Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What is this? Anyone?

Santa Maria di Medjugorje: Testimonianza di Draga Ivankovic

Ecco la testimonianza della mia collega , la guide per i pellegrini nella parochia di Medjugorje.

Testimonianza di Draga Ivankovic

“Non succede niente per caso, prima o poi capiremo tutto, anche i segreti.”Testimonianza di Draga Ivankovic
Forse ancora oggi la gente fa fatica a comprendere la grandezza del dono che abbiamo ricevuto, cioè la presenza di Dio e della Madonna, che noi invece abbiamo subito avvertito, fin dall’inizio, e non c’era nessun interesse, perché non c’erano i pellegrini che portavano soldi, o comunque qualcosa di “materiale”. Noi abbiamo creduto subito alla presenza della Madonna perché conoscevamo i veggenti e ci siamo fidati di loro! Essi stessi, d’altra parte, non hanno mai avuto dubbi sulla presenza della Madonna, fin dalla prima volta che l’hanno vista erano assolutamente sicuri che fosse Lei. Hanno avuto paura e sono scappati, è vero, Ivan addirittura si è chiuso in camera senza nemmeno parlare con i suoi, solo il giorno dopo ha trovato il coraggio di parlare loro di ciò che stava succedendo! Nessuno dei ragazzi, come del resto nessuno a Medjugorje, aveva sentito parlare di Lourdes o di Fatima, e quindi si chiedevano come fosse possibile che la Madonna apparisse sulla terra! Ma nessuno ha mai pensato che fosse qualcosa di diverso, Lei era venuta da noi! I veggenti avevano però il dubbio che gli altri potessero credere o no che loro avevano visto la Madonna, e poi non sapevano se sarebbe tornata! Il secondo giorno, il 25 giugno, Lei è tornata, e loro si sono avvicinati! Ivanka mi ha raccontato che appena è stata vicino a Lei la paura è sparita, perché ha avvertito chiaramente tutto il suo amore e la sua tenerezza materna, poi mi ha riferito queste parole della Madonna, che non si trovano quasi mai sui libri che parlano diquesti avvenimenti:
“Cari miei angeli, non abbiate più paura, io sarò sempre con voi, vi proteggerò!”
Ivanka mi ha detto che in quell’occasione tre veggenti hanno sentito la Madonna, e tre no, non si sa il perché.
Il terzo giorno c’è stato il primo messaggio “ufficiale”, il più importante per tutti noi: “Cari miei angeli, io sono la Beata Vergine Maria, sono venuta qui perché l’umanità è lontana da Dio, si è addormentata, deve tornare a Dio!”
Io ero con Marija il secondo giorno (il primo per lei!), e non ho mai avuto il dubbio che potesse mentire! Ero felice per lei, e triste per me, perché io non l’avevo vista, ma non ho mai provato invidia nei suoi confronti. Sono sempre andata alle apparizioni, convinta che quello che ricevevamo era un grande dono! Ricordo bene quando, su invito della Madonna e con l’aiuto dei veggenti, anche noi abbiamo potuto toccarla, e come siamo rimasti male sapendo che l’avevamo sporcata! Nessuno capiva il reale significato di questa cosa, solo Lei il giorno dopo lo ha spiegato ai veggenti, e ci ha fatto comprendere la gravità del peccato e la necessità di confessarci con serietà e senza vergognarci! Sono passati 25 anni, tante cose sonocambiate a Medjugorje, solo il sentiero che sale al luogo delle prime apparizioni e rimasto tale e quale! Avremmo potuto fare una strada più comoda, invece è rimasto così: da venticinque anni si sale con sacrificio, e chi sale collabora al “progetto” di Dio: se la Madonna non avesse voluto da noi questo sacrificio, sarebbe apparsa in un altro posto, è scesa dal Cielo, poteva scendere un po’ più in basso, ancora trecento metri e sarebbe apparsa in pianura, invece no, è apparsa lassù, sulla collina, e non per caso! Non succede niente per caso, prima o poi capiremo tutto, anche i segreti.
Draga Ivankovic

Santa Maria di Medjugorje: Testimonianza di Draga Ivankovic


VATICAN CITY, 31 MAR 2010 ( VIS ) - Pope Benedict's general prayer intention for April is: "That every tendency to fundamentalism and extremism may be countered by constant respect, by tolerance and by dialogue among all believers".


