Saturday, February 27, 2010

Da Medjugorje a Erba (COMO ) Italia - next big meeting in Italy with Medjugorje visionaries

As you can see, Medjugorje visionary Ivanka became very active in giving her talks throughout 2009 and begining 2010. In my recent meeting with her she told me that  as a witness with the mission to pray for the families it is essential for her that she  can witness with her own family life. She also asked  me for prayers. It has been always very difficult for her to stand up and speak in public. She spends hours in prayers every day, praying one novena after another just to be ready for you. I know also about other visionaries, they also pray a lot to be able to transmit Our Lady's  words to us.  So  I ask you too, to pray with me for our visionaries. May their words be guided by the Holy Spirit, all  for the Glory Of  God. 

God bless you all! 

” festival  di Primavera”

SABATO  6  -  DOMENICA  7 – MARZO 2010

salone LARIOFIERE  -   ERBA (v.le Resegone)
Accoglienza con canti: Roberto Bignoli
h. 15,00………. Coroncina della DIVINA MISERICORDIA
h. 15,15……….. SANTO ROSARIO
h. 15,45……….. testimonianza di Paolo BROSIO
h. 17,15               testimonianza della veggente MARIJA
h. 18,15……….. testimonianza della  veggente IVANKA
h. 19,00               SANTA  MESSA
h. 20,15……….. testimonianza di   GLORIA POLO
h. 22,00              ADORAZIONE EUCARISTICA
h. 23,00              concerto:  R.Bignoli
h. 8,45 ………..Accoglienza con canti di Roberto Bignoli
h. 9,00               Santo Rosario
h. 9,30               ADORAZIONE EUCARISTICA –  Padre Francesco RIZZI
h.10,15………. Testimonianza di GLORIA POLO
h. 12,15……….. testimonianza del GRUPPO LOT
PAUSA            ———————————————————————–
h. 13,45 ……….Animazione musicale
h.14,00              SANTO ROSARIO recitato dai bambini
……………………BABY and FAMILY FEST
……………………con testim. di don TONINO (com. NUOVI ORIZZONTI)
h.15,00………. coroncina della DIV. MISERICORDIA
h.15,15………… testimonianza di NANCY e PATRICK
h.16,00………. testimonianza di Paolo BROSIO
h.16,45 ……….testimonianza della veggente MARIJA
h. 18,00……… SANTA MESSA celebrata da P. Francesco Rizzi
……………………con PREGHIERA di GUARIGIONE e processione eucaristica
Al termine:   saluti con canti
animeranno le giornate
cantanti e musicisti del  “Festival dei giovani di Medjugorje”
e della comunità dei      “Figli del Divino Amore .
insieme a:  Marina MURARI,  Marcello MERLINI,  Tiziana MANENTI,
………….Giancarlo AIRAGHI  e  Francesco DAL POZ
Sarà disponbile uno spaziobimbi in cui i bambini saranno sotto la cura di personale adulto.
Sarà richiesto un contributo di 10 euro -   per il recupero delle spese
da lasciare nelle offerte della Santa Messa
per informazioni: Sabino tel. 348.2903646
Claudio tel. 393.7378483  –  031.531083
per eventuale prenotazione del bus da Milano e da Seveso: tel. 339.8938609 (Ornella)


28 FEBBRAIO 2010


  1. L'UMANITA' non troverà pace finché non si rivolgerà con Fiducia alla Mia Misericordia.
  2. Consacrazione al Cuore Immacolato e Misericordioso di Maria
  • Diffondere alla luce del Magistero della Chiesa la devozione al Cuore Immacolato di Maria
  • Preparare il trionfo del Cuore Immacolato di Maria profetizzato dalla Vergine con le Parole:....”infine il Mio Cuore Immacolato trionferà”

