Messaggio dato dalla Madonna a Mirjana (Una dei veggenti di Medjugorje) il 2 febbraio 2010:
Cari figli, con amore materno oggi vi invito ad essere un faro per tutte le anime che vagano nella tenebra della non conoscenza dell’amore di Dio. Per poter illuminare più fortemente possibile ed attirare quante più anime possibili, non permettete che le falsità che escono dalle vostre bocche facciano tacere la vostra coscienza. Siate perfetti! Io vi guido con mano materna, con mano d’amore. Vi ringrazio. "
Dear children, with maternal love today I invite you to be a lighthouse for all souls who wander in the darkness of ignorance of God's love. To be able to illuminate the strongly as possible and attract as many souls as possible, do not let the lies that come out from your mouth silence your conscience. Be perfect! I lead you with mother's hand, with hands of love. Thank you.Translation from Italian by Anita Pehar
UPDATE: I still have not received the original Croatian version of the message so I have nothing to compare with Italian version. However, here is another translation I got in my mail but I do not have the name of the translator/s .
Dear children, with motherly love, today I call you to be a lighthouse to all souls who wander in the darkness of ignorance of God’s love. That you may shine all the brighter and draw all the more souls, do not permit the untruths which come out of your mouth to silence your conscience. Be perfect. I am leading you with my motherly hand – a hand of love. Thank you
And for translating from one foreign language to another ... should not be done (this is professional speaking in me)... God bless you all!