  His mission intention is: "That Christians persecuted for the sake of the Gospel may persevere, sustained by the Holy Spirit, in faithfully witnessing to the love of God for the entire human race".

Emanuel and Anita Pehar
88 266 Medjugorje
Bosnia and Herzegovina
"EMANUEL"-more than a gift shop


VATICAN CITY, 31 MAR 2010 (VIS) - Made public yesterday afternoon was a telegram of condolence sent by the Pope to Dimitry Medvedev, president of the Russian Federation, for the victims of last Monday's bomb attacks on the Moscow underground.

  "Having learned the news of the attacks on the Moscow underground in which numerous people lost their lives, I wish to manifest my profound sorrow and firm condemnation for those barbaric acts of violence, and to send an expression of my solidarity, spiritual closeness and condolences to the families of the victims. With assurances of my fervent prayers for the lives so abruptly cut short, and while invoking heavenly consolation for those who mourn their tragic loss, I readily send my blessings and greetings, with a particular thought for the injured".

CITTA' DEL VATICANO, 31 MAR. 2010 (VIS). Nel pomeriggio di ieri è stato  pubblicato il testo del telegramma di cordoglio per le  vittime dei due attentati compiuti nella metropolitana di Mosca, la mattina di lunedì scorso, e fatto pervenire dal Santo Padre Benedetto XVI al Presidente della Federazione Russa, Dmitrij Anatolevich Medvedev.

  "Appresa la notizia degli attentati verificatisi nella metropolitana di Mosca, dove numerose persone hanno perso la vita, esprimo profondo dolore e ferma riprovazione per gli efferati atti di violenza, desiderando far pervenire i sentimenti della mia solidarietà, vicinanza spirituale e le mie condoglianze ai familiari delle vittime. Assicuro fervide preghiere di suffragio per le vite stroncate, e mentre invoco celesti consolazioni per quanti ne piangono la tragica dipartita, volentieri invio il mio benedicente saluto, con particolare pensiero a quanti sono rimasti feriti".

Medjugorje | Za hrvatske hodočasnike

Below are the information for my Croatian friends who are planning to visit Medjugorje during the Holy Weekend :-)

Veliki Četvrtak, 1. travnja - Ovaj dan, u kojem se Crkva spominje ustanovljenja euharistije i svećeništva, dopušteno je slaviti samo Misu posvete ulja i Misu večere Gospodnje. Misu posvete ulja u Katoličkoj Crkvi slavi samo biskup sa svećenicima u Zbornoj crkvi, odnosno Katedrali. U Međugorju, dakle, toga prijepodneva se ne ispovijeda i nema sv. Misa. Molitva Krunice u međugorskoj župnoj crkvi počinje u 17 sati, a u 18 je svečana sveta Misa Večere Gospodnje. Nakon misnoga slavlja vjernici će imati prigodu za klanjanje i tihu molitvu uz Presveti Sakrament sve do pola noći. Prigoda sa sakrament Ispovijedi je od 16 sati do početka misnoga slavlja.
Veliki Petak - 2. travnja – Petak Muke Gospodnje. Izjutra u crkvi nema nikakvih obreda niti Ispovijedi. Put križa za župljane i hrvatske hodočasnike na Križevcu je u 11 sati. Poslije podne, krunica je u 17, a obredi Muke Gospodinove u 18 sati. Taj dan je u središtu križ, stoga se vjernici pozivaju na razmatranje muke, smrti i ukopa Gospodinova. Veliki petak je u Katoličkoj Crkvi dan strogoga posta i nemrsa. Ispovijed je do početka obreda.
Napomena: Po naputku našega biskupskog ordinarijata na Veliki petak se kod obreda ljubljenja križa skupljaju milodari za Svetu zemlju.
Velika Subota - Vazmeno bdijenje - 3. travnja – Na Veliku Subotu Crkva se zadržava kod Gospodinova groba u molitvi i postu. Prijepodne u međugorskoj crkvi nema nikakvih obreda. Molitva Krunice počinje u 20 sati, a Vazmeno bdijenje u 21 sat. Ispovijed do početka obreda. Molitveni program, kao i obično, prenosi i radiopostaja ''Mir'' Međugorje.
Nedjelja, 4. travnja, Uskrsnuće Gospodinovo - Svete Mise na hrvatskome jeziku u župnoj crkvi su u 8, 11 i 18 sati.