CATECHESI DI DON DAVIDE BANZATO sacerdote della comunità nuovi orizzonti.
      11.00 Santa Messa
      12.30 Pausa Pranzo
      (chi volesse usufruire del pranzo del Ristorante,deve necessariamente versare la somma di 12.00 euro all'atto della prenotazione del PASS)
ore 14.30 Coroncina della Divina Misericordia
ore 15.00 Testimonianza di CHIARA AMIRANTE fondatrice della comunità Nuovi Orizzonti.
Ore 16.00 Catechesi dPadre SANTE PESSOT FAM
ore 16.30 Domande a Padre Sante
ore 17.00 testimonianze dei ragazzi della Comunità “Nuovi Orizzonti”
ore 17.30 Testimonianza di PAOLO BROSIO
ore 19.30 Adorazione Eucaristica
Preghiera per gli ammalati.

L'incontro sarà animato dai ragazzi della “COMUNITA' NUOVI ORIZZONTI”

CLAUDIO 0833 587630 320 3667859
LUIGI 393 0938358
NUMERO VERDE 800030405

The Central annual convention of Medjugorje Guides for pilgrims on February 27, 2010

Guides for the pilgrims in the parish of Medjugorje  have gathered today for the Annual Convention. The meeting has started at 9 am with the holy mass at the Chapel of Adoration and will be continued with the talks and sharing in the yellow building behind the church.
Medjugorje guides have their monthly meetings on each 26th of the month where the monthly message is been discuses as well as the current issues in the parish and in the county in general. This today is different, it is a meeting that takes up the most of the day and happens once a year.
You can visit to have more information about the Association and guides.

God bless you all!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Commento al messaggio di Medjugorje Febbraio 25, 2010 - padre Livio

Car amici,
la Regina della pace, nel suo splendido messaggio del 25 Febbraio, ci invita al risveglio spirituale, così come si appresta a fare la natura che sta entrando nel tempo di primavera.
"La natura si prepara ad offrire i colori più belli nell'anno", ci fa notare la Madonna, al cui occhio nulla sfugge dell'opera mirabile della creazione. "Io vi invito, figlioli, aprite i vostri cuori  a Dio creatore, perchè vi trasfiguri e modelli a propria immagine".
Dio è il sole della nostra anima, alla cui luce e calore fioriscono tutti i germi di bene che egli ha seminato in noi, ma che non germogliano se non ci apriamo a lui nella preghiera e nell'amore.
La Madonna ci vuole far capire che stiamo vivendo un inverno spirituale e che è necessario che ci svegliamo "dal sonno stanco delle nostre anime". La Quaresima non a caso coincide con la primavera e deve essere un tempo dii risverglio spirituale, " a vita nuova", proprio come avviene nella natura.
Come l'inverno non ha l'ultima parola, ma deve cedere alla primavera, così anche la nostra vita non finirà con la morte, ma entrerà nella gloria di Cristo risorto. La Pasqua verso la quale siamo incamminati deve risvegliare nel cuore il desiderio di eternità.
Il cielo è la meta a cui  dobbiamo tendere e che possiamo raggiungere se ci lasceremo condurre dalla mano della Madre, "mano materna, mano d'amore".
Vostro Padre Livio

The 17th International Meeting for Leaders of Peace Centres and Medjugorje Prayer, Pilgrim and Charity groups

 Leaders of the Peace centres and Medjugorje Prayer groups at the meeting in 2009.
This year it starts on February 28th.
Welcome !

NEW Medjugorje video Viaggio a Medjugorje with popular journalist Paolo Brosio has been seen by 3 000 000 people on February 24th

I have had e-mails coming up from my Italian friend about this video which was to be published on TV  this winter, and then rescheduled for February 24th 2010. I was really looking forward to get it on Gloria or YT as Rete4 I can not follow. So if you know a little Italian it is here, if not ... well just look at the scenes ... and get the feeling of it ..

