sinners.”  News of the apparitions spread throughout the entire region.
On September 18, 1665, when Benedicta was 18 years old, the apparitions were officially recognized by the diocese and that fall, construction began on a small church to receive the hundreds of pilgrims coming to visit.

Mary revealed herself in Laus as the reconciler and refuge of sinners, and therefore she offered signs to convince them of the need to repent.  She told Benedicta that the oil from the sanctuary lamp would work miracles with the infirm if they received the anointing with faith in her intercession.
Benedicta took the mission she received from Mary seriously and dedicated herself to preparing sinners to receive the sacrament of Penance.  She encouraged the two priests at the shrine to receive penitents with charity and kindness in order to help them convert. (Medjugorje is often called the "confessional" of the world)
Mary asked Benedicta to admonish women and girls about living lives of scandal, especially those who commit abortion, the unjust wealthy and the perverse. She also encouraged priests and religious to be faithful to their vows. 

Between 1669 and 1679, Benedicta received five visions of the suffering Christ.  On a Friday in July of 1673, the suffering Jesus told her: “My daughter, I show myself in this state so that you can participate in my Passion.” 
After more than two decades of suffering and continual apparitions of the Blessed Mother Benedicta received Communion on Christmas Day 1718. Three days later she made a confession, received the last rites and around 8p.m. said goodbye to those around her. Benedicts then kissed a crucifix and passed away peacefully.
Today the shrine is run by diocesan clergy with the assistance of a community of the Brothers of St. John who are dedicated to promoting the sacrament of Reconciliation.

Per i miei amici italiani :-)
 La pastorella Benedetta Rencurel aveva 16 anni quando conducendo al pascolo il gregge ebbe la prima apparizione della Vergine che teneva per mano un bellissimo Bambino. La ragazza non sapeva né leggere né scrivere, ma a lei la Madre di Dio affida un messaggio importante nel periodo in cui in Europa infuriavano le cosiddette guerre di religione: un invito alla conversione dei peccatori e a sperimentare nella misericordia di Dio la riconciliazione. Le apparizioni proseguiranno per ben 54 anni fino al 1718, anno della sua morte. Un lungo periodo in cui la veggente dovette affrontare numerose tribolazioni: dalle vessazioni del Maligno al rifiuto da parte di preti giansenisti di darle la Comunione, all’obbligo di lasciare il luogo nativo per poi ritornarvi e trovare tutto distrutto. Nel 1673 mentre era in preghiera le apparve Gesù steso e inchiodato sulla croce, ricoperto di sangue: da allora Benedetta soffre nel proprio corpo i dolori della Passione di Cristo. Accorrono da lei numerosi malati, poveri, persone disperate. A tutti dona una parola. Molte sono le guarigioni inspiegabili, conversioni. Jean Guitton dirà: questo Santuario sulle Alpi “è uno dei tesori più nascosti e più potenti della storia dell’Europa”.

il santuario di Notre Dame du Laus, che nell’antica lingua occitana significa “Nostra Signora del Lago”. Il santuario si trova in Francia, nel bellissimo scenario delle Alpi Marittime a 910 metri di quota, sul luogo dove la Madonna apparve per ben cinquantaquattro anni di seguito, dal 1664 al 1718, ad un’umile pastorella di nome Benedetta Rencurel.
Le apparizioni erano accompagnate da prodigi e da misteriosi profumi; durante le visioni la Vergine introdusse Benedetta ad un messaggio di conversione e di riconciliazione, incoraggiando la frequenza ai Sacramenti e l’adorazione di Cristo. La pastorella non imparò mai a leggere e a scrivere e così le sue testimonianze furono affidate a confessori e confidenti, che le trascrissero in una serie di manoscritti ora riletti e ristampati in occasione del riconoscimento ufficiale da parte della Chiesa. Dopo tre secoli di devozione popolare, di pellegrinaggi e di guarigioni miracolose, l’origine soprannaturale delle esperienze di Benedetta Rencurel è stata infatti sancita solennemente solo il 4 maggio 2008 con un decreto di mons. Jean-Michel Di Falco Leandri, vescovo di Gap – Embrun. .
La prima apparizione della Madonna a Benedetta ebbe luogo in una località chiamata “Vallone dei Forni” nel maggio 1664; alla fine di settembre, le visioni cominciarono a verificarsi in una vecchia cappella detta “del buon incontro” (cioè dell’Annunciazione). Già nel 1666 si pose mano alla costruzione di una chiesa, al cui interno ancora oggi viene conservata la cappella delle apparizioni. Nel 1855 vi fu solennemente incoronata la statua della Madonna, alla presenza di 40.000 fedeli e 600 sacerdoti; Papa Leone XII la eresse a Basilica minore nel 1894.
Oggi i pellegrinaggi dei fedeli, soprattutto francesi, continuano ininterrottamente, agevolati dalle strutture che nel frattempo sono sorte per garantire adeguata ospitalità a chi viene per un periodo di ristoro spirituale o anche solo per una breve visita e per ritrovare lo spirito del messaggio di Maria a Benedetta Rencurel: la riconciliazione con gli altri e con noi stessi passa attraverso la riconciliazione con Dio

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