Rest in Peace - Joseph V. Gutierrez

Top Photo
Stockton, CA
Joseph V. Gutierrez
January 12, 1926 - March 27, 2010
Joseph Gutierrez, also known as Gutenburg or Papa was born in Stockton, CA on January 12, 1926
to Marcelinoand Rafaela Gutierrez. Mr Gutierrez passed away following a short illness on March 27, 2010 in Stockton, CA.
Joseph Guttierrez enjoyed gardening, fishing and camping. Enjoyed his grandkids, gambling at casinos and square dancing, along with traveling to Medjugorje and loved boxing. He was a member of Church of the Presentation and attended prayer groups at Presentation. Joseph Gutierrez was brother, husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather. He attended Edison High School and worked for Bethleham Steel.
He is survived by his loving wife, Virginia Gutierrez of 63 years; his sons Daniel (Cheryl) Gutierrez of Milpitas, CA., Ronald Gutierrez of San Francisco, CA., his daughter Kathleen Gutierrez of Stockton, CA, his brothers Louis Gutierrez, Albert Gutierrez and David Perez, preceded in death by sister
Dolores Castanon and Mary Mariscal and 2 brothers Tony Gutierrez and Frank Gutierrez. He is also survived by seven grandsons, one great granddaughter, and five great grandsons.
Friends and family are invited to attend the Mass of Christian Burial on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 at 1:00 p.m. at Church of the Presentation, 6715 Leesburg Place, Stockton, CA. The Rosary service will be held on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. at DeYoung Memorial Chapel, 601 N. California St., Stockton, CA. Visitation will be held on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Committal: San Joaquin Catholic Cemetery. Online guest book at

Medjugorje on a scientific and academic level by Ministry Values -interesting.

This morning I will go trough my mails before leaving the house... It is so many people in Medjugorje so I have less and less time for computer . I just have to take care of the real work... LOL :-) Recent visitors we had from Argentina. Mrs Maria who is organizing the pilgrimages from that country had some interesting comments about how to actually prepare the people for the pilgrimage so that they have the most of the Medjugorje experience. She is now preparing a book which will have the testimonies of the local people not the pilgrims. I will write about that on other occasion.
I had an interesting talk with Marijana (locutio cordis), about the above subject as well as about how to form a prayer group.  I  have to write about that too...
All the spare time is spent with my children as they are the most important in the world. Easter is coming so cakes, cookies, eggs, lunch planning are in focus. Of course they(my children) want to be much involved with the preparations so it is a lot of fun (and mess to clean afterwards :-) )  .............

Here is a small part of a much bigger article which I have found quite interesting to read with my morning coffee. Enjoy it in full at the original site (link below the text)

Thus, at Medjugorje, for the first time in human history, neuroscience and medical examination have played an instrumental role in penetrating the interior depths of mysticism by combining scientific inquiry with spiritual experience, thus elucidating our knowledge of the subject with empirical examination of the visionaries’ ecstasies. As the French doctor Henri Joyeux, an internationally renowned physician and Professor of Cancerology in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Montpellier, explained in regard to the timely significance of the apparitions:
“Ecstasy is seen as a sensory perception of realities that are perceivable by and visible to the visionaries but invisible to and imperceivable by all others and, in particular, those who seek to understand. For the first time in history science can study these facts as they unfold in Medjugorje and not merely a posteriori. The most advanced medical techniques and the most up-to-date photographic and cinematographic techniques help us to reach the kernel of these events in order to try to understand them.”
This is much different from Oliver Sacks’ neurological reductionism, which applied no empiricism to the study of mysticism whatsoever but simply postulated that mystical experience cannot be authentic by offering neurological euphemisms for the experiences of medieval visionaries. The Medjugorje visionaries, on the other hand, have been tested for all of the natural symptoms which are usually applied by skeptics to discredit mystical experience, thus undermining reductionist theories against the apparitions. Dr. Joyeux led a team of French physicians from the University of Montpelier to examine the Medjugorje seers in ecstasy during their daily apparitions of the Virgin, when the visionaries simultaneously fall to their knees and enter an ecstatic state, which has the appearance of a trance. This phenomenon takes place daily at the same time (5:45 pm in the winter and 6:45 pm in the summer). Dr. Joyeux’s concluding report, delivered in the spring of 1985, stated: “The ecstasies are not pathological, nor is there any element of deceit. No scientific discipline seems able to describe these phenomena.” He explained that “these young people are healthy and there is no sign of epilepsy, nor is it a sleep or dream state. It is neither a case of pathological hallucination nor hallucination in the hearing or sight faculties…It cannot be a cataleptic state, for during ecstasy the facial muscles are operating in a normal way.” Through meticulous examination and investigation, the scientific studies have been able to disqualify all possible alternative, natural explanations for the apparitions.................