The informations are that more than around 3 milion people have watched the video on February 4th !!!
God bless you all!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Our Lady's Message to the World ~ Medjugorje ~ February 25, 2010

Poruka, 25. veljača 2010

“Draga djeco! U ovom milosnom vremenu kada se i priroda priprema dati najljepše boje u godini, ja vas pozivam dječice, otvorite vaša srca Bogu Stvoritelju da vas on preobrazi i oblikuje na svoju sliku kako bi se sve dobro koje je zaspalo u vašem srcu probudilo na novi život i čežnju prema vječnosti. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.”

Message of February 25, 2010

“Dear children! In this time of grace, when nature also prepares to give the most beautiful colors of the year, I call you, little children, to open your hearts to God the Creator for Him to transform and mould you in His image, so that all the good which has fallen asleep in your hearts may awaken to a new life and a longing towards eternity. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Messaggio, 25. febbraio 2010

"Cari figli, in questo tempo di grazia quando anche la natura si prepara ad offrire i colori più belli nell'anno, io vi invito, figlioli, aprite i vostri cuori a Dio Creatore perchè Lui vi trasfiguri e vi modelli a propria immagine affinchè tutto il bene, addormentatosi nel vostro cuore, possa risvegliarsi alla vita nuova e come anelito verso l'eternità. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata."

Mensaje, 25. febrero 2010

“Queridos hijos! En este tiempo de gracia, cuando también la naturaleza se prepara a ofrecer los colores más hermosos del año, yo los invito, hijitos, a abrir sus corazones a Dios Creador, a fin de que El los transforme y modele a Su imagen, para que todo lo bueno que se encuentra dormido en sus corazones, se despierte a una nueva vida y anhelo de eternidad. ¡Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado!”

Botschaft, 25. Februar 2010

„Liebe Kinder! In dieser Zeit der Gnade, wenn sich auch die Natur vorbereitet, die schönsten Farben im Jahr zu geben, rufe ich euch auf, meine lieben Kinder, Gott dem Schöpfer eure Herzen zu öffnen, dass Er euch nach Seinem Bild verwandelt und formt, damit all das Gute, das in euren Herzen eingeschlafen ist, zu neuem Leben und zur Sehnsucht nach der Ewigkeit erweckt wird. Danke, dass ihr meinem Ruf gefolgt seid!“

Message, 25. février 2010

« Chers enfants, en ce temps de grâce, et tandis que la nature se prépare à donner les plus belles couleurs de l’année, je vous invite, petits enfants : ouvrez vos coeurs à Dieu le Créateur afin qu’Il vous transforme et vous façonne à son image, afin que tout le bien qui sommeillait dans votre coeur, s’éveille en une nouvelle vie et en un désir ardent de l’éternité. Merci d’avoir répondu à mon appel. »

Orędzie, 25. lutego 2010

„Drogie dzieci! W tym czasie łaski, gdy również przyroda przygotowuje się by pokazać najpiękniejsze kolory w roku, dziatki, ja was wzywam, byście otworzyli wasze serca Bogu Stworzycielowi, aby On was przemienił i ukształtował na Swój obraz i podobieństwo, aby wszelkie dobro, które zasnęło w waszym sercu przebudziło się do nowego życia i pragnienia wieczności. Dziękuję wam, że odpowiedzieliście na moje wezwanie.”


Ø Svete Mise nije dopušteno slaviti po pansionima, hotelima, brdima ili bilo kojem drugom prostoru koji nema odobrenje od mjesnog biskupa. Za primanje misnih nakana ovlašten je samo Župni ured. Euharistijsko klanjanje nije dopušteno izvan župskih crkvenih prostora.
Ø Svi liturgijski čini, blagoslovi i sakramenti podjeljuju se u crkvi u dogovoru sa župnim osobljem, a svećenici koji za to imaju ovlasti ispovijedaju samo u crkvi ili pored crkve.
Ø Molimo vas da ne dopustite eventualnim lažnim redovnicima i redovnicama, svećenicima bez svećeničkih ovlasti, kao i laicima bez ovlasti da na vas polažu ruke i drže vam predavanja, pa da za to još traže i primaju novac.
Ø Bez znanja Župnog ureda nitko ne smije skupljati bilo kakve milodare, niti organizirati humanitarne akcije bilo koje vrste. Pazite i na eventualne nekatoličke skupine koje u Međugorju pokušavaju širiti svoje ideje.
Ø Molimo vas u prostorima oko crkve i na brdima ne koristite megafone ni zvučnike, da poštujete tišinu molitvenih prostora i da za vrijeme Sv. Misa koje nisu na vašem jeziku ne ometate liturgiju u kojoj sudjeluju drugi hodočasnici ili župljani.

