In our Medjugorje church we also honor Our Lady of Lourds which is inside of the church. Of course for the well known reasons the image of Our Lady of Medjugorje is not presented trough that statue but rather trough that one in Tihaljina and later the painting made by Carmelo Puzzolo held in Yellow Building.
Did you know that in Croatia we have a "replica" of the Lourds ? It is one of our favorite "breaks" on the way to Split airport.It is called Vepric. My French pilgrims call it (Petite Lourdes)
Vepric, a Croatian sanctuary dedicated to Our Lady of Lourdes was founded in 1908 by Bishop dr. Juraj Caric (1867 - 1921), who himself was burried on the premises of the sanctuary.

The natural cave as well as the surrounding landscape formed by hills and the creek running in the valley, greatly reminds pilgrims of the famous sanctuary of Lourdes in France, where Our Lady appeared 18 times ot Bernadette Soubirous in 1858.
On the sanctuary, a chapel and a sacristy with an outside altar, as well as well as several confessionnals, a Way of the Cross, a house for retreats and paths for processions have already been constructed. A new house is curently being built for the purposes of the sanctuary.
Because of its natural beauty and its peacuful surroundings, this sanctuary is visited by a great number of pilgrims, throught the year. Te most important dates for pilgrimages are: February 11th, March 25th, August 15th, September 7-8th
Did you know that in Croatia we have a "replica" of the Lourds ? It is one of our favorite "breaks" on the way to Split airport.It is called Vepric. My French pilgrims call it (Petite Lourdes)
Vepric, a Croatian sanctuary dedicated to Our Lady of Lourdes was founded in 1908 by Bishop dr. Juraj Caric (1867 - 1921), who himself was burried on the premises of the sanctuary.

The natural cave as well as the surrounding landscape formed by hills and the creek running in the valley, greatly reminds pilgrims of the famous sanctuary of Lourdes in France, where Our Lady appeared 18 times ot Bernadette Soubirous in 1858.
On the sanctuary, a chapel and a sacristy with an outside altar, as well as well as several confessionnals, a Way of the Cross, a house for retreats and paths for processions have already been constructed. A new house is curently being built for the purposes of the sanctuary.
Because of its natural beauty and its peacuful surroundings, this sanctuary is visited by a great number of pilgrims, throught the year. Te most important dates for pilgrimages are: February 11th, March 25th, August 15th, September 7-8th
An article about Medjugorje
Dear Dan, my knowledge of Romanian is very limited. I do understand much better when it is is spoken then written... However I am leaving the link here:-) God bless