God bless you all!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Medjugorje- Peacefully into Our Lady's Heartby John from The Daily Bread

The best!!!! Thank you John for making it into one thread! You should put it into a book.
Here is what John shares from his pilgrimage to Medjugorje, 
I'm home safe and sound!! and feeling completely refreshed praise God!! 

I have so much to share with everyone! But for the moment until I get started later today with posting reflections about my journey into Our Lady's Heart, I just want to say thank you to all of you for coming with me to Medjugorje in my heart and for continually praying for us while we prayed for you.. As it was on my first pilgrimage in October 1008, so it was very difficult once again to leave Medjugorje yesterday morning.. I must say that, both times that I have gone to Medjugorje upon arriving there I did not feel as though I was visiting a foreign land but rather, I felt as if I was returning home.. even my first pilgrimage I felt this way.. Yet, I know that at least for now, as I have responsibilities here at Don Bosco Home and two beautiful children who are still young, it is not meant for me to stay in Medjugorje for any great length of time but to bring Medjugorje home to others.. and so, like all pilgrims who come to visit Medjugorje that is a call I must answer to... that is what Our Lady asks of me to do at this time.. to bring Medjugorje home to others.. So with that, I will at least for the moment post a few pictures here before I get started sharing my journey.. Again, thank you to everyone for keeping me in your prayers and please know it was a tremendous blessing for me to do the same for you.. It always is!



Caritas of Birmingam and "Friend of Medjugorje" Terry Colafrancesco - Medjugorje WebSite

So many have asked and God has been gracious to me so here is info from on

Caritas of Birmingam and "Friend of Medjugorje" Terry Colafrancesco

or why Anita really dislikes that book called
How to Change Your Husband: Owner’s Manual for the Family, by “a Friend of Medjugorje”.

Medjugorje | Palm Sunday

"With celebration of Palm Sunday or the Sunday of Passion of Our Lord, Church entered Holy Week, highlight of preparation for Feast of Resurrection of Our Lord. In Medjugorje, as well as in the previous years, celebration of Palm Sunday began on the ruins of the old parish church of St. James, at 10.30 a.m. In liturgical procession, after reading Gospel on entering of Our Lord in Jerusalem and blessing of the olive branches, all participants including altar children, readers, singers, priests, parishioners and pilgrims made their way towards the White Dome of the church of St. James, where central Holy Mass at 11.a.m. was celebrated. Along with parishioners, there were many pilgrims from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and foreign countries. Biggest represented group was from Austria. During the day Holy Masses were celebrated in Spanish, Dutch, English, Italian, German and of course, Croatian language.
Many pilgrims also participated in prayer of the Rosary that takes place every Sunday at 2 p.m. on the Apparition Hill

Medjugorje | News

Medjugorje | News: "With celebration of Palm Sunday or the Sunday of Passion of Our Lord, Church entered Holy Week, highlight of preparation for Feast of Resurrection of Our Lord. In Medjugorje, as well as in the previous years, celebration of Palm Sunday began on the ruins of the old parish church of St. James, at 10.30 a.m. In liturgical procession, after reading Gospel on entering of Our Lord in Jerusalem and blessing of the olive branches, all participants including altar children, readers, singers, priests, parishioners and pilgrims made their way towards the White Dome of the church of St. James, where central Holy Mass at 11.a.m. was celebrated. Along with parishioners, there were many pilgrims from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and foreign countries. Biggest represented group was from Austria. During the day Holy Masses were celebrated in Spanish, Dutch, English, Italian, German and of course, Croatian language.
Many pilgrims also participated in prayer of the Rosary that takes place every Sunday at 2 p.m. on the Apparition Hill. (photos)"

Maybe the names of the people involved with the Medjugorje commission

Possible names in the commission for Medjugorje 
as found in newspapers and online. I have no opinion whatsoever (this is the first ha!)