Ø No Holy Mass should be celebrated in the pensions, hotels, on the mountains or in any other places, which are not authorized by the local bishop. Only the Parish Office is authorized to receive Mass Intentions. Eucharistic Adoration is not allowed outside of the parish church.
Ø All liturgical actions, blessings and all the sacraments are given in the church in agreement with the pastoral staff, and priests who have authorization are hearing confessions in the church, or next to the church.
Ø We kindly ask you not to allow false religious or priests without priestly authorization, as well as laity without authorization, to lay hands upon you and give conferences, and to ask and take money for this.
Ø Without authorization of the Parish Office, nobody is allowed to collect funds or organize humanitarian actions. Be also careful about non-catholic groups who try to spread their ideas in Medjugorje.
Ø We ask you not to use loudspeakers around de church and on the mountains, to respect the silence of prayer areas, and not to disturb other pilgrims or parishioners during Holy Masses celebrated for other language groups than yours.

Ø Aucune Sainte Messe ne doit être célébrée dans les pensions, les hôtels, sur les collines ou les endroits qui n'ont pas l'approbation de l'évêque du lieu. Seul le Bureau Paroissial est autorisé de recevoir les intentions de Messes. L'adoration eucharistique n'est pas permise en dehors des locaux de l'église paroissiale.
Ø Tous les actes liturgiques, les bénédictions et les sacrements sont donnés à l'église en accord avec le personnel pastoral, et les prêtres autorisés confessent dans l'église ou à côté de l'église.
Ø Nous vous prions de ne pas permettre aux faux religieux/ses, aux prêtres sans approbation sacerdotale ou aux laïcs sans autorisation d'imposer les mains sur vous ou donner des conférences, puis demander et prendre de l'argent pour cela.
Ø Sans l'autorisation du Bureau paroissial personne ne peut collecter des fonds ou organiser des actions humanitaires. Veillez également aux groupes non-catholiques qui cherchent à diffuser leurs idées à Medjugorje.
Ø Nous vous prions de ne pas utiliser les haut-parleurs autour de l'église et sur les collines, de respecter le silence des lieux de prière, et de ne pas déranger d'autres pèlerins et les paroissiens pendant les Saintes Messes célébrées pour d'autres groupes linguistiques que le vôtre.

Ø Es ist nicht erlaubt in den Unterkünften, Hotels, auf den Bergen oder an irgendeinem Ort, der vom Ortsbischof nicht bewilligt wurde, Heilige Messen zu feiern. Nur das Pfarrbüro darf die Messanliegen annehmen. Außerhalb der Räume der Pfarrkirche ist die Eucharistische Anbetung nicht gestattet.
Ø Liturgische Riten, Segen und Sakramente werden in der Kirche und in Übereinstimmung mit dem Pastoralteam erteilt, und nur autorisierte Priester dürfen in oder neben der Kirche die Beichte hören.
Ø Wir bitten sie, nicht zu erlauben, dass falsche Ordensmänner oder -frauen, Priester ohne priesterliche Befugnis, oder Laien ohne jede Erlaubnis, Hände auflegen oder Vorträge halten, und dann dafür noch Geld verlangen und nehmen.
Ø Ohne Zusage des Pfarrbüros darf niemand Geld sammeln oder humanitäre Aktionen organisieren. Achten sie auch auf nichtkatholische Gruppen, die es versuchen, in Medjugorje ihre Ideen zu verbreiten.
Ø Wir bitten Sie, keine Lautsprecher zu gebrauchen um die Kirche herum und auf den Bergen, wie bitten Sie auch auf die Stille der Gebetsorte zu achten, und während der Hl. Messe in einer anderen Sprache, an der andere Pilger oder die Pfarrangehörigen teilnehmen, nicht zu stören.

