1. Have you hugged your spouse today?
2. Call your spouse right now and say "I Love You".
3. Take out your wedding pictures tonight and share a memory with family and friends.
4. Show the family movies tonight to celebrate a marriage well done.
5. Bring a gift tonight to your spouse.
6. Fix his or her favorite meal tonight.
7. Share your love for each other with your children tonight.
8. Ask your spouse for a date tonight.
9. Tell each other how much your marriage means to you.
10. Your marriage relationship is the most intimate relationship possible on earth. Be proud of it and the joys and sacrifices that have made it strong.
11. Reach out - not long distance - and touch your spouse.
12. Share your love story with your children tonight.
1. A kiss from your spouse, when leaving the house, makes for a safe and more productive day.
2. Hug your spouse often. . . it helps to relieve stress.
3. Communicating the positive in your heart will increase the happiness in your life.
4. The world's most expressive four letter word is still "love".
5. Love wasn't put in you heart to stay. Love isn't love till you give it away!

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