• Jozef cardinal Tomko – Slovakia. President Emeritus of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses. Former Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples
Julian cardinal Herranz Casado – Spain. President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts
Josip cardinal Bozanic – Croatia. Archbishop of Zagreb
Vinko cardinal Puljic – Bosnia & Herzegovina. Archbishop of Vrhbosna (Sarajevo)
Archbishop Angelo Amato – Italy. Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints
Fr David-Maria Jaeger – Israel. A Franciscan priest, expert in canon law and a convert to Christianity.
Fr Salvatore Perrella – Italy. A Marianist priest and lecturer at the Pontifical faculty of Marian Theology.
Fr Pierangelo Sequeri – Italy. One of Italy’s most prominent theologians and appointed last year by Benedict XVI to serve on the International Theological Commission.
Fr Zdzislaw Josef Kijas – Poland. Another Franciscan and Secretary of the Pontifical Academy of Mary Immaculate in Rome.
Msgr Tony Anatrella – France. Psychologist and Mariologist, and a consultant to the Pontifical Council for the Family, and of the Pontifical Council for Health Care Ministry.
Msgr Franjo Topic – Croatia. President of the Croatian Cultural Society ‘Progress’ in Sarajevo.
Fr Mijo Nikic – Croatia. Superior of the Jesuit Order in Zagreb and a professor of religious psychology.
Fr Mihaly Szentmartoni – Serbia. Another Jesuit and a director of the Spirituality Institute at Rome’s Gregorian University. As a professor of clinical psychiatry he served on the medical committee of the previous Commission undertaken by the former Yugoslavia Bishops Conference. The medical committee of six concluded in 1988 that according to the criteria laid down by the CDF in 1978, the six ‘visionaries’ were considered mentally balanced and showed no inclination to psychotic disorder or hysteria, or other phenomenon of this kind.
Sr Nela Veronica Gaspar – Bosnia & Herzegovina. Theologian
Achim Schütz – Germany. Expert on religious phenomenon.
Msgr Krzysztof Nykiel – Poland. Served on the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Message from Our Lady March 25th 2010- Messagio della Madona 25 Marzo 2010

“Draga djeco! I danas vas sve želim pozvati da budete jaki u molitvi i u momentima kad vas kušnje napadnu. Živite u radosti i poniznosti vaše kršćansko zvanje i svima svjedočite. Ja sam s vama i sve vas nosim pred moga sina Isusa i on će vam biti snaga i potpora. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.

Message, 25. March 2010

“Dear children! Also today I desire to call you all to be strong in prayer and in the moments when trials attack you. Live your Christian vocation in joy and humility and witness to everyone. I am with you and I carry you all before my Son Jesus, and He will be your strength and support. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Messaggio, 25. marzo 2010

"Cari figli, anche oggi desidero invitarvi tutti ad essere forti nella preghiera e nei momenti in cui le prove vi assalgono. Vivete nella gioia e nell’umiltà la vostra vocazione cristiana e testimoniate a tutti. Io sono con voi e vi porto tutti davanti al mio figlio Gesù e Lui sarà per voi forza e sostegno. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata."