Ø Non è permesso celebrare Sante Messe nelle pensioni, negli hotel, sulle colline né in qualunque altro luogo che non ha l'autorizzazione da parte del Vescovo locale. Solo l'Ufficio Parrocchiale è autorizzato a ricevere intenzioni per le Sante Messe. L'adorazione eucaristica non e autorizzata fuori i luoghi della chiesa parrocchiale.
Ø Tutti gli Atti Liturgici, le Benedizioni e i Sacramenti vengono amministrati in Chiesa in accordo con il personale parrocchiale. I sacerdoti che hanno le facoltà per farlo confessano solo in Chiesa o di fianco alla Chiesa.
Ø Vi preghiamo di non permettere ad eventuali falsi religiosi e religiose, a sacerdoti sprovvisti delle facoltà sacerdotali, come anche a laici senza autorizzazione di imporre le mani su di voi e di tenervi conferenze, né di richiedere e ricevere denaro per questo.
Ø All'insaputa dell'Ufficio Parrocchiale nessuno può raccogliere qualsiasi tipo di offerta, né organizzare attività umanitarie di qualunque genere. Fate attenzione anche ad eventuali gruppi non cattolici che tentano di diffondere le proprie idee a Međugorje.
Ø Vi preghiamo di non utilizzare l'alto parlante intorno alla chiesa né sulle colline, di rispettare il silenzio dei luoghi di preghiera e di non disturbare la Liturgia durante le Sante Messe che non sono nella vostra lingua a cui partecipano gli altri pellegrini o i parrocchiani. 

Ø Nie wolno odprawiać Mszy Świętych w pensjonatach, hotelach, na wzgórzach ani w jakimkolwiek innym miejscu, które nie ma pozwolenia biskupa miejsca. Do przyjmowania intencji mszalnych upoważniony jest tylko Urząd parafialny. Nie zezwala się na Adorację Najświętszego Sakramentu poza terenem przykościelnym.
Ø Wszystkie czynności liturgiczne, błogosławieństwa i Sakramenty są udzielane w kościele w porozumieniu z osobami posługującymi w parafii, a kapłani, którzy są do tego celu uprawnieni spowiadają wyłącznie w kościele lub obok kościoła.
Ø Prosimy nie pozwalać ewentualnym fałszywym zakonnikom, zakonnicom, kapłanom jak również świeckim, którzy nie są do tego upoważnieni, by nakładali na was ręce, wygłaszali konferencje. Wielu z nich tak czyni domagając się i przyjmując za to pieniądze.
Ø Bez wiedzy Urzędu parafialnego nie wolno zbierać jakichkolwiek datków ani organizować jakiegokolwiek rodzaju akcji humanitarnych. Przestrzegamy przed jakimikolwiek grupami niekatolickimi, które w Medziugorju próbują głosić swoje idee.
Ø Prosimy, by w miejscach wokół kościoła i na wzgórzach nie korzystać z mikrofonów i głośników, by szanować ciszę w miejscach modlitwy, jak również by w czasie Mszy Świętych, które nie są w waszym języku nie przeszkadzać w liturgii, w której uczestniczą inne grupy pielgrzymów lub parafianie.