Botschaft, 25. März 2010

„Liebe Kinder! Auch heute möchte ich euch alle aufrufen, stark im Gebet und in den Momenten zu sein, wenn euch Versuchungen angreifen. Lebt eure christliche Berufung in Freude und Demut und gebt allen Zeugnis. Ich bin mit euch und trage euch alle vor meinen Sohn Jesus, und Er wird euch Kraft und Beistand sein. Danke, dass ihr meinem Ruf gefolgt seid!“ 

Message, 25. mars 2010

« Chers enfants, aujourd’hui encore je désire tous vous inviter à être forts dans la prière et dans les moments où les épreuves vous assaillent. Vivez dans la joie et l’humilité votre vocation chrétienne et témoignez à tous. Je suis avec vous et je vous porte tous devant mon fils Jésus, et Il vous sera force et soutien. Merci d’avoir répondu à mon appel. »

Mensaje, 25. marzo 2010

“Queridos hijos! También hoy deseo llamarlos a todos a que sean fuertes en la oración y en los momentos en que las tentaciones los asalten. Vivan en la alegría y en la humildad su vocación cristiana y den testimonio a todos. Yo estoy con ustedes y a todos los llevo ante mi Hijo Jesús, y El será para ustedes fuerza y apoyo. ¡Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado!”

Orędzie, 25. lutego 2010

„Drogie dzieci! W tym czasie łaski, gdy również przyroda przygotowuje się by pokazać najpiękniejsze kolory w roku, dziatki, ja was wzywam, byście otworzyli wasze serca Bogu Stworzycielowi, aby On was przemienił i ukształtował na Swój obraz i podobieństwo, aby wszelkie dobro, które zasnęło w waszym sercu przebudziło się do nowego życia i pragnienia wieczności. Dziękuję wam, że odpowiedzieliście na moje wezwanie.”

Vatican records from World War II era now online

.- The Holy See announced today that documents that had only been available in hard-copy in libraries are now available online through the Vatican's website. The new records "represent a documentary resource of inestimable value that is now at the disposal of scholars and all interested persons," the Vatican said.
The official "Acts of the Holy See" from 1865 to 2007, taken from the Actae Sanctae Sedis and Acta Apostolicae Sedis collections are accessible in Adobe Acrobat format (pdf), as well as the twelve-volume set of the Acts and Documents of the Holy See Relative to the Second World War, ordered by Pope Paul VI and edited by four Jesuit historians.
Access to the resources is free of charge.
According to a Vatican communique, the offering of the collection to the public "is a great contribution to research and information on the history and activities of the Holy See."
The texts can be accessed at, the official website of the Holy See, in the "Resource Library" section or directly from the home page of the English site by clicking on the icon under that of the "Letter to the Catholics of Ireland."

Fr. Lombardi explains Vatican response to sexual abuse by Wisconsin priest :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

.- The New York Times printed an article on Wednesday in which they alleged that in the 1990s the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), then Cardinal Ratzinger, did not respond to letters of a Wisconsin bishop on the matter of a sexually abusive priest. In an official response to the Times for the article, Fr. Federico Lombardi addressed the specific case and the CDF response.

According to the Times' article, Fr. Lawrence C. Murphy started working at the St John’s School for the Deaf in 1950. During his time there, civil and Church authorities were allegedly aware that he molested boys in the school.

He was moved from the Diocese of Milwaukee to the northern Wisconsin Diocese of Superior in 1974, where he continued working with children in parishes and even a juvenile detention hall.

After nearly two decades had passed and repeated complaints were received from victims about Fr. Murphy’s actions, Archbishop of Milwaukee Rembert G. Weakland began to investigate the cases in 1993. As part of the investigations, he hired a social worker to interview Fr. Murphy, during which he admitted to molesting around 200 boys.

The Times reported that, in 1996, after information had come to light that the priest had made solicitations in the confessional, thus violating the Sacrament of Penance, the archbishop referred the case to the Vatican.

Archbishop Weakland sent two letters about the violations to Cardinal Ratzinger, who was prefect of the CDF at the time. After eight months, he received orders from Cardinal Ratzinger's second-in-command, Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone, instructing the U.S. bishops conference to carry out a canonical trial behind closed doors.

The investigations ended abruptly, they report, when Fr. Murphy sent a letter to the Vatican protesting the trial claiming that he had repented, his health was poor and the statute of limitations had passed.

Archbishop Weakland continued to call for the defrocking of the priest until a final meeting in the Vatican in May, 2008.

The New York Times stated that, “even as the pope himself in a recent letter to Irish Catholics has emphasized the need to cooperate with civil justice in abuse cases, the correspondence seems to indicate that the Vatican’s insistence on secrecy has often impeded such cooperation.”

"At the same time," the report continues, "the officials’ reluctance to defrock a sex abuser shows that on a doctrinal level, the Vatican has tended to view the matter in terms of sin and repentance more than crime and punishment.”