Ø No se permite celebrar la Santa Misa en pensiones, hoteles, montes o en cualquier otro lugar que no tenga el permiso del obispo local. El único lugar autorizado para recibir las intenciones para las Misas es la Oficina parroquial. La Adoración eucarística no está permitida fuera del recinto parroquial.
Ø Todos los actos litúrgicos, bendiciones y sacramentos deben administrarse en la parroquia poniéndose en contacto con el personal parroquial, y los sacerdotes que quieran confesar, y tengan el permiso correspondiente, lo pueden hacer únicamente en la parroquia o al lado de la misma.
Ø Os rogamos que no permitáis que ocasionales falsos religiosos y religiosas, sacerdotes sin debidas autorizaciones, así como laicos sin permiso, os impongan las manos y os den charlas, y mucho menos que pidan y acepten dinero para ello.
Ø Sin el conocimiento de la Oficina parroquial nadie debe recoger ningún tipo de donativos, ni organizar actos humanitarios de cualquier índole. Prestad atención a los grupos no católicos que en Medjugorje a veces aparecen difundiendo sus ideas.
Ø Os rogamos que en el recinto de la parroquia, tanto como en los montes, no uséis ni megáfonos ni altavoces, que durante las Misas que no se celebren en vuestro idioma, respetéis la liturgia y no molestéis a los peregrinos y parroquianos  que participan en ellas.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Our Interview with Fr. Donald Calloway -from Aquinas and More Catholic Goods

We recently had the opportunity to interview Fr. Donald Calloway M.I.C., well-known Marian priest, popular speaker and presenter, and author of the new book No Turning Back: A Witness to Mercy.
Our interview:
Father, our readers and customers know your name from your many books and talks, but can you give us some more information about your background?
I’m a convert to the Catholic faith. I was born in 1972 to non-Christian parents; my parents were not members of any religion. When my mother remarried I was adopted and baptized into the Episcopalian Church in southern Virginia. I was ten years old at the time. Unfortunately, we never went to church after that because the family really didn’t believe in God. Since my step-father was a military officer we began to move all around the country, and ended up in southern California. There I began to drink, do drugs and other immoral things at the early age of twelve. After that we moved to Japan. I didn’t want to move to Japan and eventually ran away at the age of fifteen. I caused an international incident and got deported from the country and had to enter into an institution back in the USA. During this time my mom and dad had a huge conversion to Catholicism, but I thought they were weird and wanted nothing to do with it. I started using very heavy drugs, dropped out of school, and was living on my own when I was 17 years old. I eventually had to go to another rehabilitation facility in Philadelphia and, unfortunately, that one did not work either. I ended up following the Grateful Dead around and got thrown in jail in Louisiana at age eighteen. Needless to say, I was not doing well in life. Yet, the God I didn’t know had a plan. At age twenty I hit ultimate rock bottom and one night in March 1992 I read a book about Marian apparitions that my parents had on their bookshelf and it radically changed my life. I ended up talking to a Catholic priest the next day and began my conversion to Catholicism. Things have never been the same since. All of this is recounted in great detail in my new book “No Turning Back: A Witness to Mercy.” After my conversion, believe it or not, I responded to the call to become a priest. I had to study for ten years, but it was worth it. Now I have been a priest for almost seven years, and travel the world telling people about Jesus, Mary, and the Catholic Church. You can check it all out on my website:
Our readers/customers are always interested in the process of writing a book. Can you tell us both about the process you went through to write “No Turning Back” and perhaps your other books?
I have four books available. They all take so much work. I kinda live in airports so airports have become my office. No Turning Back: A Witness to Mercy was about 6 years in the making. I wanted to do it right after my ordination, but got caught up in ministry and had to pace myself with putting it all together. At one point, I even put it on hold for about two years. My other books are: “Purest of All Lilies: The Virgin Mary in the Spirituality of St. Faustina”;“The Virgin Mary and Theology of the Body”; and “The Immaculate Conception in the Life of the Church.” All of these three books focus on some aspect of the Virgin Mary in the life of the Church. I love the Virgin Mary so much because she brought me to Jesus, and I want as many people as possible to know and love her. I have tons of more ideas for books about her, too.
Is your new book a biography or more of a spiritual memoir and why have you chosen to write your new book in this format?
It’s more of a spiritual memoir or autobiography. It’s not your ordinary Catholic book, let me tell you. I think this book is gonna rock souls for Jesus and Mary! It has a special appeal for young people because it is not a theology book or technical at all. It is written in a common, down-to-earth language that will really draw young people into the story. I would love for every young Catholic in the USA to get a copy. Also, there is a great message of hope in the book for parents who are struggling with rebellious teens or young adults. I was pretty much the worst of the worst, so if I can change, there is most certainly hope for others.
The message of Divine Mercy continues to have a profound impact on many people. In your opinion, what is the meaning behind this for our time?
Basically I believe that since our times are so messed up and confusing, God saved this message of Divine Mercy for us, here and now. God has always been merciful, but due to the craziness of the times in which we live, He saved this great message of his compassion and love for our times. Who can honestly say that they have not been affected by the culture of death in which we live? Even a chair that sits there collects dust! We are all wounded and in need of God’s redeeming love and mercy. The Divine Mercy message and devotion is the message for our times. Both Pope John Paul II and now Benedict XVI have told us this. Without God’s mercy we are lost and have no hope. So many people today think that they are beyond the reach of mercy due to their many and horrible sins. But this is simply not true. All a soul has to do is reach out for God’s unfathomable mercy and God will pour an ocean of mercy upon that soul and give such a peace to the person. All we have to do is trust in Jesus! He is mercy incarnate for us!
Can you tell us what role the Divine Mercy message has played in both your vocation to the priesthood and in your ministry as a Marian priest today?
I consider myself the ‘poster child’ for Divine Mercy! I’m so unworthy of God’s love, but because He is the Father of mercies I know that he loves me and is drawing me to himself. In a certain sense, I feel I have been bathed in mercy. And because of this I have been drawn to become an apostle of this mercy. What you have been given, freely give. So, as a Catholic priest, my role is to bring people into a relationship with the Father of mercies. No matter what I do as a priest: hear confessions, preach, conduct conferences, etc, I always seek to let people know that though their sins be like scarlet God is madly in love with them and wants their hearts. That’s what being a priest is all about. I want to bring souls to Jesus and Mary!
During Lent, this holy time of continuing conversion and repentance, our thoughts and prayers touch on themes of Divine Mercy. Please share with us some of your thoughts for Lent.
Lent is a time of going deeper with the Lord, seeking reconciliation with God and with others. Thus, the theme of Divine Mercy is a big one during Lent. For example, if you have been estranged from a particular relative for a period of time, why not reach out to them and extend a merciful invitation to start the relationship again. Oh, sure, maybe you were wronged in the past or an injustice was committed against you. Welcome to the fallen world! After all, we have turned from God so many times, and yet every single time we seek reconciliation with him, he takes us back with open arms. Thus, Lent can become a great time of ‘restored relationships.’ Mercy reaches out to the other, even when the other is not looking for it. Remember the prodigal son? Well, his father was longing for him to come back, waiting every single day for him to return. That is how God wants us to be towards our neighbor because that is how God is with us. Mercy, mercy, mercy. That is the message of Lent.
You are currently both the Vocation Director and the Director of the House of Studies for the Marians of the Immaculate Conception. Can you tell us how the Marians are spreading the message of Divine Mercy today? What effect has the Divine Mercy message had on Marian vocations?
My community, The Marians of the Immaculate Conception, are the official promoters of the Divine Mercy message and devotion. Our headquarters in the USA are in Stockbridge, Massachusetts where we operate The National Shrine of The Divine Mercy and the Marian Helpers Center. We spread the message of Divine Mercy more than any other group in the Church. Our website where we let people know about all our Divine Mercy materials and ministries In addition, the Divine Mercy has proven to be such a blessing for us, too! We are attracting so many men to join us that it is amazing! We currently have 27 seminarians and are accepting another 8 this summer! We are busting at the seams with vocations. As the Vocation Director for my community I am so in awe of what Jesus and Mary are doing. We need a generation of priests who are apostles of mercy, and they are just on the horizon! You can check out our community at:
You have experienced the unfathomable Mercy of God in your own life. We live in challenging times and many people are suffering in many ways. What message do you have for those in need of God’s mercy in their own lives, who might be reading this right now?
I would say to them: no matter what you have done or could do, God will forgive you. Trust me, I know. My new book recounts most of the filthy, disgusting, horrible things I did in my past, things that I will be forever ashamed of. Yet, I can tell you for certain that God is in love with you, and pants for your love. Turn to him with humility, go to confession, and experience the freedom of living in the mercy of our heavenly Father. There simply is nothing like it on earth. I just can’t tell you the joy and freedom I experience after having gone to confession; it is the best feeling in the world! And all I can say after it is: Thank you, Father. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
What are some concrete ways Catholics can live and spread the message of Divine Mercy in their own everyday lives?
One of the best ways I can think of for living a Divine Mercy spirituality is by starting, or becoming involved in, a Divine Mercy Cenacle. Dr. Bryan Thatcher founded the Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy (EADM) and works closely with my community in helping people to live a spirituality of mercy by having cenacles of prayer where people reflect upon the message of mercy and seek to do concrete works of mercy in their particular area. It is a beautiful way to become a vessel of mercy for our times. You can find out about this particular apostolate of my Marian community at:
Father Calloway, again, thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to participate in this interview with us and thank you for your ministry and your service to the Church!
You may browse all of Fr. Calloway’s book right here.
You may purchase Fr. Calloway’s DVD right here.
Learn more about the Divine Mercy Message and Devotion right here.