Fr. Federico Lombardi released his full response to the New York Times about the “Murphy Case” to members of the press in the Holy See’s Press Office on Thursday. The Vatican spokesman's response was only cited in part in the article from the New York Times.

He underscored that “Father Murphy violated the law and, more importantly, the sacred trust that his victims had placed in him.”

Fr. Lombardi related that victims reported abuses to the civil authorities in the mid-1970’s, but “according to news reports, that investigation was dropped.”

The CDF was made aware of the matter nearly two decades later, he pointed out, adding that the examination of how to address the question canonically was initiated, since the case involved a violation of the Sacrament of Penance.

Fr. Lombardi emphasized in his reply, “It is important to note that the canonical question presented to the Congregation was unrelated to any potential civil or criminal proceedings against Father Murphy.”

“In such cases, the Code of Canon law does not envision automatic penalties, but recommends that a judgment be made, not excluding even the greatest ecclesiastical penalty of dismissal from the clerical state," he explained.

Responding to the question of punishment, Fr. Lombardi referred to the fact that the abusive priest was "elderly and in very poor health, and that he was living in seclusion and no allegations of abuse had been reported in over 20 years." This led to the CDF suggestion to Milwaukee's archbishop of "restricting Father Murphy's public ministry and requiring that Father Murphy accept full responsibility for the gravity of his acts."

Fr. Lombardi notes that the priest died about four months afterward, "without further incident." He was 72 years old.

Concerning the suggestion of a link between the "non-reporting" of child abuse to civil authorities and the application of the Vatican document Crimen sollicitationis, which establishes Church policy against priests who violate the sanctity of the Sacrament of Penance by making advances in the confessional, Fr. Lombardi stated that "there is no such relationship."

"Indeed, contrary to some statements that have circulated in the press, neither Crimen nor the Code of Canon Law ever prohibited the reporting of child abuse to law enforcement authorities," he insisted.


CITTA' DEL VATICANO, 25 MAR. 2010 (VIS). Di seguito riportiamo il testo integrale della Dichiarazione rilasciata da Padre Federico Lombardi , S.I., Direttore della Sala Stampa della Santa Sede , al New York Times, il 24 marzo 2010.


  "Il tragico caso di Padre Lawrence Murphy, un sacerdote dell'Arcidiocesi di Milwaukee, ha coinvolto vittime particolarmente vulnerabili che hanno sofferto terribilmente per ciò che egli ha fatto. Abusando sessualmente di bambini affetti da sordità, Padre Murphy ha violato la legge e ancora più importante, la sacra fiducia che le sue vittime avevano riposto in lui".


  "A metà degli anni settanta alcune delle vittime di Padre Murphy denunciarono i suoi abusi alle autorità civili, che a quell'epoca condussero indagini su di lui; tuttavia, secondo le informazioni della stampa, l'indagine fu lasciata cadere. La Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede non fu informata della questione se non venti anni dopo.


  È stato suggerito che in questo caso esista un rapporto fra l'applicazione di "Crimen sollicitationis" e la mancata denuncia di abusi su minori alle autorità civili. Infatti tale rapporto non c'è. Anzi, contrariamente ad alcune dichiarazioni che sono circolate sulla stampa, né il "Crimen" né il Codice di Diritto Canonico hanno mai proibito la denuncia di abuso su minori all'autorità giudiziaria.


  Negli ultimi anni novanta, dopo più di due decenni dalla denuncia di abuso agli officiali diocesani e alla polizia, fu presentata per la prima volta alla Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede la questione di come trattare il caso Murphy dal punto di vista canonico. La Congregazione fu informata della questione perché essa riguardava la sollecitazione nel confessionale, che è una violazione del Sacramento della Penitenza. E' importante notare che la questione canonica presentata alla Congregazione non era correlata a nessun potenziale procedimento civile o penale contro Padre Murphy.