Something personal on lent and fasting habit(s) :-)

Praised be Jesus and Mary!
I have been so involved with this new website for our shop that I started thinking it would be great to give up internet over the period of Lent and then just use that as an excuse for job not done. Wouldn't work ...ha?

The whole point of lent is to renounce something you like the most for the glory of God, for love of God and Our Blessed Mother, who will, of course, prefer we fast from sin.

However in this mine, not such a long life, I have met people who are so willing to abstain from cigarettes, alcohol, food (including chocolates , ahhhh!) but will not stop gossiping, criticizing and constantly complaining about everything.
Do I have to mention that come Easter , they all go back to their old habits. But that is not what I wanted to write about. My mind is womens mind, and we go several tracks at one time LOL :-)

I remember when we were children of 14 years old (my brother and I) decided we will fast for the Lent. All 40 days. Our mother accepted that because we said it is a vow and vow must be respected.
I honestly do not remember the actual vow I made but I do remember that in that period of life I prayed hard to be a good person. I truly wanted to be good.

In those days we did not know that one who fasts can eat eggs and milk and all kind of things. It was unthinkable!
Digression again: Only latter, after I started working in our family shop, we had some Italian pilgrims coming up often and buying a lot of the dairy products and eggs on Fridays. We were astonished when they said it is for fasting! 

 Fasting is fasting, and with occasional treat in a form of a fish, we were to eat bread, fried potatoes, some "pita" and cooked vegetables... So no grease, no meet, no dairy product of any kind.
And if you think you'll loose weight .. no! sorry, it doesn't go that way. Fasting is not dieting and should not be ever placed in such a context.

On Sunday we were allowed to whatever we wanted. As Sunday is the biggest Feast Day of all one cannot fast on Sunday. Should I tell how it looked when after 7 days  we saw all that food on the table .. oh my,,,, I tell you what ... that stomach ache is not to be forgotten ....
We learned the lesson and then were more considered about our food on the next Sunday...

I was thinking to maybe start blogging about our Lents in family and maybe add a few recipes of the meals I cook on fasting days. It might help  you include your whole family into a fasting "esprit".

Would you be interested? Let me know ... God bless you all


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