  In tali casi, il Codice di Diritto Canonico non prevede punizioni automatiche, ma raccomanda che sia emesso un giudizio non escludendo la più grande punizione ecclesiastica della dimissione dallo stato clericale (cf. Canone 1395, nr. 2). Alla luce dei fatti, cioè che Padre Murphy era anziano e in precarie condizioni di salute, viveva in reclusione e nessuna denuncia di abuso era stata riportata negli ultimi 20 anni, la Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede suggerì che l'Arcivescovo di Milwaukee considerasse di affrontare la situazione limitando, per esempio, il ministero pubblico di Padre Murphy e richiedendo che Padre Murphy si assumesse la piena responsabilità della gravità dei suoi atti. Padre Murphy morì circa quattro mesi dopo, senza ulteriori incidenti".


  Di seguito riportiamo il Comunicato del Vescovo della Diocesi di Cloyne, Monsignor John Magee:


  "Il 9 marzo 2010 ho presentato al Santo Padre le mie dimissioni quale Vescovo di Cloyne. Sono stato informato oggi che sono state accettate, e nel lasciare il mio incarico, desidero offrire ancora una volta le mie sincere scuse a tutte le persone che hanno subito abusi da sacerdoti della Diocesi di Cloyne durante il mio episcopato e in altri periodi. A coloro nei confronti dei quali ho mancato in qualunque modo, o che ogni mia omissione ha fatto soffrire, chiedo scusa e perdono. Come ho detto la vigilia di Natale 2008 dopo la pubblicazione del Rapporto del Consiglio Nazionale per la Salvaguardia dei Minori nella Chiesa Cattolica in Irlanda, mi assumo la piena responsabilità per le critiche della nostra gestione di questioni contenute in quel rapporto".


  "Il 7 marzo 2009 la Santa Sede ha nominato il Reverendo Dermot Clifford Amministratore Apostolico della Diocesi di Cloyne. La nomina fu in risposta alla richiesta che avevo presentato di essere sollevato dal mio incarico di amministratore della Diocesi così che potessi concentrarmi nella collaborazione con la Commissione Governativa di Inchiesta per le procedure di protezione dei minori nella Diocesi, nella mia capacità di Vescovo di Cloyne. Continuerò ad essere sempre disponibile per la Commissione di Inchiesta".


  "Spero sinceramente che l'opera e le scoperte della Commissione d'Inchiesta siano di aiuto almeno in qualche misura per la guarigione di coloro che hanno subito abusi".


  "Accolgo il fatto che la mia offerta di dimissioni sia stata accettata e ringrazio i sacerdoti, i religiosi e i fedeli della Diocesi per il loro sostegno quando ero Vescovo di Cloyne, e assicuro sempre le mie preghiere per tutti loro".


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Holy Father encourages youth to 'discover their vocation to love

.- In a message for the inaugaration of the 10th International Youth Forum, the Holy Father reminded the 300 young participants from around the globe that "Learning to Love," the theme of the event, is "central in faith and in the Christian life."
The forum, which runs Monday to Friday of this week in Rocca di Papa, Italy, offers sessions on love in several different dimensions, including as a vocation, a life choice, and regarding sexuality.
"As you know," wrote Benedict XVI, "the starting point of each reflection on love is the very mystery of God, since the heart of Christian revelation is this: Deus caritas est (God is love)."
The Pope continued, adding that it is in man's likeness to God that we understand the "profound identity of the person" and "his or her vocation to love.
"Man is made for love; his life is fully realized only if he has lived in love."
Benedict XVI exhorted the youth to "discover their vocation to love" which is "the key of all existence."
The Pope paid particular attention to vocations to the priesthood and to matrimony in his message. Of the priesthood, he wrote that "people consecrated to celibacy are also an eloquent sign of the love of God for the world and of the vocation to love God over all things."
Speaking of the "greatness and beauty" of matrimony, he underscored that "the relation between man and woman reflects divine love in a totally special way; therefore the conjugal bond assumes an immense dignity."
The forum will also include addreses by Archbishop Carlo Caffarra of Bologna, noted Jesuit psychologist Msgr. Tony Anatrella, and French secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Bishop Jean Laffitte.
Married couples from five different continents will also be on hand to offer their perspectives on Christian matrimony.
On Thursday evening, participants will answer the Pope's open invitation to youth to go to St. Peter's Square to celebrate World Youth Day 2010. Then, on Palm Sunday they will be in attendance at Mass presided over by the Pope.
The International Youth Forum is held every three years.


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